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Ναι είναι αρκετά defensive, αλλά το dmg δεν έρχεται από το tree αλλά από τα flat-phys (rings-amy), την belt meginords, το attack speed (frenzy, rings, jewels), ίσως το abyssus αλλά δεν το συνιστώ γιατί είναι 99.9% rip και τα support gems σε ένα 5L (faster attacks, melee phys, added fire, fortify). Aπό auras λογικά την ash και grace ή ash και anger.

Λογικά ξεπερνάει τα 20k στο tooltip αλλά ίσως να φτάνει και τα 30κ+ που είναι gg και πάλι!

Για τα frenzy charges μπορείς και από το blood rage gem (που θα το φοράει εννοείτε) αλλά επειδή είναι 25% on kill μόνο, θέλουμε οπωςδήποτε το quill rain για swap.

Δεν είναι τόσο δύσκολο, απλά συνήθεια είναι...ίσα-ίσα που με το που πατάς για swap είναι τόσο γρήγορο το attack speed του quill rain που μαζεύονται σε 1sec :p απλά το bloodrage κάνει sustain τα charges όσο παίζεις και όταν έχεις χάσει τα charges γυρίζεις swap μαζεύεις και πάλι swap σε facebreaker :)


απλά θελει λίγο στρίμωγμα με τα gems , γιατί θέλει και το lightning warp για movement κτλ κτλ...




Στο Sire of shards Arctic breath build σου γιατί δεν πήρες τα nods από το tree με το chance to freeze? εφόσον θες να τα κάνεις freeze και δεν πήγες τόσο για crit....συνολικά 25% chance to freeze μπορείς να πάρεις ακόμα...εκεί κοντά είναι όλα. αν έχεις για respec δοκίμασε το. :)

Έγινε επεξεργασία από hondo1
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Ναι είναι αρκετά defensive, αλλά το dmg δεν έρχεται από το tree αλλά από τα flat-phys (rings-amy), την belt meginords, το attack speed (frenzy, rings, jewels), ίσως το abyssus αλλά δεν το συνιστώ γιατί είναι 99.9% rip και τα support gems σε ένα 5L (faster attacks, melee phys, added fire, fortify). Aπό auras λογικά την ash και grace ή ash και anger.

Λογικά ξεπερνάει τα 20k στο tooltip αλλά ίσως να φτάνει και τα 30κ+ που είναι gg και πάλι!

Για τα frenzy charges μπορείς και από το blood rage gem (που θα το φοράει εννοείτε) αλλά επειδή είναι 25% on kill μόνο, θέλουμε οπωςδήποτε το quill rain για swap.

Δεν είναι τόσο δύσκολο, απλά συνήθεια είναι...ίσα-ίσα που με το που πατάς για swap είναι τόσο γρήγορο το attack speed του quill rain που μαζεύονται σε 1sec :p απλά το bloodrage κάνει sustain τα charges όσο παίζεις και όταν έχεις χάσει τα charges γυρίζεις swap μαζεύεις και πάλι swap σε facebreaker :)


απλά θελει λίγο στρίμωγμα με τα gems , γιατί θέλει και το lightning warp για movement κτλ κτλ...

Μάλιστα καλή επιτυχία με το build στο one month! Για το switching ίσως είναι θέμα συνήθειας αλλά εμένα δεν ξέρω μου φαίνεται φασαρία!


Στο Sire of shards Arctic breath build σου γιατί δεν πήρες τα nods από το tree με το chance to freeze? εφόσον θες να τα κάνεις freeze και δεν πήγες τόσο για crit....συνολικά 25% chance to freeze μπορείς να πάρεις ακόμα...εκεί κοντά είναι όλα. αν έχεις για respec δοκίμασε το. :)

Αυτό είχα σκοπό να κάνω αρχικά και μάλιστα πήρα κάποια. Μετά όμως είδα ότι perma-freeze άμα δεν βγάζεις damage δεν γίνεται (μάλιστα τώρα μετά το awakening είναι ακόμα πιο δύσκολο) οπότε τα έβγαλα και έβαλα κάποια με damage. Κάποια στιγμή θα κάνω κάποιο build είτε με cold snap είτε με crit σχεδιασμένο από την αρχή ώστε να μπορεί να κάνει perma-freeze (και το challenge είναι να παγώνεις και rare/uniques όχι μόνο τα απλά τέρατα)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Annoucing the Five-week Darkshrine Events


Today's news post is about the experimental Darkshrine events that we are running from November 2 to December 7. There is both a Standard and a Hardcore event, and they bridge the gap between the Flashback events and the upcoming new challenge leagues.


A few weeks ago, we realised we had a problem. The Flashback events would be ending on the 2nd of November but there would still be five weeks after that until the next challenge leagues could be released.

Since all our developers are busy working on future content, there would have to be a gap where Standard and Hardcore would be the only leagues running. We weren't really happy with that.

Back in the good old days of Closed Beta when both the company size and player expectations were smaller, we used to be able to throw together some content and have players testing it in a short amount of time.

So I decided to see what I could throw together. Could I put together a fun league entirely by myself in a week?

We had a look at some of the past ideas for challenge leagues that had been rejected. One of them in particular stood out: Darkshrine.

The idea behind Darkshrine was that the player would encounter shrine-like objects in the world that they could put a rare item into to sacrifice. Depending on what item was sacrificed, there would be some kind of interesting effect. The more powerful the item, the better.

You might get a powerful buff for the area. An item in your inventory might be modified in some way. Hard monsters spawned in the level. The monsters in the level might even start fighting each other. It should be unpredictable at first and hopefully surprising.

Darkshrine was a challenge league idea that we rejected in the past because it had two problems. The first was that it probably wasn't substantial enough for a full three/four month league on its own. The second was that we thought it might be a bit oppressive for all the new players that we get for a fully-marketed challenge league release.

Neither of those are problems for a fun and short league like this, designed for experienced players.

So over the last few weeks I've been working on Darkshrine. It has been a lot of fun coming up with ideas for the league. I also haven't had a chance to work on gameplay for a long time now so getting back to that has been an enjoyable experience. I really hope you enjoy it.

I want to stress that there is a lot of content reuse in this league. I couldn't make new bosses or art by myself! You should expect some of your favorite mechanics from past leagues like the Corrupting Tempest to turn up as Darkshrine rewards. Any stat or mechanic that looked like it could be a cool Darkshrine outcome was thrown in.

There is a lot of interesting variety there though, so I think people will have fun finding out some of the crazier Darkshrine effects. In no other league will all the monsters in the level be spontaneously set to 1 life. Or an inconspicuous barrel somewhere on the level have a unique item put in it.

