progressive Δημοσιεύτηκε Αύγουστος 25, 2004 #1 Δημοσιεύτηκε Αύγουστος 25, 2004 Μετα απο πολυ προσπαθεια καταφερα και εκανα την fx 5600 quadro αλλα δεν ξερω σε ποια quadro αντιστοιχει 1)fx 5002)fx 6003)fx 700ξερει κανεις να μου πει???τυχαια την εκανα quadro fx 500
darkCount Αύγουστος 25, 2004 #2 Αύγουστος 25, 2004 Αν χρησιμοποίησες το SoftQuadro μέσα από το Rivatuner και έχεις κάνει τα βήματα σωστά, τότε μετά από την επιλογή Force quadro και το restart θα βρεί μόνο του το σύστημα την ακριβώς αντίστοιχη κάρτα.Δεν σε ακούω και πολύ σίγουρο όμως για το αν το κατάφερες.....για τσέκαρε πάλι. Υπάρχει ένας οδηγός βήμα-βήμα στο guru3d.....ή nvworld.ruΚαλή τύχη
progressive Αύγουστος 25, 2004 Author #3 Αύγουστος 25, 2004 το εχω κανει κανονικοτατα μονο που αφου εχεις κανει ολη την διαδικασια και εχεις σπασει τους drivers και εχεις κανει low-level quadro πας και κανεις εγκατασταση τους drivers χειροκινητα και σε βαζει να επιλεξεις ποιον θεςτην καρτα με drivers για quadro fx 500 μου την βγαζει κανονικα σαν quadro fx go5600!!!απλα τωρα ειμαι στην δουλεια και δεν μπορω να στειλω φωτογραφιασυντομα φωτο...
progressive Αύγουστος 25, 2004 Author #4 Αύγουστος 25, 2004 geforce - quadro softmod or hardmodgeforce2 mx400 - quadro2 mxr/ex softmod or hardmodgeforce2 gts - quadro2 pro softmod or hardmod geforce2 ultra - quadro2 pro softmod or hardmodgeforce3 - quadro dcc ???????or hardmodgeforce4 mx440 - quadro4 550XGL softmod or hardmodgeforcefx 5200 - quadrofx 500 softmod or ????????geforcefx 5600 - quadrofx go700 softmod or ????????geforcefx 5800 - quadrofx 1000 or 2000 softmod or ????????geforcefx 5900 - quadrofx 3000 softmod or hardmodi know this isn't complete, well guys pm, i'll just add it, or if im wrong pm, ok!!! i hope this will help lots of people.unwinder can you make this thread a sticky one. legends:softmod - can be modded using softwarehardmod - can be modded physically???????? - unconfirmed
progressive Αύγουστος 25, 2004 Author #5 Αύγουστος 25, 2004 Η ΔΙΑΔΙΚΑΣΙΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ Η ΕΞΗΣ:GETTING THE FILES1. You want the latest drivers that WORK STABLE for your card:For a GeForce FX 5xx0 -> Quadro FX x/x00, that's 45.28 a GeForce Ti 4x00 -> Quadro 4 xx0 XGL, that's 42.51 you also need the RivaTuner program itself, of course- the latest version is a.t.m. "RivaTuner 2.0 RC 15 + SoftR9x00 + SoftFireGL"Get it from Guru3D - it's under "Most Downloaded" at RIVATUNER2. Install it - start it - stop it - and reboot the PCNow Windows begin to know about *.rts files as "RivaTuner patch script files"NB. You MUST have installed Detonator drivers to get RivaTuner to work properly- so if this is a fresh Windows installation, you MUST install Detonator drivers first(I..e. you can't go straight to install the card as Quadro, it MUST be installed as a standard GeForce FIRST, to get RivaTuner to work properly)(You will use RivaTuner to patch "nv4_mini.sys"- a file INSIDE the driver package.Most of the files inside are first COMPRESSED each on it's own(e.g. "nvoglnt.dll" is compressed to "nvoglnt.dl_")- then they have all been zipped, either to a *.zip file,or to a self-extracting *.exe)UNZIPPING AND EXPANDING "NV4_MINI.SYS"3. To get hold of the "nv4_mini.sys" file, you must unzip the driver package ( yes, also 45.28_win2kxp.exe)- unzip it to e.g.C:\45.28_patched\ 4a. Then you must "expand" all the *.??_ filescopy "C:\Program Files\RivaTuner\Tools\expand\expand.exe" "C:\45.28_patched\"4b. Then start Notepad, copy this text and paste it in:expand -r *.??_ren *.cf *.cfgren *.cp *.cplren *.dl *.dllren *.ex *.exeren *.hl *.hlpren *.sy *.sysren *.tv *.tvpSave the file asFile name: "C:\45.28_patched\ unpack.bat"Save as type: "All files"4c. Then double-click C:\45.28_patched\ unpack.bat- you should see the expanded versions of the files come in at the bottomPATCHING "NV4_MINI.SYS"5. Now you're ready for the patching. 