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Cyberpunk 2077: An Open World Sci-Fi Epic

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Αυτό δεν το'χω βρει. Το θυμάμαι το post, το'χα παραθέσει κιόλας για την Nancy (τα έκανα και αυτηνής όλα οκ). 

Ωστόσο δεν με καίει για αυτά. Βγήκαν και μερικά ακόμη από jobs όσο έκανα τα gigs. Να ψάχνω τόσο όμως, δεν το νομίζω. Εκτός και αν πάω στοχευμένα. 


Βέβαια ναι, οι 10 μέρες μέχρι την άδεια "καίγονται" ψάχνοντας, αλλά στη διάρκεια της βδομάδας έχω λίγο χρόνο να διαθέσω :) 

  • 2 weeks later...

Patch 1.52 for Cyberpunk 2077 is now available on all platforms!


Patch 1.52 for Cyberpunk 2077 is being rolled out and will soon be available accross all platforms! Here's the list of changes for this update.



  • Fixed an issue that could cause wrecked cars or multiple Nomad cars to spawn in traffic when driving fast.
  • Fixed an issue where first equip animation could be played repeatedly after recovering a throwing knife.
  • The Laminate-armor Media Ballistic Vest can now be found as loot in Japantown.
  • Fixed an issue where the recon grenade highlighted non-hostile crowd NPCs.
  • Fixed an issue where after using the Take Control quickhack on a device, camera axis were inverted when zoomed in.



  • Player won't be able to purchase again an apartment makeover they already own anymore.
  • Added the showering interaction to the Nomad Camp.
  • It won't be possible to hack the Northside apartment before completing Act 1 anymore.
  • Fixed an issue where Open World combat events and some scenes could remain disabled after visiting Afterlife until player fast traveled within Watson.
  • Automatic Love - Walking into a wall in the elevator in Megabuilding H8 will no longer cause instant death.
  • Blistering Love - Fixed an issue where Johnny could despawn if player left the booth before interacting with the projector, blocking progress.
  • Cyberpsycho Sighting: Demons of War - Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to progress past the "Search the area to collect information" objective.
  • Epistrophy - Fixed an issue where the quest could reappear in the Journal instead of being marked as failed after player failed to retrieve any of the cabs.
  • I Fought the Law - Fixed an issue where River could drive out of the market area erratically and push V out of world bounds.
  • Life During Wartime - Fixed an issue where selecting a blue dialogue option twice upon arriving on the crash site blocked progression.
  • Path of Glory - Optional objective "Get dressed" will no longer be incompletable if player collected the clothes before it appeared.
  • The Information - Fixed an issue where the doors to Lizzie's were closed during the hours they should be open, blocking progression.
  • The Ride - Fixed an issue where Dex's car was swerving left and right when driving away.
  • With a Little Help from My Friends - Fixed an issue where holocalls and text messages could be blocked if player told Saul about Panam's plan while the Nomads were driving away.


Open World

  • Fixed an issue where summoned vehicles could be spawned far away from the player.
  • Suicidal Corpos in Corpo Plaza will no longer stand up after the fall.
  • Fixed an issue where an Assault in Progress in Arroyo wasn't visible on the map, hindering progress in The Jungle achievement.
  • Gig: Goodbye, Night City - Fixed an issue where the quest didn't trigger after approaching the area.
  • Gig: No Fixers - Fixed an issue where the "Park Iris' car in the garage" optional objective didn't complete if player stopped in front of the garage.
  • Gig: Playing for Keeps - Fixed an issue where all the enemies in the casino were set to Friendly.
  • Murk Man Returns Again Once More Forever - Fixed an issue where the Rayfield Caliburn didn't spawn.



  • Added a quest tag to fixer rewards when they're first found in the stash.
  • Opening menus while reading a shard will no longer block the game.
  • It won't be possible to change the position of the marker when a time skip is in progress anymore.
  • Fixed an issue where the loot UI could flicker and change before picking up the item.
  • Fixed an issue where the English text "A Favor for a Friend" would be displayed regardless of the language version instead of the correct quest name for some tracked quests.



  • Fixed animations and missing or displaced objects in various scenes.
  • Fixed some issues with animation occurring when performing an aerial takedown using the Hidden Dragon perk.
  • Fixed an issue where sandstorms could appear in scenes they weren't supposed to.
  • Fixed an issue where foliage was not affected by different weather conditions.
  • Polycarbonate Sport Sunglasses will no longer be visible when switching between Third Person Mode and First Person Mode while driving.



  • Memory improvements and crash fixes on next-gen consoles.
  • Minor UI optimizations.
  • [PlayStation 5] Importing a save while not connected to the PlayStation Network will no longer block the option to continue the game.
  • [PlayStation 5] Fixed an issue where a corrupted save was created when player tried to import a PlayStation 4 save when no saves were exported.
  • [PlayStation] Fixed an issue where the "Press [Options Button] To Continue" screen registered pressing the button with a delay.
  • [PlayStation 5] Wet roads will now be as reflective as on the PC version.
  • [PlayStation 5/Xbox Series X] Changing the preset in Video settings will no longer set all the Graphics options to ON automatically.
  • [Xbox One/Xbox Series X] Disconnecting the controller and entering the pause menu at the same time will no longer result in player being stuck.



