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Blur και Gamepads ?


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Παίδες σε ένα πρόσφατα στημένο HTPC έχω περάσει το blur .

Στο HTPC έχω συνδεδεμένα 2 X SPEEDLINK STRIKE FX τα οποίο προσπαθώ να τα λειτουργήσω στο παιχνίδι .



Ξέρει κανείς κάτι για το σετάρισμα ?

Προσπάθησα μέσω X360CE να τα κάνω να δουλέψουν και μερικώς το κατάφερα ... Αυτό που δεν λέει να δουλέψει με τίποτα είναι το σκάζι ... :fist:

Oι ρυθμίσεις στο ini είναι οι


UseInitBeep=1 #use 0 to 1; default 1; beep on init

Log=0 #use 0 to 1; creates a log file in folder 'x360ce logs'

FakeAPI=0 #use API patching


Index=-1 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad

Native=0 #experimental native mode, calls system xinput1_3.dll to support xinput compatible controller together with emulated

VID=0x0 #controller VID

PID=0x0 #controller PID

Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable

D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable

A=2 #button id; 0 to disable

B=3 #button id; 0 to disable

X=1 #button id; 0 to disable

Y=4 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Shoulder=5 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Shoulder=6 #button id; 0 to disable

Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable

Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Thumb=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Thumb=0 #button id; 0 to disable

TriggerDeadzone=5 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger

Left Trigger=a-4 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;

Right Trigger=a-5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;

UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0

SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0

ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100


AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS

AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS

AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS

POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down

POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right


Index=-1 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad

Native=0 #experimental native mode, calls system xinput1_3.dll to support xinput compatible controller together with emulated

VID=0x0 #controller VID

PID=0x0 #controller PID

Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable

D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable

A=2 #button id; 0 to disable

B=3 #button id; 0 to disable

X=1 #button id; 0 to disable

Y=4 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Shoulder=7 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Shoulder=8 #button id; 0 to disable

Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable

Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Thumb=11 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Thumb=12 #button id; 0 to disable

TriggerDeadzone=5 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger

Left Trigger=a-4 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;

Right Trigger=a-5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;

UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0

SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0

ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100


AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS

AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS

AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS

POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down

POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right


Index=0 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad

Native=0 #experimental native mode, calls system xinput1_3.dll to support xinput compatible controller together with emulated

VID=0x0 #controller VID

PID=0x0 #controller PID

Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable

D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable

A=3 #button id; 0 to disable

B=2 #button id; 0 to disable

X=4 #button id; 0 to disable

Y=1 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Shoulder=7 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Shoulder=8 #button id; 0 to disable

Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable

Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Thumb=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Thumb=0 #button id; 0 to disable

TriggerDeadzone=5 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger

Left Trigger=5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;

Right Trigger=6 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;

UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0

SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0

ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100


AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS

AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS

AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS

POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down

POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right


Index=1 #controller index in system game controllers list; 0 is first; -1 to ignore this pad

Native=0 #experimental native mode, calls system xinput1_3.dll to support xinput compatible controller together with emulated

VID=0x0 #controller VID

PID=0x0 #controller PID

Left Analog X=1 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Left Analog Y=-2 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Right Analog X=3 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Right Analog Y=-6 #axis index; use - to invert; precede with 's' for a slider eg; s-1; 7 to disable

Left Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog X+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog X- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog Y+ Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Analog Y- Button=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad POV=1 #POV index; 0 to disable

D-pad Up=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Down=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Left=0 #button id; 0 to disable

D-pad Right=0 #button id; 0 to disable

A=2 #button id; 0 to disable

B=3 #button id; 0 to disable

X=1 #button id; 0 to disable

Y=4 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Shoulder=5 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Shoulder=6 #button id; 0 to disable

Back=9 #button id; 0 to disable

Start=10 #button id; 0 to disable

Left Thumb=11 #button id; 0 to disable

Right Thumb=12 #button id; 0 to disable

TriggerDeadzone=5 #use 0 to 255; default 0; add deadzone to trigger

Left Trigger=a-4 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;

Right Trigger=a-5 #button id; precede with 'a' for an axis; 's' for a slider; 'x' for a half range axis; 'h' for half slider; use '-' to invert ie. x-2;

UseForceFeedback=1 #use 0 to 1; default 0

SwapMotor=0 #use 0 to 1; default 0

ForcePercent=100 #use 0 to 100; default 100


AxisToDPad=0 #Use Axis to control DPad (0 disabled, 1 enabled) //WILDS

AxisToDPadDeadZone=256 #Dead zone for Axis //WILDS

AxisToDPadOffset=0 # //WILDS

POVXReverse=0 #Reverse POV Up/Down

POVYReverse=0 #Reverse POV Left/Right


This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies.

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