Don't always expect it to be fair. Darkshrines are capricious and arbitrary.


Event Times: (displayed in your local timezone)

  • The events will start at: Nov 02, 2015 9:30 PM (EET)
  • The events will end at: Dec 07, 2015 9:30 PM (EET)


The following microtransaction prizes are being randomly given to players who reach various level thresholds in an event. There is a separate prize pool for each event:

  • 100 random players who reach level 30 will receive the Skin Transfer Bundle (10)
  • 70 random players who reach level 40 will receive the Steam Powered Portal Effect
  • 20 random players who reach level 50 will receive the Lightning Skull helmet skin
  • 20 random players who reach level 50 will receive the Arctic Skull helmet skin
  • 20 random players who reach level 50 will receive the Infernal Skull helmet skin
  • 20 random Players who reach level 60 will receive the Seraph Wings back attachment
  • 10 random players who reach level 70 will receive the Steam Powered Armour Set
  • 5 random players who reach level 80 will receive Demon King Armour Set and Demon King Horns

In addition, the top twenty players (from each event) by experience will receive an alternate-art Demigod's Beacon.

We are also inviting community members to post videos or screenshots of crazy encounters that they experience in the Darkshrine events. At the end of the event we'll pick our favourites and award additional microtransactions to those winners. On the day that the events start, we'll also post where to make these submissions!

In the Hardcore event, dead hardcore players are eligible for prizes. The single highest level character in each event on your account will be considered. If you play with multiple accounts, we will use the highest character from between them. GGG Staff members are not eligible for prizes.


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Upcoming Race Season Information


We're planning to start the next race season late next week. Today's news post is a summary of some of the changes we're making in this race season, and notes on a few that will be in later seasons.

Path of Exile's fourteenth race season is likely going to be called "Soulthirst", after the name of the Unique belt that is being created for it. This name may change before the final announcement.

The signature race will also be themed around the Soulthirst theme, in a similar way to the Emberwake and Bloodgrip events.

We are probably introducing a "Headhunter" race type for this season.

Dead characters are fully eligible for prize points in this and future race seasons. This means you can push ahead without having to worry about losing your standing if you die. In higher difficulty levels, you still lose experience when you die.

We're planning to remove some of the variance in the Ship Graveyard, so that the playthrough duration of that area doesn't vary so wildly from one person to the next.

The points awarded for hitting certain levels in the races have been tweaked. They're now also balanced around the least performant of the classes, so good players can hit the top level trophy regardless of their class choice. Points are now awarded in a way that is more proportional to the length of the race.

While the special races in this season are mostly Descent races, there are some Endless Ledge (including some Burst races) and Descent: Champions races, due to popular demand.

There have been many changes to the Descent races:

  • The levels of many areas have been adjusted.
  • The life of bosses in first eleven areas have been reduced and normalised.
  • The chests for every class have been redone in most areas. Skill gems are present in both chests, rather than being a choice.
  • The Capricious Tomb has been replaced by the Mortal Tomb. This area is now filled with living humanoids rather than Goatmen.
  • The Spinner of False Hope in Descent no longer hides at 50% life.
  • The statues in the Tomb of Statues use ice shot far less frequently
  • Necromancers in the third area do not use enfeeble any more.
  • There are no longer full packs of Undying Grapplers. They now spawn alongside other monsters.
  • The weapons in the starter chests now all have three linked sockets.

In the Endless Ledge, the second and third areas now also use a restricted set of monsters that don't include Act Four monsters. There's now a ramp up towards dangerous monsters by the time you hit the fourth area.

Boss races are now fixed seed (the same for everyone racing it) but without the revealed map. The seed is different for each boss race.

BLAMT races have returned this season. We are considering running a 24 hour BLAMT boss-kill race with high point rewards for bosses that are unreasonable to kill with those mods ;)

In addition to not having Rogue Exiles or Masters, Signature races no longer have Strongboxes, Tormented Spirits, Bloodlines Mods or Nemesis Mods. Signature races no longer give points for side objectives, like full-clearing zones or being the first to complete quest objectives. They're entirely about racing.

Due to the additional race points and above changes, it is now easier to achieve alternate art unique item rewards than it ever has been before.

As discussed on the State of Exile podcast a few weeks ago, there are some other changes that we'll be making in later seasons. The changes in this season just represent the changes we could easily make while also working on larger system changes for the future. I should stress that these changes may not necessarily be in for Season 15 (December 2015).

In future seasons, we will be moving towards an asynchronous race-of-the-day system where solo non-signature races can be played at any time of the day.

We are discussing extending Descent and Descent: Champions to add Act Four areas and monsters to them.

Further improvements to Endless Ledge are being considered such as party support and additional chests with support gems. The Aqueduct tileset would make a great Endless Ledge candidate.

We will also continue to add new race types over time. The team have some awesome ideas.

We're looking at changing the levels of resistance rings in the game in general so that the Sapphire Ring is more easily obtainable before Merveil. Early game bows are also being worked on.

In addition to the changes in this season, we have plans to continue to improve race rewards over time. We are considering selling a microtransaction that would make a permanent cross-league skin transfer of an item. This would allow you to remove your race reward in a challenge league, use it for that league, then make a skin transfer of it for future seasons.

Feedback is appreciated, as always!

(Also, if you missed it, please check out the Halloween Microtransactions we released yesterday!)


όσο το αγαπώ αυτό το game, άλλο τόσο βαριέμαι/κωλώνω να ξεκινήσω άλλο χαρακτήρα από την αρχή κ να μου βγει μάπα... :( πού θα πάει, θα βρω χρόνο κι όρεξη..

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  • 2 weeks later...

Important Announcements Soon


Since the release of The Awakening in July, we've been hard at work on some secret stuff. We recently locked down our schedule for when we'll be announcing and releasing the next two major updates to Path of Exile!

Full details of the 2.1.0 Content Update will be announced at the end of next week. This update includes the Talisman Challenge Leagues, many new skills, unique items, balance changes and bug fixes. It will be released in December, once the Darkshrine events have ended.

Many astute community members have noticed clues related to an upcoming larger expansion. We'll be announcing Path of Exile's next major expansion (internally numbered 2.2.0) in late November. This expansion will be released in Q1 2016, when the Talisman challenge leagues end. In the meantime, keep an eye out for other clues in places you don't expect.

In other news, the Soulthirst Race Season started today. Best of luck!

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The Talisman Challenge Leagues

December's 2.1.0 Content Update marks the start of both a Standard and Hardcore version of the Talisman Challenge League. These leagues have self-contained economies and provide an opportunity for you to enjoy a fresh start and demonstrate your mastery of Path of Exile.

