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Είχε μπει παλιότερα σε bundle (και με 1+3 δώρο αν δεν απατώμαι). Ενδέχεται να έχουν μείνει κλειδιά για ανταλλαγή με 1-2 TF2 keys.

που βρίσκω αυτά τα team fortress keys?

αν έχει κανείς insurgery key μπορώ να το ανταλάξω με το pay day 2

Έγινε επεξεργασία από haris013
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Χμμ, από ό,τι είδα, μάλλον έχουν λήξει τα κλειδιά εκείνου του bundle. TF2 keys ή CS:GO keys από το Steam Market, αν τα χρειαστείς τελικά.

οπα ωραίο το όλο σύστημα, πως δεν το είχα πάρει χαμπάρι ποιο νωρίς? ευχαριστώ ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Highlight from our livestream with level designers Jeroen "Xanthi" Van Werkhoven and Zach "cincinnati" Snyder.

Zach captures Alpha on Tell, a map which he created for the Razer and Gamebanana Insurgency Map Contest.


Tell as well as Station will be made official and included in Insurgency's next update.

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Update March 25th, 2015 Changelist

  • New PVP maps:
    • Tell (Push, Ambush, Strike, Occupy)
    • Station and Station Night (Push, Firefight, Ambush, Strike, Occupy)
  • New Coop maps:
    • Tell (Checkpoint)
    • Station (Hunt)
  • New Insurgent Gurkha knife
  • Updated Coop maps:
    • Peak (Hunt)
    • Heights (Hunt)
    • Market (Hunt, Checkpoint)
    • Revolt (Hunt)
  • Added support for Soft Particles (option to enable or disable in Video Settings).
    This effect improves the volumetric look of various kinds of particles including dust and smoke using a technique called depth feathering.
  • Matchmaking preferences are now saved from your last session.
Stability Fixes
  • Fixed some thread safety issues with the main menu HTML that was causing some rare startup crashes.
  • Fixed an animation-related Linux dedicated server crash.
  • Fixed a Linux dedicated server crash related to AI nav area checks in Coop.
  • Re-enabled render batching to improve stability on Revolt.
  • Scope parallax effect has been adjusted so its quicker and never obstructs the center of crosshairs.
  • New sprint and crawl animations for pistols and grenades.
  • New knife animations.
  • In Push and Strike, each team will have access to different classes depending on if they are attacking or defending.
  • In Strike, both teams will know where the cache is located at the start of the round.
  • In Hunt, enemies are now more responsive to a cache being blown up, and hunt players at the end more consistently.
  • The matchmaking process will now ignore servers you have on your server browser blacklist.
  • Improved overview art for District, Market, Ministry, Revolt, Siege, and Uprising
  • Separate crosshair texture for Mosin 7x.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed being able to skip the bolt sequence on a sniper rifle by hitting reload and quickly switching weapons.
  • Fixed 7x Scope not being visible on the SKS world model.
  • Fixed M40 crosshair rendering in front of lens.
  • Fixed restricted area at SEC spawn on Market skirmish.
  • Fixed Invisible wall in Sinjar and small displacement seam.
  • Fixed issue preventing direct impact damage from grenades from working.







Έγινε επεξεργασία από wolves
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  • 3 weeks later...

