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Καλή είναι και η κόπια αν δεν θες να σπαταλίσεις χρόνο για να μάθεις τα passive του tree, skills κλπ μέχρι να κάνεις το δικό σου build :p (που εκεί είναι το νόημα)

Από 'κει και πέρα οκτόβρη-νοέμβρη μπαίνει το καινούριο act3xx..ενώ για τα επόμενα 5-10χρόνια θα βγαίνουν act..καινούρια leagues..και πολλά ακόμα που δεν ξέρουμε..:smoke:

Πλέον για endgame έχεις τα maps (Map - Path of Exile Wiki) - ατελείωτο και ...πολύ δύσκολο... - εκεί είναι όλο το fun :rofl:

Το τελευταίο 0.11.3 μπαίνει σήμερα βραδάκι... :nuke:

Version 0.11.2b

  • Fixed a bug where our integrated Twitch streaming did not work under Windows XP.

This actually prevented Windows XP clients from running at all - very sorry about that! In response to this issue we're moving the Windows XP quality assurance step to occur after everything else, just in case last minute changes break that version.

Version 0.11.2c

  • Fixed a client crash that could occur while streaming if users sent specific chat messages.

Version 0.11.2d

  • This patch tests a new deployment process that allows us to deploy a client-only patch without a server restart.
  • Twitch Streaming now strictly obeys the resolution that you select. You can now also select a maximum bitrate. Both of these options are set to auto-detect by default.
  • Changed the video encoding settings on Twitch streams to improve their quality.

This patch was deployed without a realm restart. If you were playing when it happened, you should be able to continue playing using the old one until you launch the client again.

Version 0.11.2e

  • Added two new cosmetic microtransactions: Iron Maiden Helmet Effect and Black Cat Pet.
  • Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when pressing the up arrow while in chat.
  • Fixed a pathing error in the passive skill tree - the two 8% nodes in the Primal Spirit cluster were incorrectly connected.
  • Fixed bug where you couldn't stream while playing in certain aspect ratios.
  • Added an error message to the streaming tab for better feedback when problems occur.
  • Fixed a bug in automatic bitrate detection when streaming.
  • Fixed a bug where selecting the "Auto" options for streaming quality wouldn't save in the settings.

Version 0.11.3

  • We have revamped the global chat system. You stay in the same channel throughout your session, even if you move between areas. Trade chat has been separated from global. You're told what chat channel you're in (they have numbers) and you can join a specific one if you want to (for example, /global 8 or /trade 3). You can be in up to one Global and one Trade channel at once. Channels are still separated by leagues. You can join a specific high channel number if you want a quiet place to talk to your friends.
  • Added a new cosmetic microtransaction effect - Arctic Weapon Effect.
  • The /trade command that trades with another player has been changed to /tradewith.
  • All items with six sockets are now included in the set that are allocated to players when loot allocation is on.
  • The experience penalty has been reduced by a third, down to 5% on Cruel and 10% on Merciless.
  • Searing Bond: Increased its damage and made it more likely to hit monsters standing quite close to the totem.
  • Incinerate: Now progresses through the damage stages faster and does more damage at later stages. The mana cost has been reduced at higher skill levels.
  • Increased the drop chance of Maps from scroll racks.
  • Fixed a bug where hitting enter to login to Twitch also opened the chat box.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn’t change title, quality or bitrate of a stream until the current stream had completely stopped.


Τα "teasing" που μας κάνει η GGG με ένα καινούριο dex/int melee skill, που απ'ότι φένεται να είναι dagger aoe με buff - ίσως να κάνει και για claws :banging: 0.11.4 patch incoming!

- The skill we teased yesterday is Reave. It's a Dexterity/Intelligence skill available to Shadows from low levels. It works with Claws, Daggers and One Hand Swords (including Dual Wielding). Using the skill causes you to attack a small area in front of you. Each attack that hits an enemy increases the area of effect. The area is reset if you don't hit anything for a short time. If you use a skill other than Reave, the area is also reset. You can move around between Reaves as long as you hit an enemy frequently. It's designed to synergise with players building around attack speed, area of effect bonuses and on-hit effects. It'll be included in 0.11.4, which is due for deployment in less than two weeks.