Ancient Ezomyte Talismans

Talismans are infused with the power of the First Ones, the primeval gods of the ancient Ezomytes. The creatures of Wraeclast are instinctively drawn to these relics and the feral vigour they impart.

As you play in the Talisman challenge leagues, you'll occasionally encounter monsters that are under the influence of Talismans. The ancient magic improves their abilities, resulting in dangerous encounters if you choose to engage them.

Talismans have such a strong lure that monsters are irresistibly drawn to them. If a monster possessed by one is slain, other monsters will rush to claim the Talisman for themselves. Given their power, can you resist equipping one yourself?


Talismans as Items

Talismans are amulets that drop in a corrupted state, so they cannot be crafted. They have extremely powerful implicit mods, so ones that luckily drop with good mods are very desirable compared to regular amulets.

There are many different types of Talismans, spread out over several tiers. As their power escalates, so does the difficulty of the fight required to claim one from a monster.

The Standard and Hardcore versions of the Talisman league both have slightly different sets of Talismans to find. Each has a few exclusive and powerful properties of its own.


Some examples of first-tier Talismans



Stone Circles

As you explore Wraeclast in the Talisman leagues, you'll encounter circles of floating stones, assembled by ancient Ezomyte Druids. You can sacrifice a set of five different Talismans from the same tier to summon a monster possessed by a Talisman from the next tier up. We've added many new Unique Bosses for these encounters.

Defeating the summoned monster to claim their Talisman allows you to either improve your build with its powerful implicit properties or to save up a set of Talismans to try for the next tier. Sacrificing magic, rare or unique Talismans at a Stone Circle grants a chance to summon a monster possessed by a Talisman of similar rarity.


Some examples of second-tier Talismans


Thane Rigwald, The Wolven King

Rigwald the Wolven King led the Ezomytes during the Purity Rebellion. To ensure the ongoing freedom of his people, he recovered the Talismans of the First Ones and called upon those ancient Ezomyte gods to help him. It was a First One called the Greatwolf who answered, and it soon became apparent that the Wolven King had bitten off more than he could chew.

When you sacrifice five of the third tier of Talismans, a portal will open to the Den of the Wolven King, where you can challenge Rigwald himself. Possessed by the greatest of Talismans, he poses a lethal threat, but one yielding a substantial prize.



Challenges and Rewards

The Talisman challenge leagues contain 32 challenges that ascend in difficulty. You will receive a piece of Rigwald's armour set for each 8 challenges you complete.

In addition, once you reach 18 challenges completed, you receive a piece of the challenge Hideout Totem to display. Subsequent Totem pieces are awarded for each two challenges completed.


New Skills and Support Gems

Content Update 2.1.0 introduces eight new Skill Gems and four new Support Gems. Three categories of skills are being introduced, to both power-up existing builds and to provide entirely new builds that didn't previously exist.

New Bow Skills

One of our design goals for 2.1.0 was to increase the variety of skills available for bow users. Three new bow skills have been introduced.

Shrapnel Shot fires a piercing arrow with a cone of lightning damage, for high close-range damage.

Blast Rain bombards an area with a series of fiery arrows that explode when they land. The damage is focused around the middle, making it a reliable way to remove tougher enemies while also destroying those gathered around them.

The Siege Ballista skill creates a mechanical crossbow that fires a powerful, piercing bolt after a build-up time. It's extremely useful for bow characters, delivering a deadly shot if you're able to draw enemies into its fire.



New Physical Damage Spells

Until now, very few spells in Path of Exile dealt physical damage. We're adding further support for physical casters with two new spells in 2.1.0.

Blade Vortex summons ethereal weapons that spin around you, slicing up nearby enemies. Bladefall causes a wide cluster of blades to rain down in a row, carpeting an area with ethereal weapons. The blades spread out and cover a wider area as they travel away from you.

Both of these skills encourage physical caster builds where clever positioning is key.


New Chaos Damage Spells

Players have frequently requested more skills to enable chaos damage spellcaster builds.

Contagion applies a chaos damage over time effect to your foes, which spreads to other nearby enemies as they die. Essence Drain fires a projectile that applies a chaos damage over time effect, which can be spread by Contagion. A portion of the damage dealt by Essence Drain is recovered as life.

Wither applies a slowing effect to enemies and makes them more vulnerable to chaos damage. It can combine with the new chaos skills or existing ones like Caustic Arrow or Viper Strike.





New Support Gems

The Controlled Destruction, Void Manipulation and Rapid Decay Support Gems boost one aspect of your spells, while reducing another. For example, Void Manipulation increases your chaos damage but reduces the damage you deal with other elements.

The Blasphemy Support Gem allows you to convert your curses to auras, applying them to nearby monsters without manual intervention. Melee and other close-range characters will find this incredibly useful.



Continued Balance Changes

In this content update, we're rebalancing most skills and making mechanical changes to many.

We're also improving several game systems including: monster damage, leech, the passive skill tree, mana costs for melee skills, spell progression for high level casters, the power of low-level bows and the power of early minion skills.

All players will receive a one-off passive tree reset so that they can adjust their characters to these changes.



New Unique Items

No Path of Exile update is complete without a generous helping of new Unique Items.

In addition to regular Unique Items, the 2.1.0 Content Update introduces an entirely new type of Unique Jewels: Threshold Jewels that modify the behaviour of existing skills when their thresholds are met.



Coming on December 11, 2015!

Content Update 2.1.0 will be released at 1pm on Friday December 11 (US Pacific Time). This is 10pm in the CET timezone and 10am on December 12 in New Zealand. The Talisman Challenge Leagues will also start at this time.

This article does not contain the full patch notes for the 2.1.0 update. We'll be releasing more details on specific features over the next couple of weeks, culminating in the final patch notes a day or two before the update is released.

We also plan to announce details of Path of Exile's next major expansion (being released in Q1, 2016) at the end of next week!


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  • 2 weeks later...

παλικάρια σκέφτομαι να ξαναρχίσω το game έχω έναν 47 λβλ ranger.Υπάρχει καμία κλαν να μπω και εγώ?Αν μπορείτε προτείνεται κανένα καλό build για ranger γιατί έχω χαθεί και μην χαραμίσω τα talents!

Όταν λες ranger, εννοείς bow build; Αν ναι, εγώ λέω πάνε το εκεί μέχρι 60-70 level και κάνε μετά έναν άλλον χαρακτήρα, κάνα melee η κάναν caster. Δώσε όμως περισσότερες πληροφορίες για τον χαρακτήρα σου.