Patch June 3rd, 2015


Patch June 3rd, 2015 Changelist 

Exploit Fix
  • Fixed exploit using cl_showtracerdistances.
  • Deaths caused by headshots or high-damage explosives will now fade the screen instantly. 
  • Squad leader call-outs and enemy spotted markers are now displayed on the tactical map. 
  • New weapon collision animations when in iron sights. 
  • Added the 1x Red Dot to the AK-74, AKM, AKS-74u, FAL, Mosin, RPK, SKS and TOZ in coop. 
  • Added the Kobra sight to the M249 and M4A1 in coop.
Gameplay Improvements
  • Weapon sway pattern no longer shakes violently by going in and out of aim focus or during other rapid sway speed changes. 
  • Weapon sway is now a little smoother when applying small amounts of sway. 
  • Improvements made to AI vision. 
  • In modes with objective discovery (eg. Hunt), letters are given for objectives in the floating HUD without having to look at them directly. 
  • Player collision for crouching is now kept consistent regardless of whether the player is aiming down the sights or not. This prevents issues where the player gets stuck using their weapon sights while crouched. 
  • Disabled weapon collision system on the melee weapons.
  • Minor shadow rendering improvements which should lead to a small improvement in rendering speeds.
Stability Fixes
  • Reverted some of the sound mixing code to match previous versions of Source in order to reduce the number of DSP crashes with surround sound. 
  • Fixed common bullet-related crash when a gib from a breakable prop was shot.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed being unable to vote kick a player that has not spawned yet. 
  • The correct world model is now shown for the 1x Red Dot. 
  • Events: Fixed incorrect explosive ID in grenade_thrown, fixed grenade_explode not triggering for C4 and added damagebits to player_hurt. 
  • Fixed soft particle settings not being saved.
Animation Updates
  • New first person animations for the RPG, AT4, RPK, M590 and TOZ. 
  • Modified some animations on the M16, M4A1 and MK18. 
  • Shotgun specific lasers, flashlights and suppressors have been re-scaled to better suit the new animations. 
  • New and improved third person animations for the knife. 
  • Arm meshes now properly deform at the fingers as well as the elbows. Sleeves have been added to the upper arm of the light security arms as well as the light insurgent arms, security version are tanned. 
  • VIP arms now have black upper armed sleeves.
Map updates
  • Buhriz:
    • Fixed visible nodraw faces.
  • District:
    • Restricted access to tops of market stalls. 
    • Restricted access to debris in corridor outside of firefight Alpha that allowed proning. 
    • Lowered capture zone in firefight Charlie that allowed capture from the rebar in the hole above. 
    • Restricted access to tops of several doorframes. 
    • Fixed exploitable fade distance on dumpster.
  • Heights:
    • Restricted access to several window ledges and rooftops. 
    • Reworked collision on some doorframe props (applicable to several maps). 
    • Fixed clipping on hanging tarp (potential exploit). 
    • Fixed clipping on wooden bridge in security firefight spawn. 
    • Opened exit from security firefight spawn slightly. 
    • Fixed traversability of several props. 
    • Addressed issue with leaning through certain geometry. 
    • Terrain smoothing in places to improve movement.
  • Market:
    • Fixed access to an exploitable room above a stairway. 
    • Fixed displacement seam at objective C firefight. 
    • Adjusted the room of C firefight to make it less camper friendly.
  • Ministry:
    • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck on the curbs in the garage. 
    • Potential fix for elevator glitch. 
    • Fixed a few plants offset from the planters. 
    • Smoothed out stair railings.
  • Panj:
    • Moved sec main bunker to the building with the stairs. 
    • Fixed a bunch of exploits throughout the map.
  • Peak:
    • Updated center area. 
    • Fixed a few small issues throughout the map.
  • Revolt:
    • Fixed a rock collision issue at SEC spawn.
  • Station:
    • Players can no longer prone in the river. 
    • Fixed a bunch of small issues reported by the community.
  • Uprising:
    • Improved player movement on scaffolding. 
    • Increased brightness of global lighting a bit. 
    • Reduced sun glow, to avoid players from getting blinded. 
    • Optimized several areas of the map a bit more.
  • Verticality:
    • Added elevated walkway between two buildings near INS spawn. 
    • Fixed several issues throughout the map.
  • Added “sv_thirdperson_allowed” console variable so that mods/servers may allow thirdperson without enabling cheats.
    • Setting this cvar to 1 will allow third person to work without allowing players to run thirdperson/thirdpersonshoulder commands directly. 
    • Setting this to 2 will allow players to use thirdperson/thirdpersonshoulder commands with a “_tpa” suffix.
  • Certain camera control ConVars have been made server executable. 
  • ins_bots_knives_only is no longer marked as a cheat. 
  • host_timescale is no longer marked as a cheat. 
  • Servers using slot reservation plugins can now temporarily block their servers from matchmaking by adding a mm:ignore tag. 
  • Exposed some experimental features to the theater system:
    • “SprintSpeedFactorByStamina” under the player stamina block will allow you to apply a sprint speed multiplier depending on the players’ stamina. 
    • “sway_viewmodel_ads_ratio” under a weapon’s sway block will allow you to apply a multiplier of weapon sway to a weapon’s view model when aiming down sights. 
    • Weapons can enable freeaim when aiming down sights by specifying “freeaim_ads” in the freeaim block. It can be tweaked with the “freeaim_distance_ads” and “freeaim_screenratio_ads” variables.
  • Increased the maximum amount of weapons to 128 and the amount of explosive types to 64. 
  • Added gear slots “head”, “misc1” and “misc2”. 
  • Added support for func_elevator entity from Left 4 Dead that allows for clientside predicted elevators. 
  • Added prop_vehicle support. 
  • Added entry for filter_activator_team entity to FGD. 
  • Improved support for mods based on Insurgency by allowing the “-game” parameter to be modified on dedicated servers. 
  • Grids for map overviews are now drawn by the game rather than being baked onto a texture. The grid divisions can be overridden by defining “grid_divisions <number>” and the lines can be set to a darker color by adding “grid_dark 1”.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Update June 12th, 2015 Changelist