Έγινε επεξεργασία από hondo1
  • 3 weeks later...


Version 0.11.4


  • This patch is a large download because it includes newer (smaller/faster) versions of most of the game's art. We have tried to ensure that there will only be one such large patch by combining many such changes into this one.


  • Some areas of Wraeclast now have environmental critters.
  • Informational icons at the top left of the screen now have borders based on the nature of what is being shown. Buffs have a green border, debuffs a red border, flask effects have a golden border, other game play elements (like charges and skill counters) have a grey border. Minions still have have the older style bevelled border.
  • League Banners now correctly display on the Social tab.
  • As you move around, the edges of shadows no longer flicker or "swim" visibly.
  • Incinerate now has an informational icon which displays what stage it is in when you continue to cast it.
  • Substantial optimisation to the size of game art assets has been performed. This will reduce loading times, memory usage and associated stability issues.
  • Several changes have been made to the Lunaris Temple area to reduce memory usage.
  • Improved the performance of The Docks.


  • Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence skill - Reave: Attacks a small area in front of you. Each consecutive Reave that hits an enemy increases the area of effect. The area is reset after a short period without hitting anything. Only works with Daggers, Claws and One Handed Swords.
  • Reave is available as a quest reward from the "Enemy at the Gate" quest in Normal difficulty for the Shadow and Ranger. Duelists and Witches can get it from "Mercy Mission" in Normal Difficulty and Marauders from "Delving into Sin" in Normal Difficulty.
  • Added five new Unique items, including three which were designed by our community. One is only available through a vendor recipe.
  • Added two new cosmetic microtransaction effects: Lightning Weapon Effect and Skull Hood Helmet Skin.
  • The Weaver fight has been improved. The Weaver has a new skill based on Ethereal Knives. There are also additional spiders. It's significantly more challenging at higher difficulties. Spiders now drop from the ceiling as they climb down webs.
  • The following Unique items now have their own 3D art - Rime Gaze, Bringer of Rain, Marohi Erqi and Chober Chaber.
  • The Plate Vest 2D and 3D art has been improved.
  • The Vaal Ruins have been updated with torches that light up when outsiders approach.
  • Quivers now have 3D art to match their 2D art.
  • Vaal Fallen now wear appropriate late Atziri period Vaal armour and wield two handed weapons.
  • Improvements have been made to the lead-up music of the Vaal Oversoul fight.
  • The statues in the Marketplace chokepoint are now much harder to avoid triggering.
  • Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.


  • Inner force increased from 12% to 15%.
  • Shaggy Monstrosities now perform flat life degeneration based on their level, rather than a percentage based degeneration.
  • Changed the mod on the unique Soul Taker from "Melee attacks can't fail based on cost" to "Insufficient Mana doesn't prevent your Melee Attacks". This means it will no longer have any effect when using Blood Magic. Instead of killing you, the skill will fail.
  • Vaal Fallen are no longer classified as undead, so cannot be raised by Necromancers. While these constructs contain a skeleton, it is not the skeleton in the construct that has a life force.
  • Monsters other than Kraityn now have a cooldown on their Flicker Strike.
  • Freeze mine can now be supported by Cold Penetration.
  • Tempest shield can now generate more than one charge per skill use.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where auras would not update when you changed area with a different aura level and setup than that which you cast the aura with.
  • Door nameplates have been unhidden, reverting a problem from a previous patch.
  • Improved the placement of totems, preventing a case where the skill could execute in a location where a full totem wouldn't fit.
  • Zahndethus' Cassock has had its material updated so that it correctly casts a shadow.
  • Fixed a bug where boss monster lights would appear on hidden monsters.
  • Fixed a bug with Ethereal Knives that would cause you to walk closer than needed if the range was affected by projectile speed.
  • Fixed a bug where Infernal Blow and Dominating Blow could still apply to targets if the attack missed.
  • Fixed a bug where you could gain leeched Energy Shield after death.
  • Fixed an error where butterflies would inappropriately spawn on your enemies. (No, really, this was a thing.)
  • Fixed a bug where minions would grant you flask charges when they time out.
  • Fixed an issue where moving out of the path of Whirling Blades would not prevent damage.
  • Fixed a minor bug in the Character Panel displaying off-hand accuracy.
  • Fixed the stat description on Melee Splash support being wrong.
  • If Oak makes his way out of his camp, he now teleports back to his camp.
  • Fixed a bug where replacing a gem that prevented an equipped item from being enabled with a gem of a lower level would not check to reenable the item.
  • Fixed a bug with the Coward's Trial Boss's mass revive skill.
  • Fixed a bug where weapons that should have no physical damage could have damage through quality.
  • Fixes an instance server crash related to Arctic Armour.
  • Fixed an instance server crash related to Searing Bond.
  • Fixed an instance server crash related to Minion Instability.
  • Fixed an instance server crash related to pathfinding.
  • Fixed an instance server crash related to auras.
  • Fixed a rare client crash with Explosive Arrow.