Clan εννοείς guild; Well στο δικό μου έχει εξαφανιστεί ο leader και υποτίθεται θα μπει τον Δεκέμβριο, άντε να δούμε :p

Παντως με ενα φιλο που εχει ranger εχουμε φτασει σχεδον 80...Αρα δεν σταματανε ολοι 60-70...


Ο λόγος που είπα να πας μέχρι το 60-70 και μετά να κάνεις άλλο δεν είναι γιατί δεν αξίζει να πας μεγαλύτερο level γενικά, αλλά γιατί τα bow builds (εκτός από κάτι builds τύπου poison arrow, CoC κλπ) είναι πολύ αδύναμα στην παρούσα φάση.

Κι εγώ την πάτησα, πήγα να κάνω ice shot στο one month και μου βγήκε η ψυχή να το πάω 85 (για το challenge). Αν δεν δώσεις τουλάχιστον 10-20ex για bow δεν μπορείς να το ευχαριστηθείς από ένα σημείο και μετά.

Το tornado shot δεν το έχω δοκιμάσει, αλλά από όσο ξέρω ήταν πολύ δυνατό πριν το awakening και η κουτσή Μαρία έκανε tornado shot. Από το awakening και μετά το nerfaran όμως αρκετά.

Τέλος πάντων δεν θέλω να σε αποθαρρύνω από το να παίξεις το παιχνίδι, ίσα ίσα σου είπα το 60-70 για να μην παιδεύεσαι και απογοητευτείς :p

Έγινε επεξεργασία από phm

Talisman League Mechanics

With the release of the Talisman Challenge Leagues fast approaching (at the end of next week!), we wanted to go into more detail about how you can find higher-tier Talismans by summoning monsters at the stone circles. Today's news post is a mechanical explanation of this system.

For a general introduction to Talisman, including a video and examples of Talisman items, make sure to read the 2.1.0 Announcement first.

You'll encounter a monster possessed by a Talisman approximately once per area. This is an average - the actual number can be zero, one, two, or more per area, but averages to approximately one.

The properties of the Talisman affect the monster fight. For example, if the Talisman grants +1 Additional Maximum Zombies, then a monster possessed by it will certainly have some Zombies in tow.

Each monster possessed by a Talisman will drop that specific Talisman. There's no chance or conditionality here. When item allocation is enabled, Talismans are allocated to players like other valuable items.

If a Talisman is lying on the ground, other monsters will try to pick it up to gain it's power. You'll then have to kill that monster to get the Talisman.

The set of Talismans for Standard and Hardcore are different from each other - you can find a few base types specific to each league.

Talismans are always corrupted (i.e. can't be crafted), but have very strong implicit mods. For low-level players, Talismans without other mods will often be more powerful than whatever amulet they would otherwise be using. Talismans can also drop as magic, rare and unique. Magic Talismans are a large upgrade over normal ones because they have up to two mods in addition to their strong implicit. Obtaining a rare Talisman is a big improvement also, because it can have up to six mods. Some magic Talismans with two good mods are better than regular rare amulets. Rare Talismans with six good mods are among some of the hardest-to-find but most powerful items in the game.

Talismans come in multiple tiers (of base type). The tier of Talisman is subtly but noticeably indicated in the art. The lowest tier ones are found by killing possessed monsters in the world.

When you encounter a Stone Circle, you can sacrifice five Talismans to summon a monster possessed by a higher-tier Talisman. The five Talismans must be of the same tier, and must all be of different base types. If you manage to kill this monster, you will receive its Talisman. The rarity of the Talisman you receive is directly influenced by the rarities of the Talismans that you sacrificed to summon the monster. There are five slots, and each one contributes a 20% chance towards the next-tier Talisman being of that rarity. For example, if you sacrifice three normal Talismans, a rare Talisman and a Unique talisman, there's a 60% chance of getting a normal next-tier Talisman, a 20% chance of getting a rare next-tier Talisman, and a 20% chance of getting a Unique talisman from the next tier.

You'll have plenty of spare normal Talismans, a few spare magic Talismans, and occasional spare rare Talismans. Using Stone Circles, you're able to turn failed rolls of these items into a chance to get a good roll of the next tier up. While putting five rare Talismans into a Stone Circle guarantees a new rare one, you can sometimes put only one or two rares in and luckily get a rare as the outcome.

There are three main tiers of Talismans. Combining five first-tier ones gives you a second tier, and combining five second-tier (i.e. 25 first-tier) gives you a third-tier one. If you're able to combine five third-tier Talismans (125 first-tier!), then you can summon a portal to fight Rigwald, the Wolven King. He drops a special type of fourth-tier Talisman. These talismans have two random Talisman mods from lower tiers. As usual, its rarity is based on random selection between the Talismans used to summon him. While normal versions of his Talisman can be amazing, magic and rare ones are even more so. Imagine a lucky roll on a rare fourth-tier Talisman that has two good Talisman implicit mods and six explicit mods. Needless to say, if you're able to chain unique Talismans up from the first tier, Rigwald is able to drop a unique fourth-tier Talisman.

Because you can pick the rarity and item level of the Talismans that you put into the Stone Circles, you're able to customise the difficulty and rewards of the eventual Rigwald encounter. Higher rarity Talismans result in higher rarity rewards. Higher item level Talismans result in a wider pool of mods that can spawn if you roll a lucky rare. (The item level of the output Talisman is slightly better than the average item level of the input Talismans).

We're incredibly excited about the itemisation possibilities in this league. It's a really fun and rewarding league to engage with. We've purposely designed the league to not be too disruptive to normal play (lol Invasion) but to provide a lot of rewards for players who want to engage with it. We're expecting to see some insanely powerful Talismans spawned in the next few months!

Note that this article describes our current internal version of Talisman, which may change as we continue to test it before its release on December 11!

  • 2 weeks later...

Content Update 2.1.0 Patch Notes

These patch notes are provisional and may change by release. This update will be deployed in a few days! For more information about the update and its release timeline, check out this post!

Important Note:

  • Due to substantial balance changes, every existing character has been granted an optional full passive reset. To use this, click the "Reset all Passives" button on the passive skill screen. Note that you must use this before allocating or refunding any other points otherwise the option will go away.

Support for Brazilian Portuguese:

  • We have launched in Brazil! Path of Exile is now optionally available in Brazilian Portuguese. Brazilian users can play on servers in São Paulo which are part of the existing Path of Exile realm.
  • Path of Exile now supports multiple languages on the same realm. You can select the language either in the launcher or the in-game options screen. We plan to release other languages next year.
  • We now support multiple languages of chat channels and public parties. You can set your default language for chat and public parties in the options independently of your client language.
  • Please respect the language of public parties and global chat channels. If you use the wrong language, you may be muted by a moderator.
  • You can temporarily enter a global or trade chat channel in another language by using a chat command. Append the name of the language to the channel name. "/global 1 en" or "/global 1 english" ("br", "pt" and "portuguese" work also).