New Content
  • New Playlists
    • Sustained Combat - Many reinforcements, for epic combat
    • Tactical Operations - Reinforce by objective, or only one-life, for high tension
    • Elite Coop - More realistic and tactical load outs
    • Hardcore Coop - More weapons and supply
  • New Map: Tell (Night)
  • New Coop Mode: Outpost
    • Defend your team’s weapon cache against increasingly intense waves of enemies.
    • Added for Market, Verticality, Sinjar, Peak, Heights and Panj.
  • New Sustained Combat Mode: Strike
    • Three weapon caches which all must be protected or destroyed.
    • Added for Market, District, Verticality, Heights and Panj.
  • New Tactical Operation Mode: Elimination
    • One of the two weapon caches must be destroyed.
    • Added for Market, District, Verticality, Contact, Heights, Panj, Peak, Verticality, Revolt, Sinjar, Station and Tell.
  • New playlist system allowing custom playlists to be created, shared and loaded automatically into the game’s matchmaking system.
  • Mode-specific dedicated server configs will no longer be overwritten with each update. The default settings for a mode are now placed in default_server_<mode>.cfg. If a server_<mode>.cfg exists, that is loaded instead.

Gameplay Improvements
  • Added scoring for kill assists and for each 10% contributed to an objective capture or reset.
  • Added objective point to defenders when capture progress is reset to 0% from 50% or more.
  • Disabled free-aim on all grenades.
  • Reduced sway penalties for suppression and low stamina.
  • RPK recoil increased slightly.
  • Improved consistency in deploy heights for bipods.
  • Removed FOV change from LMG bipods.
  • SKS position has been lowered to prevent the 7x Scope clipping into the first person camera.
  • Grenades and Molotovs are now aimable using the left hand.
    • The index finger points to just above center, allowing you to better judge where your grenades will go.

  • Reduced the networking overhead of each player.

Bug Fixes
  • Restored firing position and direction on M203 and GP-25.
  • Fixed bullets colliding with walls when you have your back to them.
  • Fixed spotting through foliage props.
  • Fixed bots seeing through foliage props.
  • Soft particle settings are loaded from video.txt now.
  • Fixed exploit that allowed clients to see sound names through geometry.
  • Fixed collision meshes on the FAL, L1A1 and AK74 world models.

Animation Updates
  • New first person animations for the M249 SAW.
    • Reloads have been made longer to help with balance.
  • New Draw/Holster animations for all primary weapons.
  • New Iron fire & Ready animations for the M40A1 and Mosin Nagant.
  • Increased the swing of the 3rd person knife attack.
  • Fixed a bug with the 3rd person rifle walk.
  • Reduced the backwards recoil of the SKS and AKS74u iron fire animations to prevent large sights clipping with the camera.
  • M14 EBR bolt locks back on empty.
  • Minor touch ups and bug fixes to various other animations.

