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Το RUF εκτος το οτι θέλει σε καθε στροφή να εισαι έτοιμος για επαναφορά θελει και γρήγορο τιμονι να προλαβαίνεις να το μαζεβεις.

Με 100% boost ο ηχος ειναι φοβερός!

Όσοι έχουν DFGT ας δώσουν μία άποψη για τα παρακάτω settings. Γενικά δεν χρησιμοποιούσα FFB αλλά με αυτά μου αρέσει η αίσθηση στο τιμόνι:



Για όσους θέλουν να αλλάζουν ταχύτητες και με τα paddles και με sequential:



Το δοκίμαζα χθες αλλά παίζει να δημιουργεί ένα μικρό delay στα paddles (μιας και στην ουσία είναι command του profiler) αλλά δεν είναι σίγουρο.

Update 1.1.2 - 9.1mb

- Fixed lap time detection system missing first laps
- Improved Physics Time Occupancy % (PHY) in Render Stat Form
- Improved overlay leaderboard to show millisecond accuracy gaps for Qual and Practice session and "PIT" indicator for pitted cars
- Fixed McLaren P1 wing always down in multiplayer
- Fixed cars not locked in pits when not starting after a multiplayer session was restarted
- Added option to suppress log in assetto_corsa.ini
- Fixed replay timestamps on the timeline
- Fixed useless yellow flags on race start
- Fixed getTrackConfig Python API returning wrong string
- Launcher: added forced exit timer on shutdown
- Launcher: added more details in content loading errors
  • Like 5

Παιζω και ξανα παιζω με την EVO και δεν χορταινω να ακουω τον ξυραφένιο ήχο της ατμόσφαιρας!

Δοκίμασα και με τα "settings" του liakjim,light cloud,18C,old tarmac και αξιζε ακομα περισσοτερο

οχι για το χρονο αλλα για το παιχνιδι!

  • Like 2

Άλλος ένας online αγώνας στο γνωστό σε όλους μας hotlap simulator.

Λεπτομέρεια: ο σέρβερ ήταν στην Αυστραλία και έπαιζα με ping 400.


  • Like 8

Δεν ξέρανε που να κρυφτούμε!!!

Κακή επιλογή ελαστικών. Φαντάσου ότι συνήθως χάνω από τους 3 πρώτους! Στο abarth league με είχαν ξεφτιλίσει.

  • Like 3

Δήλωση Αριστοτέλη σχετικά με Kerbs of Death :

So the kerbs issue is indeed a very complicated thing. We are well aware of it and actively looking at it but it's not easy to find a solution without maybe a complete rewrite of the tyre model (which means also a complete re calibration of all the cars in the sim...)

It's a combination of realism issues, tyre model issues, physics refresh rate issues and others.

First of all, in terms of realism. In real life driving over such a kerb (steps) is dangerous. Yes I'm aware we can find a ton of examples that cars drive over such kerbs without any problems... but that doesn't make it less dangerous. Drivers do use kerbs to make the cars rotate, so the effect of rotation is valid in real life too. Also the higher the downforce, the stiffer the car the more dangerous riding the kerbs becomes. Weight also is important part of the equation.

For example - I'm always referring to Mugello which has the most dangerous kerbs in the sim (and in real life) because you ride on them for a long time at a high speed- you can see porsche Cup cars riding them quite aggressively. GT cars riding them with some attention, prototypes almost not riding them and formula cars actually avoiding them. Yes I'm aware there are exceptions, but we need to see the broader picture.
So what happens is, the lighter the car, the stiffer, the more they avoid those kerbs.
Why this happens? The steps in the kerbs, create vibrations and constantly raise the ride height up and down. A light and stiff car will vibrate even more. This can create an effect called porpoising which make the cars very pitch sensitive and continuously changes their front/rear aero balance. Have a read here:
Small note: How about cars like a Lotus 49 that has no aero? This is a very light car with very springy tyres, there you can have big effects of resonance.
So all of this happens in reality, but what about the sim?