Talisman Challenge Leagues:

  • Challenge leagues are a great opportunity for a fresh start in a new economy. All your old characters and items are still present in the Standard and Hardcore leagues, but you're encouraged to join the new leagues, complete challenges and climb the ladder!
  • With 2.1.0, both the Standard and Hardcore challenge leagues are variations of the Talisman challenge league. They have the same core mechanics but slightly different items available.
  • In the Talisman challenge leagues, monsters have been possessed by ancient Ezomyte Talismans. These monsters are indicated by green Talisman symbols over their heads. The Talismans grant them additional strength and properties in battle. Killing one of these monsters allows you to claim its Talisman for yourself.
  • There are several tiers of Talismans, each with many different types available. There are some base types specific to the Standard version of the league and some specific to the Hardcore version of the League.
  • All Talismans have extremely powerful implicit mods, but spawn in a corrupted state so that they can't be crafted. You can use sets of five different Talismans of the same tier at special Stone Circles to summon a monster possessed by a higher-tier Talisman. The rarity of the output Talisman is selected at random from the five input ones.
  • If you use five third-tier Talismans at a Stone Circle, you summon a portal to an area where you can fight Rigwald, the Wolven King. He is possessed by a special fourth-tier Talisman that has two random Talisman properties.
  • There are 12 new Unique Items that can be found in the Talisman leagues, including four that only drop from Rigwald himself. These items are detailed in a later section of the patch notes below.
  • The new challenge leagues include a set of 32 new challenges. You will receive a piece of the exclusive Rigwald's Armour Set for each eight challenges completed. This armour set is only awarded during the Talisman challenge leagues.
  • From the eighteenth challenge onwards and for every second challenge after that, you receive pieces of a Talisman Totem Pole decoration that can be displayed in your hideout. The Totem Pole permanently displays how many of the Talisman challenges you completed during these leagues.

New Microtransactions:

  • Added a new Armour Set: Gore Armour Set
  • Added a new Armour Set: Ghostflame Armour Set
  • Added a new Skill Effect: Ghostflame Herald of Ash
  • Added a new Skill Effect: Ziggurat Totem Skin
  • Added a new Pet: Parasite Pet
  • Added a new Armour Effect: Vanishing Dye (Prevents an armour piece from being displayed)
  • Added a new Armour Set: Rigwald's Armour Set. This can only be obtained by completing the challenges in the Talisman challenge leagues!

New Bow Skills:

  • Added a new Dexterity Skill Gem - Shrapnel Shot: Fires an arrow that pierces through enemies. Arrows are fired with such force that they create a burst of lightning, damaging all enemies in a cone in front of the archer.
  • Added a new Dexterity Skill Gem - Blast Rain: Fires an arrow up in the air, which splits and rains down in a series of four explosions over an area. The explosions will always overlap on the targeted area.
  • Added a new Dexterity Skill Gem - Siege Ballista: Summons a totem that attacks with piercing arrows. It attacks slowly, but deals increased damage.

New Physical Damage Spells:

  • Added a new Dexterity Skill Gem - Blade Vortex: An ethereal blade spins around you for a duration, repeatedly damaging enemies that it passes through.
  • Added a new Dexterity Skill Gem - Bladefall: Ethereal weapons rain from the sky, dealing damage to enemies in a sequence of five volleys, each wider but less damaging than the last. Enemies can be hit multiple times where these overlap.

New Chaos Damage Spells:

  • Added a new Intelligence/Dexterity Skill Gem - Contagion: Unleashes a vile contagion on enemies, dealing chaos damage over time. If an enemy dies while affected by Contagion, it spreads to other enemies.
  • Added a new Intelligence/Dexterity Skill Gem - Essence Drain: Fires a projectile that applies a damage over time debuff when it hits. You are healed for a portion of the debuff damage. The debuff is spread by Contagion.
  • Added a new Intelligence Skill Gem - Wither: Casts a debilitating effect on enemies in an area, Hindering their movement and applying a stacking debuff that increases the Chaos Damage they take.

New Support Gems:

  • Added a new Intelligence Support Gem - Blasphemy: Converts your curses to auras, applying them to nearby monsters without manual intervention.
  • Added a new Intelligence Support Gem - Controlled Destruction: Reduces the critical strike chance of supported skills but causes them to do more spell damage.
  • Added a new Dexterity/Intelligence Support Gem - Void Manipulation: Reduces the elemental damage of supported skills but causes them to do more chaos damage.
  • Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Rapid Decay: Reduces the duration of supported skills but causes them to do to more damage over time.
  • Added a new Dexterity Support Gem - Poison: Causes supported skills to poison enemies on hit and increases their poison damage.

New Unique Jewels - Threshold Jewels:

  • Threshold Jewels are a new type of Unique Jewel that grant improvements to specific skills if you meet a threshold of nearby attributes.
  • Added four new Unique Crimson Jewels: Shattered Chains, Weight of the Empire, The Vigil and Rapid Expansion.
  • Added five new Unique Viridian Jewels: Pitch Darkness, Steel Spirit, Growing Agony, Volley Fire and Spirit Guards.
  • Added four new Unique Cobalt Jewels: Rolling Flames, Winter's Bounty, Spirited Response and Dead Reckoning.

New Unique Items for Talisman Challenge Leagues:

  • Added three new Unique Belts: Feastbind, Faminebind and The Retch.
  • Added five new Unique Talismans: Night's Hold, Blightwell, Natural Hierarchy, Rigwald's Curse and Eyes of the Greatwolf. One is specific to the Standard version of the Talisman league and one to the Hardcore version.
  • Added a new Unique Ring: Rigwald's Crest, which can only drop from Rigwald.
  • Added a new Unique Sword: Rigwald's Command, which can only drop from Rigwald.
  • Added a new Unique Axe: Rigwald's Savagery, which can only drop from Rigwald.
  • Added a new Unique Quiver: Rigwald's Quills, which can only drop from Rigwald.

