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Θα τρεξει κανενας στο ACRL,εγω λεω να παω με το NISMO.

Με το ABS τι παιζει τωρα,σε τι επιπεδο να το βαλω;

Εγώ λέω να πάρεις το nismo και να γυρίσεις σπίτι σου (thelab) δεν έχεις ακούσει που λένε παπούτσι από τον τόπο σου κι ας είναι μπαλωμένο?

Εγώ πάντως δεν θυμάμαι τίποτα απο τότε με το 312t :-P :-D

δω μαζευεστε πολυ αργα,νομιζω οτι προλαβαινω κανονικα να τρεξω και στα δυο,αλλα αυτη την κυριακη δεν μπορω μετα τις 9,30-10.

Ενημερωτικά αναφέρω για όσους θέλουν να προβούν σε αγορές μέσω paypal ότι μόλις μετέφερα 200 Euro στο paypal balance με το request money και διαθέσιμα μετά την προμήθεια είναι τα 192,85 Euro.

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- Not much to show because some things are not ready to take on stream
- Work on AI mostly this week and the new tire model for 1.3 (ini version 5)
- AI performance and the tire model are heavy interconnected and influence each other.
- Try to make gas pedal more smooth, because AI was too aggressive with it.
It causes slipping on cars like (Exos, Cobra and so on) that have a huge amount of power
and the AI can't handle it very good (slow AI reaction)
- The new tire model have to be made rock solid first to make further AI decisions
- Is not a complete "new" tire model. Its more an enhancement, especially for heavy load aero forces cars (load sensitivity).
- Also some work (enhancements) on tiretemp+grip interaction
- Barcelona has a cool new feature regarding cameras fencing spectators. Spectators should look to be more now.
- Wired stuttering on his new Monitor.
- Stefano showed us his racing skills on 16 Grid GT Ferraris, Barcelona, laptime (avg) ~ 1:53:xxx
-- He qualified and started last in grid
-- He finished race as 13th
-- He shared some racing theories while driving
- Comment about AI looks more "composed" in the way they drive now, but maybe its just the allmighty "Placebo Defect"