Map Updates
  • Buhriz
    • Tweaked restricted zones a tad to avoid potential issues in the future.
  • District
    • Clipped railings in all stairwells to smooth out player movement.
    • Clipped wooden market stalls throughout the map to avoid players from getting stuck between them.
  • Heights
    • Reduced sun glow on day version to avoid players from getting blinded.
    • Removed invisible wall at the back of Firefight A building.
    • Fixed an issue where a player could clip through a wall near C Firefight.
    • Fixed several small issues throughout the map.
  • Market
    • Optimized several areas of the map to improve overall performance.
    • Added more cover around Security spawn.
    • Several gameplay adjustments at C firefight.
    • Fixed an invisible wall on the beach building at Security spawn.
  • Ministry
    • Fixed an issue where the player could get stuck behind some pallets.
    • Fixed player able to get stuck in the collapsed road at the front of Ministry.
    • Removed floating ammo box at the end of the parking in Checkpoint.
  • Peak
    • Fixed player clipping through middle structure when using iron sights.
    • Fixed a bunch of displacement seams around the center of the map.
  • Station
    • Adjusted a rock below the bridge to avoid players from getting stuck on it.
    • Removed a metal sheet near the end of river.
    • Fixed an overlapping displacement at Push C building.
    • Fixed several exploits throughout the map.
    • Additional clipping pass to smooth out player movement a bit more.
    • Fixed several small issues throughout the map.
  • Tell
    • Moved insurgent spawns back for Push objectives A and C.
    • Altered restricted zones for Push objective A which will curtail insurgent advancement.
    • Various implementations to alleviate some unfair spawn camping out of Security Push A spawn.
    • Opened up top of Push A building to allow projectiles to be thrown/shot from the approach to the objective.
    • Alteration of terrain and cover up to and around Push objective A for balance.
    • Added a route to Push objective B to mitigate chokepoint on right flank.
    • Removed a redundant route between Push objectives B and C.
    • Replaced a window en route to Push objective C with a door.
    • Increased cover on approach to Push objective C
    • Adjusted bounds of and increased cover and area within Push objective C.
    • Fixed an exploit where players could leave the playable area.
    • Fixed several smaller exploits and graphical issues throughout the level.
    • Aesthetic improvements throughout.

  • New playlist system allows users to create a total conversion with custom maps, content and theater scripts.
  • Added support for melee weapons that can consume ammo.
  • Added support for Firefight maps with an even number of objectives. This removes the middle neutral objective.
  • Sway speed for stamina and suppression can now be adjusted in the theater.
  • All primary weapons are now able to use any optic or scope.
  • Missing sight deltas have been created to accompany these. SEC weapons are able use the M40 Scope, INS weapons are able to use the Mosin Scope plus various other sights.
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  • 1 month later...

Update July 26th, 2015 Changelist


UPDATE: We've just released a small hotfix that fixes sv_downloadurl, hollow heads in the competitive theater, M249 deploy height, and AKM being incorrectly referred to as a "battle rifle" in the kit menu. 

We are releasing an update to the game that adds a new VOIP radio filter, changes to Hardcore and Elite Coop playlists, new animations, gameplay tweaks, bug fixes, and more. Full changelist can be found below. 

Because of an issue on Steam's end, there are some complications for setting up your server with Workshop content. Please consult this guide when rehosting your server with Workshop content. 

Update July 26th, 2015 Changelist 

  • Added a radio filter for ingame VOIP, which can be toggled on and off in Audio Options. 
  • Added option to disable HTML MOTDs in game settings, this prevents auto-playing video and audio MOTDs.

Map Changes
  • Heights & Station - Fixed the water causing issues with grenades and molotovs. 
  • Market (Checkpoint) - Added cover at first spawn and some adjusted spawns. 
  • Tell (Checkpoint) - Clipped problem area and adjusted several spawns. 
  • Peak - Fixed an invisible wall in the center area. 
  • Verticality - Enabled collisions for all jug props and removed the ones that would block the player. 
  • Uprising - Fixed a few potential exploits and other minor bugs. 
  • Station - Fixed an invisible wall. 
  • Buhriz - Fixed minor graphical issues. 
  • Sinjar - Fixed roof exploits and other minor bugs. 
  • Market - Fixed player not able to block B Firefight when backing into the doorway. 
  • Siege bug fixes:
    • Fixed Security able to access D Push before previous points are captured. 
    • Fixed a small hole in the restricted area at the exit of INS Spawn. 
    • Moved cache D Push a tad to protect it more from AT4 distance shots.

Gameplay Changes
  • In Hardcore Coop, Insurgent opponents are armed with paramilitary equipment, including heavy armor, AK74 with AP rounds, and incendiary grenades. 
  • In Elite Coop, Insurgent opponents are armed with less sophisticated equipment, including AKM, Mosin rifles, MP40’s, and molotov cocktails. 
  • Made tweaks to Outpost mode:
    • Cache health now resets on wave start. 
    • Implemented VO for AI damaging the cache.
  • Reduced cost of Hollow Point ammunition by two supply. 
  • You can now hear other players reload and crawl. 
  • Grenade projectiles now deal direct impact damage if they come in contact with an enemy. 
  • Reduced the bounciness of grenades. 
  • Increased holster animation speed for all primary weapons except the M249, RPK, RPG and AT4. 
  • Changed baseball slide animation to a slide on the knees. 
  • Added the ability to lean with the RPG, AT4 and Knives. 
  • You can now pick up a weapon from the ground if you are carrying the same type of weapon (eg. swapping an AKM for another AKM). 
  • Added audio fade out during the death to spectator transition. 
  • Leaning to the left while standing no longer exposes your leg so much and your character's head is at the same level as your view in first person. 
  • Sliding now keeps you crouched if you used the toggle crouch key. 
  • The size of the weapon is now kept consistent regardless of cl_ads_fov_scale setting.