New Unique Items:

  • Added two new Unique Amulets: The Aylardex and Extractor Mentis.
  • Added a new Unique Claw: Allure
  • Added two new Unique Staves: Agnerod West and Femurs of the Saints
  • Added a new Unique Axe: Hezmana's Bloodust
  • Added three new Unique Flasks: Vessel of Vinktar, Coruscating Elixir and Rotgut
  • Added a new Unique Shield: Kongming's Stratagem
  • Added a new Unique Boots: Skyforth
  • Added a new Unique Bow: Roth's Reach
  • Added two new Unique Wands: Storm Prison and Eclipse Solaris
  • Added a new Unique Sceptre: Bitterdream
  • Added a new Unique Gloves: Repentance
  • Added a new Unique Sword: The Goddess Unleashed
  • Added two new Unique Maps: The Vinktar Square and Caer Blaidd, Wolfpack's Den

New Divination Cards:

  • The Warlord: A set of six can be redeemed for a level 83 Six-Link Coronal Maul.
  • The Demoness: A set of five can be redeemed for the Death's Hand Unique Sceptre.
  • The Traitor: A set of four can be redeemed for a corrupted Unique Wand.
  • The Offering: A set of eight can be redeemed for the Shavronne's Wrappings Unique Armour.
  • Lost Worlds: A set of eight can be redeemed for a Tier 15 Map.
  • The Lord In Black: A set of six can be redeemed for a magic level 83 Ring of Bameth.
  • A Mother's Parting Gift: A set of six can be redeemed for the Fertile Mind Unique Jewel.
  • The Body: A set of four can be redeemed for a Unique Body Armour.
  • Turn The Other Cheek: A set of three can be redeemed for a Corrupted Pacifism Unique Jewel.
  • Glimmer Of Hope: A set of eight can be redeemed for a Unique Gold Ring.
  • The Ethereal: A set of seven can be redeemed for a Six-Link Vaal Regalia.

New Content:

  • Added three new Rogue Exiles: Dena Lorenni, Lael Furia and Vanth Agiel.
  • The art has been changed on several flasks to create a better progression.
  • Added 3D art for Trolltimber Spire, Incandescent Heart and the alternate art items from the Soulthirst Race Season: The Princess, Eclipse Staff, Soul Taker and Crest of Perandus.
  • Continued to incrementally improve the sound, art, effects and environments.

New Features:

  • You can now have two pets out at once. The Reclaim Pet button above the microtransaction stash can be used to reclaim one or both of them.
  • Maps found in mission subareas of maps are now allocated to the maker of the original map.
  • More options have been added for abandoning Master Missions. The "Abandon Mission" talk option is now available even if you haven't received the mission. You can now also talk to other Masters in your hideout and they too will have an "Abandon Mission" option if any daily portal is open.
  • Being muted globally no longer prevents you talking in Guild Chat.
  • Jewels and Vaal fragments are now allocated to players in the various item allocation modes.
  • Enemies ignited by skills that have a Ghostflame microtransaction effect now visually burn with Ghostflame fire.
  • You can now type /reset_xp in chat to reset the experience-per-hour estimation tool.
  • Added support for liquid armour as an impact sound type (for Water Elementals and similar monsters).
  • We've made performance improvements to ground effects. They now use considerably less bandwidth and server resources. Disconnections or lockstep stuttering near ground effects should occur far less often.

General Balance Changes:

  • Characters now get 6 mana per level instead of 4.
  • Point Blank now has less of a penalty to ranged damage, scaling down to 50% of normal damage. Previously it scaled down to no damage at maximum range. This affects both the support gem and the Keystone.
  • We have changed the way that bonuses from non-flask items (notably several unique belts) applied while drinking a flask work. Previously, these worked by augmenting each flask to give it the associated bonus effect. This meant they would be wasted if using multiple flasks, because flask bonus effects don't stack. Now, these are treated as conditional bonuses that are in effect as long as any of your flasks are active, similar to "on low life" bonuses. This means they are no longer buff-like flask effects that are modified by flask effect modifiers. These are now worded as "[effect] while using a Flask" to make the new behaviour more clear. Local "during Flask Effect" bonuses on flasks themselves are unaffected by this change.
  • Spells that reduce movement speed now do so with a new debuff called "Hinder". You can only have one Hinder effect on you at once, so multiple movement-slowing spells will not stack. This is currently used on Abyssal Cry and the new Wither skill.
  • Rather than dealing the damage of the highest hit (as Ignite does), poison can now have multiple stacks. This means that every hit counts, rather than just the occasional big hit. This also lets it scale much better towards end-game, and differentiates it from other damage-over-time effects.
  • Poison can now only be applied by Chaos and Physical damage. This is for both thematic reasons, and to have it act as a reward for builds that have less of a focus on auras and elemental supports for damage boosts.
  • These poison changes are also reflected in monsters.

Item Balance Changes:

  • Surgeon's Flasks now have a chance to gain a charge on critical strike, rather than being unconditional. Old flasks are unmodified.
  • The required and drop level of resistance and item find rings has changed from level 12. Sapphire Rings appear from level 8, Topaz Rings from level 12, Ruby Rings from level 16 and Gold Rings from level 20.
  • Early-game Bows have had their levels and damage changed:
  • The damage of Crude Bows has been increased from 4-9 to 5-13.
  • The damage of Short Bows has been increased from 4-13 to 6-16.
  • The damage of Long Bows has been increased from 6-23 to 6-25. Their level has been reduced from 10 to 9.
  • The damage of Composite Bows has been increased from 11-26 to 12-26. Their level has been reduced from level 15 to level 14.
  • Recurve Bows have been reduced from level 20 to level 18. Their damage has been reduced from 12-36 to 11-34.
  • Bone Bows have been reduced from level 24 to level 23. Their damage has been reduced from 12-37 to 12-36.
  • Serrated Arrow Quivers now drop at level 5 and have a level requirement of 5.
  • The Blood Dance now only gives 0.5% Life Regeneration per Frenzy Charge instead of 1%. Old copies of this unique item are unaffected.
  • The Unique Jewel, Chill of Corruption, now has 50% chance to gain an additional Vaal Soul per enemy shattered, down from 80%.
  • Introduced the new Nihilist's prefix mod that grants +1 level to Chaos Gems. This is available only on Wands, Staves, Daggers and Spirit Shields.

Map Balance Changes:

  • Areas created by Vaal Fragments in map devices are now two levels higher.
  • The Terrace and Mine maps now generate with better pathing and more consistent layouts.
  • The Volcano map has been updated to be more open and to contain more monsters.
  • Sallazzang (the Terrace Map boss) no longer performs its "machine gun ethereal knives" skill, as it was unfair to players. Sallazang instead spawns more devourers. This boss is now much easier than it was before but is still entertaining to encounter. Tier Seven maps were underplayed and this was one of the factors.
  • Shock and Horror (the Torture Chamber boss), now has her totems die when she dies. Her spawn no longer create lightning storms when they die.