Πωωω παιζω παιζω και δεν ανεβαινει λεβελ... Τωρα καταλαβα γιατι το εχουν παρατησει ολοι το παιχνιδι αυτο. Οσο εκανα για να παω απο 0-40 εχω κανει απο 45-50 (που δεν το εχω φτασει ακομα κιολας)

υπερβολές:rolleyes: και που να δεις απο 80 σε 90 ... :hehe:

πέρα απ'την πλάκα όπως σου είχα πει είναι για hardcore community - οπότε λογικό να μην παίζουν πολλοί :p

Τοσο hardcore δεν αντεχω να ειμαι. Θα παιζω μεν αλλα κλασικα παλι 1 χαρακτηρα μαλλον θα εχω. Δεν γινεται να λεβελαρεις 2-3 θελει χρονια ολοκληρα...

  • 2 weeks later...

The balance changes related to cooldowns have been made as the first steps towards the PvP balance we're working on for 1.0.0 as well as upcoming new Trap skills for 0.11.6. :happy2:

Version 0.11.5


  • Cooldowns have been changed significantly in this patch. This may affect your character if you're using multiple copies of the same skill gem. Please read the specific details in the balance section of the patch notes below.


  • You can now access the microtransaction store in-game by pressing M. It appears to the right of the microtransaction stash if you don't have your inventory open.
  • Added a consumable microtransaction - Skin Transfer: You select two items and it transfers the visual appearance of the first one onto the second. The first item is destroyed, but can later be recovered using the "Reclaim" button in the microtransaction stash. Note that items with modified skins cannot be traded until the skin is removed.
  • Shadow rendering has been improved. The shadowing options are now "None", "Low" and "High". Shadows are now faster to render and we've fixed the light bleeding and halos that could be seen around shadows in some areas.


  • Added a new strength support gem - Empower: This is a world-drop-only gem with three levels that only does anything at level two and above.
  • Added five new Unique items, four of which are Diamond Uniques. One is a Unique map.
  • Added two new cosmetic microtransaction effects: Infernal Weapon Effect and Infernal Skull Anger Aura Effect.
  • A new summoner Sea Witch boss has been added to the Upper Submerged Passage.
  • Added 3D art for Bronn's Lithe, Death's Oath, Ashrend, Foxshade, The Covenant and Demigod's Stride.
  • Added 3D art for the alternate art items of Shavronne's Pace, Rainbowstride, Windscream, Sundance and Sin Trek.
  • Jeweller's Orbs and Orbs of Fusing now describe that they consume quality when used.
  • Tiki Totems now have their death effect - they splinter upon death or expiry.
  • Added a new visual ground effect for Piety's death.
  • Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.