5a. (SoftQuadro4 patch)Double-click"C:\Program Files\RivaTuner\PatchScripts\NVIDIA\SoftQuadro4\SoftQuadro4 w2k.rts"Click "Continue" button.Browse to"C:\45.28_patched\"Double-click"nv4_mini.sys"Click "Yes" on the "Warning! This..."Click "OK" on the "Information. Patch script has been successfully executed. Read log for details"Click "Close" button.5b. (NVStrap antiprotection patch) Double-click"C:\Program Files\RivaTuner\PatchScripts\NVIDIA\NVStrap antiprotection\NVStrap antiprotection w2k.rts"Click "Continue" button.You should already be in the folder"C:\45.28_patched\"..double-click"nv4_mini.sys"Click "OK" on the "Information. Patch script has been successfully executed. Read log for details"Click "Close" button(Now you have a working driver ready to installed, after you've changed your "Graphics adapter identification" to "Quadro")USING RIVATUNER TO INSTALL NVSTRAP DRIVER,USING NVSTRAP TO CHANGE "GEFORCE" TO "QUADRO"6. To do that, start RivaTuner again.On the "Main" tab, in the "Target adapter" field,click the little button with an arrow, just to the right of ".................. Customize..."Click the left-most icon on the pop-up toolbar;"Low-level system settings"In the new window called "Low-level system tweaks",choose the "NVStrap driver" tab.Click "Install" button.Now the previously "greyed-out" roll-down menues become available.In the "PCI DeviceID settings" field, there is one roll-down menu- "Graphics adapter identification".Select "Quadro".(If there's no "Quadro" setting available, you must use "Custom" instead.Tell me about this, and I'll help you find the correct DeviceID number)Click "Apply" buttonClick "OK" button.Now the PC need to reboot, click "OK" on the reboot dialog box.CANCELLING THE DETONATOR AUTO-INSTALLATION7. When Windows after reboot comes up with"Hey, new hardware found! Starting Add New Hardware WIZARD" - press "Cancel".FINDING AND REMOVING ALL OLD DETONATOR FILES 8a. Then - when in standard 640x480 (or 800x600) VGA mode, I would locate and delete all files that were used to install the un-patched Detonators.8b. There *may* be a "C:\NVIDIA\" folder, if so, delete it.8c. In the "C:\Windows\inf\" folder, there are some files named"oem2.inf" or "oem3.inf" or "oem[some_number].inf",one of these is the old inf file used by the NON-patched Detonators.The easiest way to get rid of it, is to search"All files and folders""All or part of the file name" -> oem"A word or phrase in the file" -> nvidia"Look in:" -> C:\Windows\inf\Then delete the file found.Now you're 100% sure that Windows can not find any files belonging to the old, un-patched drivers.USING DEVICE MANAGER TO TELL WINDOWS YOU'LL UPDATE THE DRIVER9. Then, start the Device Manager:Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> SystemIn "System Properties" window, select "Hardware" tab, then click "Device Manager" buttonThere should be a yellow question mark, at the sub-level of "Display adapters"Right-click the question mark, and select "Update Driver..."FORCING WINDOWS TO USE YOUR PATCHED DRIVERS10a. At the first page of the "Hardware Update Wizard", select"Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)"Click "Next >" button10b. At the "Please choose your search and installation options" page, select"Don't search. I will choose the driver to install."Click "Next >" button10c. Now Windows don't know of any drivers at all (you removed the old ones, right)- click "Have Disk" button,browse your way to the"C:\45.28_patched\" folder,double-click the"nv4_disp.inf" file10d. That's it! Now you just click "OK" or "Next >" or whatever(I don't remember the precise words)- but now you've made sure Windows are using your patched drivers.Just reboot the PC after the finish.
Elpis Αύγουστος 25, 2004 #6 Αύγουστος 25, 2004 ρε παιδια τι διαφορα εχουν οι quadro? εχω μια μσι 5900SP vtd 128 μπορω να τη κανω ? αν ναι θα δω καμια διαφορα?
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