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  On 20/5/2015 at 8:06 ΜΜ, το μέλος akis_z80 έγραψε:

Με 62.5 cap έχω tearing και stuttering. O μόνος τρόπος να εξαλείψω αυτά τα 2 στο setup μου ήταν το vsync on.

αφου εισαι και εσυ με vsync on τοτε ενταξει ειμαι  :) προς στιγμη αγχωθηκα οτι χανω sec  :p

¨Ενα πολυ ενδιαφέρον post από τον Aristotelis :


Excuse me guys, I don't mind you talking about pCars or whatever other sim you like. I also don't mind that you are criticising AC, AC physics engine or whatever. All fine and good, please do continue.

I do mind though when the criticism is taking a trend that is single minded or even false.
You might have noticed that there is no sim that has "everything" or that simulates everything properly. AC has it's share. But I think it's not fair to say AC is worse than X or Y or Z sim because it misses a specific feature. I can list various features that other sims do not have, does that makes AC automatically better than other sims in your mentality? I guess not probably.

As far as I know, AC simulates various pretty unique features.
It has a very advanced aerodynamic simulation that is also easy to understand and practically unlimited. Do other sims have active aerodynamics? Do they a good number of telemetry inputs that can be combined in ADD and MULT channels to control such aerodynamic surfaces? Speed sensitivity stalling of diffusers? Asymmetric flaps? Hell you can even design an aeroplane in AC, I know, I have... it just doesn't turn yet clear.png
Do other sims simulate flat spots, graining (although limited), blistering and tyre wear through a virtual km system that encourages proper driving?
Do other sims simulate different ABS, TC levels and EDL differentials?
Do other sims support complex hybrid systems that can modulate power delivery depending on ADD and MULT configurations of various telemetry channels. Can they also use them as traction control if needed?
Do other sims support proper McPherson and multiple link live axle suspension?
Do other sims support 3 differentials AWD systems with front share? Soon to be active too?
Do other sims support a h pattern gearbox damage solution as ours?

I could go on, there are plenty others more or less important.

Even our "inferior" tyre model as you guys have named it, doesn't seem so bad in the end after all, as it is still one of the best tyre models to permit proper drifting which you might not interested but it is one of the most critical situation a car can do in terms of handling. I'm not talking about drifting with your steering wheel straight. You might like it, but it does not happen in real life, it's wrong. Yet some of the more "advanced" tyre models, do suffer from it. We really hurt our brains to understand and improve our tyre model to react great on all situations.

Is it perfect? Of course NOT!
I do love for example the rF2 multiple temperature simulation, it's better and I do love their live track tech, fantastic! But hey, they also had problems with temperatures, like going over 600°C at wet tarmac. We explode the tyre over 300°C. rF2 again just made an addition to their model that limits grip when the tyre gets positive camber. We had that for a year and a half so to say. I remember there was also an issue were the temp would cool down if you would burnout in reverse gear. Not sure if that was rF2 or another sim, but **** happens, those are complex things. I'm not targeting rF2 in particular, actually I love it, but all sims have issues because hey, reality is HARD to simulate. pCars have its own issues, iRacing too, LFS too... all of them. So as you can see, the situation is not black&white always.

I know for example that we have problems with high downforce load sensitivity on the tyres. It happens on very high speed turns. We know how to solve it and we working on it to make a proper fix that goes even further than a simple adjustment. It needs a complete remake of all the tyres of all the cars and it won't happen in a day.
I know we have issues with the SAT forces, we're looking on it.
I have a physics improvements list that is so big, Stefano was about to kill me, but he knows it too and he loves to work on such stuff, much more than AI and Multi. I'm pretty sure that's the same identical situation on other sim devs out there. On the other hand, I'm very proud of many unique features that we have already implemented in our sim, as I'm sure other devs feel the same for their own sim.

Do I sound defensive? Yes I actually am. But because I care and love our product and I know how much work we put into it. So when I hear lately so many inaccuracies I thought I should clear things up a little. It's easy to forget the things a sim does well, and only complain about whatever you might have focused in this specific moment.

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Παίδες μια απορία . Πήρα το παιχνίδι σε προσφορά από το στεαμ.

Έχω λίγες ώρες μέχρι σήμερα για να πάρω άλλο ένα .

Θέλω να το παίξω με τον αδερφό μου . Έχουμε δυο πισι και έχουμε και λαν.

Έχω διαβάσει ότι γίνεται να το παιξεις σε λαν .

1) το έχει δει κανείς στην πράξη εαν γίνεται ;;

2) μπορώ με ένα αυθεντικό σι ντι κι να το παίξω ταυτόχρονα στο λαν;;; Με το ίδιο ακαουντ ;;;

Έχω και δεύτερο λογαριασμό για να μπορώ να παίξω με δυο ατομα στο διαδίκτυο .

Αλλά εαν μπορώ να παίξω με το ίδιο ακαουντ ταυτόχρονα στο λαν με ένα σιντι κι να μην ξοδεψω αλλα 22 ευρώ μα πάρω δεύτερο σι ντι κι.

Συνήθως για ονλινε παιχνίδι θες δυο σι ντι κι . Στο λαν όμως σε κάποια παιχνίδια δεν χρειάζεται . Σε κάποια χρειάζεται .

