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Assetto Corsa


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Τι κορυφαίο trailer, το είδα καμιά 10 φορές με σηκωμένη την τρίχα (και όχι μόνο).  Εκτιμώ πως θα σαρώσει.


Αυτές τις ημέρες κάνω κάτι που δεν θυμάμαι να έχω ξανακάνει : μπαίνω στον server με Japanese pack στην Nordschleife, κλείνω τα πάντα από apps, ctrl+L για ονόματα off, F9 , όλα off δλδ και απλά οδηγώ χωρίς χρόνο αλλά με κωλίδια κτλ . Απόλαυση ρε φίλε. Πάντα αναρωτιόμουν γιατί είναι πάντα γεμάτοι αυτοί οι servers. Τώρα ξέρω.

Κανένα άλλο παιχνίδι δεν δίνει τόσο πειστικά ένα track day εκεί.


Έγινε επεξεργασία από liakjim
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Marco Massarutto



Some thoughs and answers to assumptions and theories I read on forums about the launch of Assetto Corsa on console, the future of AC, the neverending question "will Kunos turn it in an simcadish on PS4/X1 to sell more?", or -even better- "will Kunos turn the PC version in a simcadish to please a wider audience?"


Usually I don't get bored to read hundreds (thousands?) of times the same questions people ask me, since I understand that everyday lot of people hear about Assetto Corsa for the first time. But when the same people ask the same questions or they underline the same points, sometime can be boring. Even because, no one needs to believe us. Just see and evaluate by yourself what there is out there.


Assetto Corsa console -> will be a simplified/simcade version of AC?

Since last January, on the internet there are a lot of "hands on" and previews of the console version, always played using a steering wheel. We showed it during the European tour, during the Vallelunga event last May, and the conclusions of the players/journalists have been always "it feels like the pc version".

Another clue: what is the most known and appreciated characteristic of Assetto Corsa? Its car handling, and driving feeling.

Which is the best reason why console gamers may decide to play Assetto Corsa, rather than Forza, or Gran Turismo? The number of cars? The graphics? I would say the fidelity of the simulation, the unique handling, the laserscanned tracks, the depth that a PC simulation can perform.

If we subtract these factors, Assetto Corsa can't compete with these titles, because it couldn't offer nothing more these titles (created by talented people) feature at their best since years.


The most annoying question: now that AC console is ready for release, is going Kunos to make the PC version of AC more arcadish?
The console version of Assetto Corsa has been announced in mid 2015, the team started to work on it in late 2014. Since then, the PC version has been constantly improved, updated, expanded, with 7 major builds, several new tyre models (now we are at version 10 - TEN) adding features asked from SIMracers, and now we are going to release the 1.8 version on August 26th.

The popularity of AC on PC is at the maximum level, it's often in the Top chartz on Steam, people love it and enjoy it everyday, and they support us each time we release new features and content. Please give me a logical reason why we should change this, after 18 months of HUGE development brought ahead on PC after the 1.0 release. Simply, there is no reason why we should do this.


So, keep calm, don't worry. The only way we can change the soul of our most successful creation is to make it even stronger.


Ah. The picture? Just an excuse to capture your attention.. :p
And yes: it's a non-exclusive Porsche 911 RSR 3.0 1974...


And you know why Assetto Corsa will feature officially licensed Porsche cars? Because Porsche has choosen Assetto Corsa for its simulators, due to the quality of the overall package: graphics-physics-care of details-handling -track accuracy. So, there's no way for us to change our DNA.




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Δεν το έχω δοκιμάσει. Να είναι καλό mod οκ να το πιστέψω, καλύτερο από Kunos , θέλει λίγο προσπάθεια.

Προσωπικά , από όλα τα mods, μόνο 2 τα θεωρώ αντάξια και στο ίδιο επίπεδο.

Το Mazda 787 και το ferrari f1 2002.

Στάλθηκε από το m2 note μου χρησιμοποιώντας Tapatalk

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