  • Enabled aggressive crowds on Stadia.
  • Like 3
1 ώρα πριν, το μέλος GFFermari έγραψε:
  • Gig: No Fixers - Fixed an issue where the "Park Iris' car in the garage" optional objective didn't complete if player stopped in front of the garage.

Ήμουν 1 ώρα μόνο σε αυτό. Για να βγει έπρεπε να πάω γκαζωτός μέσα στο γκαράζ, σταματούσε αυτόματα και τότε μόνο έκανε "register" το παρκάρισμα. Δεν τους πήρε πολύ :p 

Εγω παντα ειχα απορια, γενικα στα παιχνιδια, πως γινεται να βγαινουν τετοια προβληματα σε καποιους και σε αλλους οχι.

Το ιδιο αρχειο δεν υποτιθεται οτι παιζουμε? 

14 λεπτά πριν, το μέλος fatalara έγραψε:

Εγω παντα ειχα απορια, γενικα στα παιχνιδια, πως γινεται να βγαινουν τετοια προβληματα σε καποιους και σε αλλους οχι.

Το ιδιο αρχειο δεν υποτιθεται οτι παιζουμε? 

Αυτό το πρόβλημα πρέπει να ήταν γενικό. Όποιον είδα στο Youtube το είχε. Εκτός κι αν εμφανίστηκε ΜΕΤΑ από κάποια version και εσύ δεν το πέτυχες. 


Δεν εχει να κανει μονο με το cyberpunk.

Σε πολλα παιχνιδια δεν εχω θεματα με bugs. Ενω εχω τα τεχνικα προβληματα δεν μου καθονται τα bugs.

Δεν θα επρεπε να τα ειχαμε ολοι ομως αφου ειναι γραμμενα στο κωδικα? Η καταλαβαινω λαθος?

7 λεπτά πριν, το μέλος fatalara έγραψε:

Δεν εχει να κανει μονο με το cyberpunk.

Σε πολλα παιχνιδια δεν εχω θεματα με bugs. Ενω εχω τα τεχνικα προβληματα δεν μου καθονται τα bugs.

Δεν θα επρεπε να τα ειχαμε ολοι ομως αφου ειναι γραμμενα στο κωδικα? Η καταλαβαινω λαθος?

Το ότι κάτι είναι ντερερμινιστικό (δεν είναι απαραίτητα), δεν σημαίνει ότι ξέρεις ή ότι ελέγχεις όλες τις παραμέτρους από τις οποίες εξαρτάται.

Κάποια bugs μπορεί να εξαρτώνται από drivers, άλλα να εμφανίζονται όταν έχεις συγκεκριμένο αντικείμενο στον χαρακτήρα και έχοντας τελειώσει συγκεκριμένα quests.

Επομένως ναι, από τον ίδιο κώδικα γεννιουνται, και με λίγη τύχη στον ίδιο κώδικα εντοπίζονται και διορθώνονται, αλλά το πρώτο βήμα είναι να μπορούν να αναπαραχθούν με σχετική αξιοπιστία, κάτι που δεν είναι δεδομένο.

  • Like 1
  • 4 weeks later...
36 λεπτά πριν, το μέλος DEADLAZARUS έγραψε:

Όχι, ρε παιδιά, να το βγάλετε το 2077, δεν βιαζόμαστε.

Ναι, ειδικά εσύ, που πήρες το παιχνίδι όταν βγήκε με 60€, και δεν το έχεις παίξει ακόμη, όντως, δεν βιάζεσαι :bleh: 

  • Haha 3

So,  DLC το 2023, next gen update του Witcher 3 αγνωστο ποτε και Witcher (UE5) ακομα πιο αγνωστο.


Αν ειναι να βαλουν ολα τα features που θα επρεπε ή σχεδιαζαν να εχει το original Cyberpunk, οκ. Ας ειναι.

Θα εχουν βγει κ νεες GPU τοτε.

2 ώρες πριν, το μέλος GFFermari έγραψε:

. Ας ειναι.

Θα εχουν βγει κ νεες GPU τοτε.

Και δεν θα υπάρχουν ή δεν θα έχουμε σάλιο να τις αγοράσουμε. 


  • Haha 1
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Back when Cyberpunk 2077 launched, among the few apologies CDPR offered at the time was an infamous one in which it was...




A 72 page document was sent by a whistleblower to YouTuber Upper Echelon Gamers, who has reported on Cyberpunk issues in the past. It focuses on Quantic Labs, a QA company who did a lot of testing work on Cyberpunk 2077. Among the allegations made:

  • Quantic Lab overexaggerated the size of the team working on Cyberpunk 2077 in order to keep the contract.
  • Quantic Lab said the team was made up of senior staff, but it was instead juniors with under six months experience in QA.
  • Quantic Lab had a daily quota of reported bugs, which led to CDPR getting thousands of relatively pointless bug reports from the testers which took up a lot of time, and caused gamebreaking issues to not be found or prioritized.

This would align with the original claim that QA did not find many gamebreaking bugs by launch.



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The series tells a standalone, 10-episode story about a street kid trying to survive in Night City — a technology and body modification-obsessed city of the future. Having everything to lose, he stays alive by becoming an edgerunner — a mercenary outlaw also known as a cyberpunk.

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