Monster Balance Changes:

  • The rare resistance aura mods will no longer occur on monsters before level 40.
  • A short instance-wide cooldown has been added to many monster skills. Monsters with "bursty" skills have had this cooldown applied to reduce player deaths from fast, hard-to-predict damage. This includes skills such as Leap Slam, Flicker Strike, Shield Charge, Lightning Warp and Arctic Breath. Most of the affected skills are appropriate as initiation skills, but are not ideal when many monsters perform them simultaneously.
  • After fixing a bug that caused the bleed from Atziri's puncture skill to do negligible damage, you should expect to take more bleed damage from her spear puncture attacks. It now deals around deals 12 times more damage when not moving and 2.5 times as much damage when moving.
  • Torchoak Grove, the unique Vakali Totem from Kaom's Dream has had a variety of bug fixes and reductions to damage in order to reduce his unreasonable lethality.
  • Nightwane (the unique Voll's Vanguard monster in The Dried Lake) and the Mirage of Bones have had their life halved. Visual changes have been made to make them and their clones larger, so they stand out from normal monsters in the area. AI changes have been made to Mirage of Bones to make him less clone-spammy. You should be able to identify him better by the fact he moves more frequently.
  • Kall Foxfly, the unique Shadow Archer in The Riverways, has had his damage reduced. His Cruel and Merciless Lightning Arrow attacks have been further reduced in damage.
  • Vaal Fallen and Colossal Vaal Fallen monsters no longer always get critical strikes, but will now always inflict status ailments. The damage has been increased to compensate.
  • Monsters that use the Summon Raging Spirit skill now have their own dedicated version so that it can be balanced separately. There have been various rebalances, but in general it has been made stronger at high levels.
  • Rakango monsters now appear in maps less frequently.
  • Volcanic Golems can now appear in maps.

Master Balance Changes:

  • Zana's limited-portal missions have been changed. Upon speaking to Zana, the quest tracker on the right says "Don't die or leave Zana's Map". This reminder will stay with you inside the map. Zana will now open one portal per player in the area OR per player in your party, whichever is greater. If you leave Zana's map, you cannot re-enter it, even if there are still portals up. If you die or leave Zana's map, you fail the mission. Entering map subareas doesn't count as leaving the mission.
  • The Warbands Zana mod is now available at Zana level 7 and costs 12 Chaos Orbs.
  • The Tempest Zana mod is now available at Zana level 6 and costs 6 Chaos Orbs.

Skill Damage Effectiveness Changes:

  • Various skills have had their damage effectiveness values increased. This is the ratio of how much they are affected by Support Gems. These skills are: Shock Nova (from 50% to 60%), Lightning Warp (from 50% to 60%), Fire Nova Mine (from 20% to 30%), Magma Orb (from 80% to 125%) and Shockwave Totem (from 50% to 60%).

Spell Skill Balance Changes:

  • Many spells have had their base damage increased at higher levels, to bring their power in line with attacks and to reward the risks of spellcasting. The following spells have had their damage increased by around 20% higher at level 20: Arc, Ball Lightning, Ethereal Knives, Fire Trap, Firestorm, Flame Surge, Flameblast, Freezing Pulse, Glacial Cascade, Lightning Tendrils, Lightning Warp, Magma Orb and Storm Call.
  • In addition to having more damage, Arc now increases in number of chains more often as it levels up. At level 20, it chains seven times. Previously this was five.
  • Ethereal Knives, in addition to its damage buff, now gains 1% projectile speed per gem level over 1.
  • Freezing Pulse, in addition to its damage buff, now gains 1% projectile speed per gem level over 1.
  • Magma Orb, in addition to its damage buff, gains an additional chain at level 10, and another at level 21.
  • Fire Nova Mine damage has been increased by around 35%.
  • Flame Surge damage has been increased by around 20% at all levels.
  • Flame Totem cast speed has been reduced from 200ms to 250ms. Flame Totem now does 25% less damage at Level 1, up to 24% more damage at Level 20. When combined with the cast speed changes, this now does 40% less DPS at level 1, up to 0% at level 21. It does more damage at levels 22 and beyond.
  • Ice Nova damage has been increased by 20% at level one, improving to a 35% increase in damage by level 20.
  • Searing Bond damage has been increased by 10%. It now grants an additional totem without drawbacks.
  • Incinerate is no longer affected by Spell Echo, as was intended in 2.0.0. Incinerate now only adds 50% more damage for each stage, down from 100% more damage. Incinerate's damage has been increased by 15% at level 1 and reduced by approximately 8% at level 20.
  • Shockwave Totem damage has been increased by 20% at level one, up to an increase of 10% by level 20.
  • Shock Nova damage has been increased by 20% at level one, improving to a 35% increase in damage by level 20.
  • Spark damage has been increased in damage by 10%, and starts at 4 projectiles, increasing by an additional one at levels 9, 17 and 25.
  • Skills which detonate corpses (such as Detonate Dead, Abyssal Cry and Infernal Blow) have had their radius increased by 22%.
  • Righteous Fire's radius has been increased by 60%.
  • Storm Call's radius has been increased by 25%
  • Glacial Cascade's radius has been increased by 25%.

Minion Skill Balance Changes:

  • Dominating Blow mana cost has been reduced substantially. The attack now deals 125% of base damage at level 1, increasing to 155.4% at level 20. Minions created by it now deal 35% less damage at all levels.
  • Zombies now attack faster. They also now have an area of effect slam skill and 30% greater stun threshold.
  • Summon Raging Spirits duration has been increased from 3.5 seconds to 5 seconds. The mana cost has been reduced from 6 to 5 at level one and reduced from 15 to 12 at level 20. The cast speed has been reduced to 500ms from 800ms. The damage dealt by Raging Spirits has been substantially reworked and is lower at high levels. Raging Spirits are now more likely to target enemies who are attacked by fewer Raging Spirits, except when enemies are close to the caster.
  • The penalties to the life and energy shield of Summoned Spectres have been halved at all levels.