Έχω ενεργοποιήσει ταυτόχρονα και στα δυο πισι το ιδιο ακαουντ και δεν μου έβγαλε σφάλμα . Αλλά δεν ξέρω εαν θα μπορέσω να τρέξω ταυτόχρονα το παιχνίδι στο λαν . Έχει περάσει και καιρός και συνήθως δεν υπάρχει λαν στα παιχνίδια .εδώ και δέκα χρόνια περίπου.

Εαν ξέρει κανείς ας μου πει . Έχω ακόμα λίγες ώρες να πάω στην τράπεζα να φορτίσω την προπληρωμένη να προλάβω την προσφορά. Είναι μέχρι τις οκτώ το βράδυ σήμερα .

Ευχαριστώ .

Edit έκανα λάθος και το έγραψα στο καπ θέμα . Νόμισα ότι το έγραψα στο κανονικό θέμα .

Θα το μεταφέρω εαν μπορείτε απαντήστε μην χάσω χρόνο . Γιατί από το ταμπλετ δεν μπορώ να κάνω εύκολα κοπυ παιιςτ αυτό που έγραψα παραπάνω .

Έγινε επεξεργασία από Γεώργιος

Assetto Corsa Official Facebook




Kunos Simulazioni celebrates 10 years of activity! Founded in 2005 by Stefano Casillo and Marco Massarutto in order to develop a more advanced version of the freeware racing simulation “netKar", through the years the company has grow to include various professional figures, capable of producing a proprietary software technology that now powers the highly acclaimed racing simulation, Assetto Corsa.

As a self-funded independent company, this anniversary represents a great achievement. We operate in a very competitive and challenging industry and our audience is very specialized and demanding. Being able to operate successfully in the last 10 years, improving our knowledge and workflow, day after day, hasn't been easy. Thanks to the support of our customers, suppliers and community, we continue to remain focus on our aim to improve Assetto Corsa even more. Speaking of which, we will have some great news to share with you very soon. The best is yet to come.

In the meantime, to celebrate this anniversary, we are glad to announce that by the end of 2015 our first product, netKar PRO, will be let available as freeware.

This month we got over 50,000 followers on FB and more than 100,000 unique users in the official Assetto Corsa's forum. Your awesome support is the best motivation we could ever hope for.

Thank you very much.
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Βλέποντας το μέγεθος της "εταιρίας" (ομάδας), το μόνο που μπορείς να νιώσεις είναι θαυμασμό για το επίτευγμα που έχει καταφέρει!!! (και βλέποντας τα troll-προιόντα από άλλα studio). 

Μπράβο τους.

Θα τους υποστηρίζω σε κάθε περίπτωση.

  • Like 9
  On 22/5/2015 at 11:11 ΠΜ, το μέλος liakjim έγραψε:

Βλέποντας το μέγεθος της "εταιρίας" (ομάδας), το μόνο που μπορείς να νιώσεις είναι θαυμασμό για το επίτευγμα που έχει καταφέρει!!! (και βλέποντας τα troll-προιόντα από άλλα studio). 

Μπράβο τους.

Θα τους υποστηρίζω σε κάθε περίπτωση.

με συγκινησες ρε μπαγασα  :weep:  


πολυ στην κλαψα το εχουν ριξει τωρα τελευταια στην kunos  :hehe:

Έγινε επεξεργασία από kyr..

Καλησπέρα! Έχω δοκιμάσει κάποια πράγματα όπως τις ρυθμίσεις στο Logitech profiler και μέσα απο το παιχνίδι το calibrate αλλά έχω ένα τιμόνι που γυρίζει σαν τρελό και καθόλου feedback!


Τρέχω σε win 10..είναι το μοναδικό game που είχα πρόβλημα και πως να το ξεκινήσω αλλά και τώρα πως να φτιάξω την τιμονιέρα.


Ξέρει κάποιος να μου πει τι γίνεται? 



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επίσης θα την ακυρώσω την τιμονιέρα που παράγγειλα γιατί πολύ απλά έχουν 1 σε όλη την Ελλάδα άντε γεια ! (εξαφανίστηκε από το site τους)




θα περιμένω την καινούργια να δούμε πόσο θα κάνει και βλέπουμε - έρχεται και το καλοκαίρι καιρός να πάμε σε παραλίες

Έγινε επεξεργασία από ARMAGEDDON

To βίντεο το βρήκα μέσα σε μια εξαιρετικά αστεία συζήτηση στο ac forum. Όποιος θέλει να γελάσει ας διαβάσει από τη σελ 68 και πέρα. λινκ

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" Finally looks like we are solving some very annoying glitches related to motion blur effect, particularly visible on tracks placed on very large areas: it might seem stupid, but for some reason we had to fight with it so long. It's just one of the areas where we are working to improve the overall production, and of course our priorities are focused on additional multiplayer functionalities, AI routines and wherever there is still room for improvement, but I guess you will appreciate that we don't want to neglect even details like this. So you can expect another big step forward coming with the Bonus Pack, since our efforts are not focused just on releasing contents. BTW, that's Zandvoort.

Have a nice weekend clear.png " - Marco.



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Τελείως διαφορετικό στυλ, εξίσου γρήγοροι. Οι 2 πρώτοι στο pre-qualify του RD


enjoy :



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Ο δεύτερος μου φαίνεται πως παίζει με μικρότερο steering lock (από τις κινήσεις του).

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