Visual Improvements
  • New first person ready animations for the M16, M4A1 and MK18. 
  • C79 optic is more aligned with the center of your screen on the M16/M4 and M14. 
  • 7x Scope has been centered and moved closer to the screen on the M14. 
  • M249 handle no longer moves during animations. 
  • Laser and flashlight attachment on the M4 now mounts on the side instead of underneath so there are no clipping issues with the M203. 
  • New third person reload, sprinting, crawling, leaning and firing animations. 
  • World model of the M249 has moving parts during the reloads. 
  • Bipods now deploy on world models. 
  • The Security team’s holstered primaries hang in front of their character, simulating a three-point sling, while longer weapons hang over their shoulder, such as the FAL, L1A1, M14, M40, Mosin, SKS & RPK. 
  • Insurgent team’s primary weapons holster on the left shoulder, or on their back when not wearing a backpack. 
  • Both teams holster the RPG and AT4 on the right shoulder. 
  • Added helmets to most Security team classes in coop. 
  • Added helmets to most Insurgents in Hardcore Coop playlist.

UX Improvements
  • Updated Ukrainian and Polish translations (thanks to [uA] Nick919 and Kamil Stankiewicz)
  • Fixed scrolling on Workshop subscriptions list in-game.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed various achievements not properly being triggered. 
  • Fixed weapon world model collisions. 
  • Weapons are no longer dropped in spawn zones. This was being abused by players suiciding at the start of the round to give their teammates weapons. 
  • Fixed exploit used to see through walls with the knife. 
  • Fixed bots flashbang responses not triggering properly. 
  • Fixed bots in Occupy. 
  • Changed Outpost HQ voice over at game start. 
  • Fixed an exploit where using the knife could allow you to penetrate walls. 
  • Fixed explosion crash for users in 5.1/7.1. 
  • Fixed directional audio for proximity squad voices. 
  • Local DSP effects are now correctly applied to proximity squad voice. 
  • Fixed smoke grenades not always blocking line of sight for AI. 
  • Fixed multiple engine exploits (thanks to Nathaniel Theis). 
  • Fixed AI rarely talking in cooperative games. 
  • Fixed an orientation issue with the M249 muzzle flash. A dirt particle associated with it would be shooting up in the air instead of forward. It was also affecting tracer round effects.

  • Switched over to the ISteamUGC API for managing Workshop content. This allows for addons of any file size and uploaders are no longer bound by a quota. 
  • Uploading a map to Workshop no longer modifies the map file. The upload process will still automatically find overviews, loading background and map voting image but will no longer embed them in the BSP. 
  • Unified the uploader for VPK addons and maps. 
  • Added “Playlist” category to in-game uploader. 
  • Theater scripts now load several of the sound scripts rather than having it in the game_sounds_manifest.txt, this allows theater mods to easily override most of the in-game audio. 
  • M4 and M16 carry handle model are no longer shared between both weapons. M4 uses the “a_carryhandle_m4” model & the M16 uses the “a_carryhandle_m16” model. They also use their own diffuse textures respectively. 
  • Added 3rd person model attachment system that can be used to add bonemerged model to a player model. This can also be used to create fallbacks when a gear item is not equipped (“fallback_for_slot”). 
  • New attachment points have been created on player models to determine where they are placed when holstered. 
  • Added several input and output events to the ins_rulesproxy entity. 
  • Added Start Breakable flag to prop_door_rotating. This allows for L4D2/CSGO style destructible doors.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Το εχω κι εγω εδω και καμποσο καιρο αλλά δεν εχω προλαβει να "λιωσω"...


Ελεγα για το BF, αλλά εχει κι εδω κατι "παλικαρια" :suicide::hehe:

Έγινε επεξεργασία από Lazy Dog
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