Melee Attack Skill Balance Changes:

  • Attack skills that have their damage based on the wielded weapon have their mana costs fixed in place from level 1 onwards. Increasing the level of the gem does not increase the mana cost of the skill. Dominating Blow still increases in mana cost, as the mana is also paying for the minions.
  • Cleave now gains increased area of effect radius of 1% for each level after the first.
  • There was a display bug that caused Cyclone to show the wrong DPS value and attack speed. We have fixed this bug, so you'll now notice the visual DPS almost double and the attack speed on the gem shoot up a lot. In addition, we have reduced the damage of Cyclone by around 10% and have reduced the damage of its initial hit.
  • Frost Blades has been improved from 2 additional projectiles at all levels to 4 additional projectiles at level 1 and 7 additional projectiles at level 20. It has also been increased from +14 weapon range at all levels to +18 weapon range at level 1 and +21 weapon range at level 20. It now gains 1% projectile speed per level after the first (19% at Level 20) and its base projectile speed has been increased by 25%.
  • Ground Slam now gains increased area of effect radius of 1% for each level after the first.
  • Lightning Strike has been substantially reworked. It is now a Dexterity Gem that starts at player level 12. It shoots five projectiles at level 1, increasing as it levels. Its damage has been increased. It went from dealing 70% of base damage to 75% of base damage.
  • Spectral Throw has also had its damage increased. It went from dealing 38% of base damage to 45% of base damage at level one. At level 20 it went from dealing 64.6% of base damage to 75.4% of base damage.
  • Wild Strike's damage has been increased by a flat 10% at all levels. Wild Strike now grants two additional projectiles at all levels. The radius of the Wild Strike explosion has been increased by 9% (from 22 to 24).
  • Vaal Ground Slam now requires 50% more souls per use, and can only store three uses. The area of effect radius bonus has been reduced from 30% to 20%.
  • Viper strike now applies poison on hit and has a 100% chance to do so. Viper Strike now has 25% of its physical damage converted to chaos (instead of 10% physical added as chaos). Poisons applied by Viper Strike have a base duration of 8 seconds (up from 7 seconds). The Base Damage of Viper Strike has been increased from 100% to 130% at level 1, and from 122.8% to 160.4% at level 20.
  • Sweep's radius has been reduced by 8%.

Projectile Attack Skill Balance Changes:

  • Blink and Mirror Arrow clones now show as the player they are impersonating on the minimap.
  • Burning Arrow's base damage has been increased from 130% to 150% at level 1 and 160.4% to 184.2% at level 20.
  • Tornado Shot's base damage has been increased by a flat 10% at all levels.
  • Ice Shot's chilled ground duration is now 1.5 seconds at all levels.
  • The number of additional arrows that Split Arrow grants at level 20 has been reduced from 8 to 6. It still starts at four additional arrows at level 1, with the levels in between interpolated.
  • Barrage damage has been increased from 40% to 50% of base damage at level one. At level 20, it now has been increased from dealing 47.6% to 61.4% of base damage.
  • Lightning Arrow's base damage has been increased by a flat 10% at all levels. The mana cost at level one has been reduced to from 8 to 7.
  • Poison Arrow has been renamed to Caustic Arrow as part of the poison changes. The damage of this skill has been increased by around 37% at level 1, but reduced by around 42% by level 20. This reduction is more than compensated for by supporting the skill with the new supports. Caustic Arrow's mana costs have been increased, from 5 to 8 at level one, and from 13 to 16 at level 20.
  • Power Siphon has had its base damage increased by a flat 5% at all levels.
  • Rain of Arrows has had its base damage increased by a flat 10% at every level. Its quality bonus has been changed back to Area of Effect radius, after being damage throughout 2.0.0. The mana cost has been reduced, from 9 to 7 at level one and from 12 to 11 at level 20.
  • Ice Shot's radius has been increased by 9%.

Support Gem Balance Changes:

  • Melee Splash now applies to a significantly larger area, has no penalty on its primary hit, and increases in radius as the gem levels up.

Passive Skill Tree Changes:

  • The Ranger and Shadow sections of the passive skill tree have been substantially reworked. The Ranger's tree changes have made pathing more efficient as well as being more friendly to all attack builds. The Shadow's tree changes have improved support for builds using the newly introduced skill gems.
  • Poison passive skills (and groups of skills) have been added to support other poison changes included in this update.
  • Bleed and degeneration passive skills (and groups of skills) have been improved and added to improve degeneration builds as well as bleed-specific builds.
  • Area of Effect skills have been reworked, with the net result being less area of effect available in the tree. As mentioned above, the damage of those skills has been raised.
  • Leech passives for melee have been substantially buffed, and some now offer leech for all attack damage, not just physical attacks.
  • Adder's Touch now only grants a chance to poison, rather than poisoning with every hit.
  • Elemental Dominion has been changed to Occultist's Dominion and grants spell damage rather than elemental spell damage.

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where some of the larger pets would follow your character too closely.
  • Fixed a bug where Shift-Attack worked incorrectly with Movement skills.
  • Fixed a bug where Nightmare Manifest (the Malformation boss) would move to the edge of maps, making her beam unavoidable.
  • Fixed a bug where Headhunter could cause proximity shields to last indefinitely.
  • Fixed a bug where Malachai could be culled before his third heart was destroyed.
  • Fixed a bug where some passive skills converted by the Fireborn and Cold Steel Unique Jewels did not work for unarmed builds.
  • Fixed a bug where Molten Shell could be applied multiple times via Spell Echo.
  • Fixed issues with Malachai's red orb projectile skill when used in maps with increased cast speed.
  • Fixed a bug where some Tempest effects lasted longer on minions than on players.
  • Fixed a bug where Shield Charge did not break breakables.
  • Fixed a variety of bugs where the Vaal Oversoul could get into states where he would not target close enemies.
  • Fixed a bug where the PvP daily mission could disappear from the quest tracker.
  • Fixed a bug where item allocation on daily missions would not be set to a player's default when they started a mission while not in a party.
  • Fixed a bug where you could not type numbers bigger than 9 in the currency unstack window.
  • Fixed a bug where chaos degeneration damage could wrap around, changing large damage to very small damage.
  • Fixed a bug where chests in the Hall of Grandmasters could cause desync.
  • Fixed a bug where the Death's Oath aura dealt too little damage to monsters and too much damage to players.
  • Fixed various problems where armour pieces visibly clipped on Templars.
  • Fixed a bug where Fairgraves' footprints could appear on top of fog.
  • Fixed issues with Maramoa's audio related to the Lost in Love quest.
  • The text for the master option that removes crafting mods has been updated to reflect that it removes all master mods, not just one.
  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

λογικά θα θέλει να γίνει supporter ή να πάρει κάνα skin.. ή να αγοράσει κάνα pet :)

πρώτη φορά λένε κάτι τα ζωάκια.. ένα bronze ή stone gargoyle θα μου άρεσε.. ειδικά για να στηρίξω το παιχνίδι.

Αλλά δεν έχω χρόνο καν να μπω να παίξω αυτή τη περίοδο  -_-

Α λεω και εγω. Εγω μονο το inventory πηρα το οποιο ειχε και καποιο νοημα. Τα αλλα τωρα τα βρισκω πεταμενα χρηματα. Ενω το inv κατι κανει...

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