I believe the effects of those specific kerbs in the sim are a bit exaggerated, although not as much as that discussion have led people believe. Still, an issue is an issue. Why this is happening then? First of all, I believe the physics refresh rate is the limiting factor here. The physics of AC are quite complex and I don't say this in a "marketing" way. They really are. The physics engine is perfectly capable of simulating porpoising, or resonance in the springs, tyres etc.. But there is a big limiting factor in sims (all sims) and that's the refresh rate of the physics engine. In reality the refresh rate is instant. Reality runs at infinite hz clear.png
In all sims, not so much, actually we are very limited. So what happens is that you get an event , say the tyre/suspension hits the first bump, some time passes and because you are travelling very fast your physics skip a couple of kerbs, then the physics refresh and you get a second bump and so on. The fact that you're missing some kerbs means that the car at some point will give to the physics a position that is not longer a smooth variation but a big spike. BAM! the physics updates and sees the big spike in ride height, forces, frequencies, everything... and reacts. And you get a handling reaction that is over exaggerated... the typical "WTF" moment. The faster you go, the longer you stay on those kerbs (which happens typically at mugello) the more exaggerated the reaction will be.
I have tried AC at 1000hz refresh and it was much much better because you could feel the situation getting worse gradually and react accordingly. At the consumer 333hz we have, you get a big bump and you better be fast reacting or else...
This is one of the paradoxes that a very complex physics engine can provoke reactions that sim unrealistic, but in reality the end result is very realistic if you think about it. The only problem is that you don't get any feedback before. You don't get any warnings, you just get the end result if in reality you didn't react at all in a situation... which is what happens.

Finally, there might also be something that makes the situation further more critical, and it could be connected to the tyre model contact patch, but Stefano is the right man to talk about it, as I might say inaccuracies that will bring even more confusion to the subject.

What do we intend to do to solve the issue? Not much right now. It is a complex problem that needs quite some thinking and work. We look at it, taking notes etc and thinking about it. But we also think it is not an emergency. We think that sometimes simracers overreact on issues that prohibit them to do "as they like", in that case driving over said kerbs. In reality if something goes wrong then you blame yourself and you don't do it again next time. In a sim, it's always fault of the physics and you keep doing it because there is no cost other than complaining clear.png You know what I mean.

So do I propose to solve the problem simply by not riding the kerbs? Yes and no. It's a challenge as in real life. Learn to workaround the problem. Make a better setup that helps you overcome it, and so on. Yes I'm aware that many people will be upset and think "hey you don't solve the problem, you choose to ignore it booooo!". But that's not the case. I really think of it as a real life problem. It's another problem that makes some drivers better than others, some engineers better than others and so on. I also think that even if we found a solution, the end result would be simply a better "feedback" of what the car is about to do, not that we could make a perfect cure, permitting everybody to ride those specific kerbs without problems.

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μαλιστα... λογικο ολο αυτο για το refresh αλλα και παλι δε θα πρεπε να χε καποιο ανω οριο στην συμπεριφορα?

τελοσπαντων χωρις να ξερεις τα νουμερα δε μπορεις να κριτικαρεις.

1.1.3 Update

- Launcher default theme (online): added option to filter out servers that contain unavailable content
- Launcher default theme: added option in Options > General to keep currently selected track conditions when changing game mode
- Launcher: various stability fixes
- Fixed some audio crash on unexpected values
- Fixed C9 exterior backfires
- Fixed C9 exterior attenuation distance
- In game telemetry now works properly with track-config scenario
- HDR app now correctly disable saving button for KS cars onboard exposure
- New Fmod SDK project (added gear_grind and horn events)
  • Like 2

- Launcher default theme: added option in Options > General to keep currently selected track conditions when changing game mode

Επιτέλους. Μπράβο στην Kudos, πραγματικά μας ακούει.

Άθλιο site από ακόμα πιο άθλια τυπάκια που ripάρουν ότι βρούν και τα πασάρουν με άθλια physics κ με πληρωμή καμιά φορά.

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