  • Skills now start fully cooled down upon entering an area. For example, when you enter an area, your traps are immediately ready to use.
  • Different instances of the same skill now share the same cooldown, except in the case that the cooldown is overridden by a support (for example, the Trap support). Note that this means that skills supported by the Trap support gem cannot be bypassed by charges when they normally would be able to be.
  • Cooldowns persist and will elapse even when the skill gems are unequipped.
  • Using flasks now breaks the grace period of invulnerability you gain upon entering an area.
  • In Maps, the Vaal Fallen now appear in separate packs from Necromancers, fighting alongside other Vaal constructions.
  • Bear Trap's damage has been increased at lower levels and reduced at higher levels. It has been increased by 15% at level one and reduced by 20% at level 15.
  • The number of charges produced by Enduring Cry has been increased at all levels.
  • Dual wielding action distances have been changed. You now close to the shortest range of both weapons, so you can be guaranteed to hit with both weapons. Cyclone uses the larger of the weapon ranges for its area of effect.
  • Quality on the Trap support gem now offers faster trap throwing instead of trap duration.
  • Fire Trap's on-hit damage has been reduced at high levels (20% at Level 15). The damage of Fire Trap's burning ground has been increased by 50%.
  • Clarity levels after 20 have had their mana cost progressions corrected. Each level over 20 costs 20 more mana per level, instead of 40.
  • The cooldown times of traps (except for Conversion trap and the Trap support gem) have been lowered to four seconds.
  • Spawn, Bandit and Insect suicide explosions now do appropriate damage at lower levels. This currently only matters in the Endless Ledge.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where Lightning Warp was not affected by Increased Duration.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in 0.11.4 where Zombies were given substantially more life than intended.
  • Fixed a bug where Zombie life shown on the skill gem tool tip was incorrect.
  • If you get disconnected from the patching server the client will now error out rather than only downloading a partial patch.
  • Fixed a bug where items forced to be dropped in Cutthroat could appear disabled.
  • The Goddess Scorned recipe has been changed so that a Goddess Scorned can't be used as the elegant sword for getting a Goddess Scorned.
  • "You have been muted" messages now show hours, minutes and seconds muted.
  • Fixed a bug where global messages would be sent advertising race events outside of their registration period. This was most noticeable with burst events.
  • Fixed a bug where the Searing Bond sound played after the beam had gone.
  • Fixed a bug where the Death's Oath aura did not work correctly in PVP after the first round.
  • Fixed a case where Hillock could lose his sword.

Πωωω παιζω παιζω και δεν ανεβαινει λεβελ... Τωρα καταλαβα γιατι το εχουν παρατησει ολοι το παιχνιδι αυτο. Οσο εκανα για να παω απο 0-40 εχω κανει απο 45-50 (που δεν το εχω φτασει ακομα κιολας)

Μέχρι και 70 level ανεβαίνει σχετικά άνετα με μερικά runs lunaris temple -pietty ( την pietty αν θες την αποφεύγεις :p )

Απο 80 και πάνω είναι άλλο θεμα πρεπει το build να ειναι πολύ σταθερο και να τρέχεις συνέχεια 70+lvl maps οπότε θες και χρήμα για τα maps η farming char να ρίχνεις σε καθε run αντιστοιχο μαπ .

Συζητούσαμε τις προάλλες με τον φλούφλη ( hondo1) για δυνατά builds .

Βασικά όλα τα builds στο game αν είναι στημένα σωστά σπέρνουν . Όλα έχουν όμως αδυναμίες σε συγκεκριμένα map mods . Πχ ο ranger εχει σε elemental reflect ο shadow σε psysical ο temp και ο mara σε διαφορα άλλα και Όλοι μαζί σε αρκετά ( enfeblee temporal chains κλπ . )

Το build που δεν εχει σχεδόν σε κανένα ειναι η pure summoner . Εκτός απο blood magic ( οπου λόγω chaos inocculation μενεις χωρις cast ουσιαστικά ) τρέχει ολα τα υπολοιπα σχετικά άνετα .

Επίσης ειναι το πιο ευκολο για στήσιμο farming build .

Εδω η summoner witch μου σε ένα 69ρι map με

49% quantity απο map mod και +82quantity +250++ rarity απο gear . (sum 130+q 250+r)





Έχεις δίκιο εν μέρει όμως.. ναι μεν ως CI necrosummoner δεν σε πιάνει το chaos dmg αλλά σε cursed vulnerability και γενικά στα physical είναι 1 hit :p ίσως η μόνη λύση είναι τα endurance charges για physical reduction και αν χωράει καμιά aura με armour/eva + granite flask για pumping!