- Started Q n'A
- No Helicam planed atm, because trees looks not good from above.
- GT Cars probably slower with new tiremodel.
- No telemetry in replays, because of saving replay size, like other information.
- Single player pit stops in 1.3 is very very difficult to make it happen for 1.3, maybe has to wait for 1.4.
- Information about Ai Cars laptimes probably released
- 2 Layouts for Barcelona, GP and MotoGP
- Q:Rain? A: (Rolling eyes and headshakin) "Hurh, oh come on, you cant ask me about rain, no, my god"
(Personal comment: I think ppl. are beginning to ask this every Episode, just because its a running gag now and love his mimic when confronting (LOL). And indeed, I loved his reaction, muhaha. It only can be gained by asking about "Night" or even better by using both words in one sentence.... old, but still great.
- He has no idea what Ferrari Kimi was playing, maybe 138?
(Personal comment: See Twitter if you dont know whats it is about. Personally I'm still thinking that AI will substitute humans racing sometime in the future, less deaths and no savety rules, ppl. will love it, but who knows. Still a profitable and interesting sector maybe not for racing but for civil)
- Fixed Setups are coming and they are coming the right way, total control of parameters to lock
- Short updates frequencies are better for stability, but not that good for big changes.
- SLI/Crossfire. There's nothing (or unlikely) anything in DX11 or the App to make SLI/CF optimisations (technically), its up to the GPU drivers, the drivers are responsible for managing and optimizing the rendering.
- Improvement of the AI car to car safety distance behaviour (closer now)
- Q:Car detail level change? A: Would like that.
- Q:Updates on driver animations? A: No, absolutely no. No way. too much work.
- Different Classes AI is like inflicting pain to yourself. No focus on this.
- If the Cat wouldn't be a Cat and would be a "Butterfly" instead, he would fly to Tokyo then choose Santa Monica (CA)
- Q:Active Supensions? A: Very complicated in real and also for sim making, choosing or making good algos is very hard. In the early times the behaviour (on F1) was a fixed mapping according to the track (who should make this and decide? The player making own AS maps for each track? predefined? Making own algos?) Very complicated Topic, but still fascinating. There is no concept currently for this, because of the huge amount of work and to much possible different use of this tech.
(Personal comment: "It's to hard and no concept" is not a reason... lazy Cat, hehe)
- Collisions are adding toe, maybe adding camber as well, there no reason not to do it, so yea (left it open)
- He's a bit a fan of "Jack Tamberat".
- Q: About "Active Suspensions" again.
Ask about the method of having constant "Ride Height", not the mapping aproach.
A: AS can do a lot of things its up to the Algo used and what to want to to with this tech.
(Personal comment: Well, beginning with a simple? electronics setting for keeping constant ride height (most usage on performance cars (not F1)) could be a begining, leave the more complicated things out, Ockhams knife you know, hehe)
- Cars from 50ties? A:He would love so, he likes them much, but difficult because much ppl. don't share that love
- Next Sunday maybe showing some new cars.
- Davao (Phillipines) has one Carting place
- Theory of 99% of Users who do "Race Gaming" don't touch the setups, its not an easy subject, it's sometimes to complicated in an environment of Games.
- The Cat likes to punch on someone when things dont't work in Game and feels about to be a lucky guy in general because he's able to deligate things that he dont like to do to other ppl. clear.png
(Personal comment: (Poor @Aristotelis))
- No effect of Watertemp on the engine, only visual (gauges), no overheat
(Personal comment: Whats about "Oil temp"? Personally I'm still missing it for my own car mod and it's instrument cluster to make it completely working... somehow, hehe)
- Realtime read of the suggestion subsection on the "Chit Chat" and choosed the current first one at that time of streaming:
-- Rolling starts: A: He agreed many race series have that
-- Warning Lap: A: Naaah, clueless
-- Out Lap (Ability to bring cars to pits after race): A: He agrees but could be to dangerous for a possible stupid average Joe to know what's going on when the race ends.
- He promised he will read more suggestions
- No plans to make side mirrors adjustable for TriMonitors
- Corrected that Joe is not stupid, but not so much into racing and could act wired therefore.
(Personal comment: It's the common rule of development to assume a TMTDU = "The Most Thinakable Dumb User" on the other end when developing a feature. Its a typical developer thing... Nothing to be interpreted more into)
- AC is and its still a "Game" to allow as many ppl. as possible to get and enjoy racing/driving cars. Then shared some views regarding making "compromises".
- Q: Symetric setups? A: I don't know.
- Q: Rookie - Advanced views of Setups? A: Don't know
- Some additional thoughts about how ppl. have different expectations or lvl. of knowing about what a successful Sim Racing Product should have or not. He brought up some examples from the GamesCon then.
- Lotus 211 was the closest "Race" Car driven by Stefano in real. Everything felt very stiff and hard. But it does not take long (2 corners) to forget about it and just drive.
- He thinks that learnings from a Sim game better (imediatly) apply to low G cars, High G cars needs some time (because of high G's) to adapt.
- Q n' A closed

- Wednesday steams will be optional in future. It will depend on the current work he does to make a Wed. stream
- Next Sunday will be different, a look into programming languages used in AC and applied in Games in general. Not strictly AC related. Some views on the new cars from the upcoming Dreampack.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από liakjim
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DimiR21, κι εγω αρχάριος ειμαι, οποτε πολυ φοβαμαι πως δε μπορω να βοηθησω και πολυ, αλλα εχω την εντύπωση πως πολλες φορές οι απαντήσεις στις εύλογες ερωτησεις σου απαιτουν εξειδικευμενες γνώσεις και μακροσκελή περιγραφή. Πάντως με ένα γρηγορο search sto google βαζοντας "tyre blanket assetto corsa" μου εβγαλε πολλα σχετικα αποτελεσματα που απαντουν σε κάποια από τα ερωτήματά σου, οπως π.χ. το http://simhqmotorsports.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3721901/Settings_Question(s)

Κι εμένα έφαγαν κόλλημα στην αρχή... Πήγαινε options - controls και πατα στο start configuration wizard και αφού βεβαιωθείς πως δουλεύουν, μετά κάνε save. Επίσης πρόσεξε να μην είναι τσεκαρισμένο το combined throttle and break.

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