Aν ήσουν με eldritch battery γλυτώνεις αρκετά από τις auras αλλά έχει θέματακι με τα chaos (με amethyst flask να είναι must) εκτός αν είσαι hybrid life/es με Shavronne's :smoke: αλλά μετά έχεις και θέματα με τα shock stack, burning, cold κτλ... :hm: εκτός πάλι αν φοράς ανάλογα uniques!

φαντάσου το map να έχει και τα 2 reflect, -x% maximum Player Resistances και cursed Elemental Weakness σε σένα... μπαίνουμε ή όχι?? χαχαχα :rofl: 100+ quantity :p

Γενικά πάντως από τα πιό εύκολα builds στο game είναι αυτά που δεν κάνεις εσύ ο ίδιος damage αλλά κάνουν τα skills σου έμμεσα...δηλαδή οτιδήποτε έχει να κάνει με traps, mines , totem, summons, DoT dmg κτλ διότι τα reflect δεν πιάνουν πάνω σου απ΄το dmg που κάνουν τα skills σου.. Από τα πιό έξυπνα και έυκολα που μπορείς να κάνεις build με 2 Spork totem και να cast-άρεις Ice-Spear με GMP + Power charge on crit για multi-crits που θα πηγαίνουν στα totem σου και και εννοείται δεν θα τρώς ele-reflect:cool:

Tri-Totem :banging:

Soul Mantle - Path of Exile Wiki

τα map και τα modifiers: Map - Path of Exile Wiki

τα flask και τα modifiers: Flask - Path of Exile Wiki & το unique flask Divination Distillate - Path of Exile Wiki

Weekend Races with Roccat Hardware Prizes

Forum - Announcements - Weekend Races with Roccat Hardware Prizes - Path of Exile

4 Event το σου/κου με δωράκια από την Roccat :banging:

Επίσης νέο skill στην upcoming 0.11.6 - Lightning Projectile Trap :whistle2:


φαντάσου το map να έχει και τα 2 reflect, -x% maximum Player Resistances και cursed Elemental Weakness σε σένα... μπαίνουμε ή όχι?? χαχαχα 100+ quantity

Ενοείται πως μπαίνω-ουμε. Γιαυτο εχω την witch 82lvl ενω θα μπορουσε να ηταν 90 :p

Tο τελευταίο build

Ci-Crit Shadow .

Main Skill FlickerStrike με bypassed cooldown times μεσω Frenzy το οποίο φορτίζει μέσω Bloodrage : P Την παράνοια συμπληρώνει το multistrike και έτσι το flickerstrike πέφτει στα 0.1sec att speed :D ( ολα αυτα με 5 frenzy charges .. )

Για κυρίως φόρτισμα frenzy χρησιμοποιώ lighting strike σε μπουλούκια και για single targets frenzy ->faster attacks -> multistrike .

Το build εχει χώρο ακόμη καθώς παίζω με μέτριο dagger και δεν εχω ασχοληθει με linking σχεδον καθολου (το μεγαλυτερο link = 4 ) σε 5link μπαινει πχ melee splash .

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYPYAgUnAdw]Client 2013 09 12 18 48 05 93 - YouTube[/ame]

Αυτά είναι! Ο ορισμός της παράνοιας

Πραγμάτικα ομως λολ . Λόγω του τεράστιου life lech απο bloodrage + potions + vaal pact τις περισσότερες πιθανότητες να επιβιώσει τις έχει οταν κανει charge λολ . Δειτε το es bar πως παιζει . : D

Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile

Εφόσον έκανα στους άλλους 2 ( Witch - Shadow ) έφτιαξα και για τον ranger ένα Vid στο ίδιο σημείο ( Barracs run ) για να είναι ευκολότερη η σύγκριση .

82lvl Ranger ,, Frenzy ( 6charges ) - L/A με Farming Gear ( 60quantity 100rarity )

Passive Skill Tree - Path of Exile

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ai6r2eZeTPc]Path Of Exile 82lvl Frenzy / LA Ranger Barracs - YouTube[/ame]

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