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αν δείτε το βίντεο στο youtube, έχει links από κάτω με τα θέματα που συζητούν και την ώρα που συζητούν το καθένα.. 

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Ωραίο το "interview"...Ο άνθρωπος είναι Θεός απλά! Eίναι ο γκουρού των arpg! OUR CHRIS(T) WILSON / IN CHRIS(T) WE TRUST κτλ κτλ χαχαχα!! ...πως ήταν ο Steve Jobs ένα πράγμα... :p

Τα challenges των Torment και Bloodlines Leagues..Παμε τα 5 για αρχή και βλέπουμε :D

The eight challenges are:

Έγινε επεξεργασία από hondo1

Εκεί που έκανα τα daily μου στον hc...είπα, δεν κάνω κάνα map...δεν του ρίχνω και κάνα vaal...μπαμ 8 mods + achievement!

Σχεδόν στα μισά του map εμφάνισε vorici (εννοείτε δεν πάτησα lol) και παρακάτω, σκάει ο templar exile με flameblast...portal out :D καλά ήταν



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Τρελά νέα για τα PvP Tournaments σύντομα στην 1.3.0 :D

PvP Tournament Season One starts on December 20 and runs for a month, culminating in an Invitational Event on the weekend of January 17, 2015. This article explains the basic structure of the season and how you can compete to earn an invitation to the Invitational.

American and European Seasons
In order to have players playing on nearby servers, we have decided to run both American and European Tournament Seasons. Everything in this article can be assumed to run in duplicate across the two seasons/continents, including the final Season One Invitational Events. Tournaments will run at appropriate times for the timezone of their continents.

Because the two Seasons have separate Season Point totals, it's possible to play on both if you want to try for two sets of Alternate Art Unique Items. Players should expect to win less while playing on servers outside of their continent due to the increased latency.

Standard and Hardcore
Each Tournament Season contains both Standard and Hardcore events. These events are not at the same time, so a player with both a Standard and Hardcore character can play in all events.

Blitz Events
Blitz tournaments are a series of rapid-fire duels where you're quickly matched against a new opponent as soon as your last round finishes. Your goal is to get as many victories as possible within the time limit.

In addition to 1v1 Blitz events, we support two types of 3v3 Blitz events. In Team Blitz, you bring a specific three-person party that you will play with for the entire tournament. In Random Team Blitz, you are given a random team each match and are scored as an individual.

Blitz events are run as both level 28 and open (no level restriction) events.

Free-For-All Events
Free-for-all tournaments take place in the Sarn Arena. They're a massive brawl where you get a point per player kill. If you die, you're sent to a new arena to continue the massacre.

Free-for-all events are run as both level 28 and open (no level restriction) events.

Capture the Flag Events
We'll be running 3v3 and 6v6 Capture the Flag events. These use Swiss matchmaking to control their match structure.

Capture the Flag events are run as both level 28 and open (no level restriction) events.

Competitive Swiss Events
On the weekends we'll be running the most competitive of the event types - tournaments with Swiss Matchmaking. These run in a regimented series of matches, where victory is about defeating your opponent at any cost rather than winning rapidly.

There are four Swiss tournaments run each weekend - a Standard and Hardcore on America and the same on Europe.

In Season One, all of the Swiss events are comprised of a series of level 28 1v1 duels. The winner of each of these Swiss tournaments will be invited to the Invitational at the end of the Season.

PvP Points and Prizes
Like our Race events, each of these PvP Events awards you with Season Points for ranking highly, completing milestones or certain events (like First Blood).

The Season Points contribute towards a set of Alternate Art Unique Items that are awarded in a similar way to our race rewards. The Standard and Hardcore ladders of points are separated (so that you can compete to have the most), but there's a combined total that is used for the awarding of the Alternate Art items. Top competitors in the Standard and Hardcore points ladders are awarded an Alternate Art Talisman of the Victor Unique Item (which is like a Demigod item).

Our sponsors have provided some awesome gaming prizes that we'll ship to the winners. We'll announce the details of these in the coming days.

Ratings for general queues
In addition to adding Tournament Seasons, we've overhauled the existing matchmaking queues. They now track player PvP Ratings on a per-character basis and apply matchmaking based on this rating.

These ratings start at 800 and increase/decrease based on your win record and the quality of opponents you face. Beating a better opponent is worth more rating than beating a worse opponent.

Having a very high rating can get you invited to the Season One Invitational event! PvP Ratings will be reset back to 800 at the end of PvP Tournament Season One.

The Invitational
On the weekend of January 20-21, we'll be running special double-elimination tournaments for both America and Europe. Like much of the rest of Season One, matches in the invitational tournament will also be level 28 1v1 duels.

Each of these invitationals consists of 8 Standard players and 8 Hardcore players playing to establish a winner from the two leagues. The winning Standard and Hardcore players then play each other in a grudge match.

The 8 slots consist of the following, in this order:

  • The top player in each of the four weekend Swiss tournaments.
  • The top two players measured by Season Points.
  • The top two players measured by level 28 1v1 PvP Rating.

To play in the invitational, the player must be available at the appropriate time. If players are unable to attend or already have an invite from another entrance criterion, then the next player in that group will be invited. For example, if the top PvP Rating player isn't available and the second place one already has an invite from winning a Swiss tournament, then the next two players will be invited from the PvP Rating ladder.

Note that these invitationals occur on both America and Europe. There are 32 players in total who win invitations.


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@hondo1, καληνύχτα κι ευχαριστώ για τη παρέα απόψε! Παιδιά τον εντυπωσίασα  :sarcastic:  :sarcastic:  :sarcastic:  


δες κι αυτό που λέγαμε για τα τρελά hideout

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χαχαχα σε πόνεσε @Delijohn ?

να ξέρεις ότι δεν μπορείς να κάνεις ούτε block ούτε spell block τα exploding minions της :p

τέλειος ο PvP master :D

είναι ένα από τα μόνα boss που φεύγω τρέχοντας.. απλά χθες με πέτυχε σε frozen ground και έφαγα κι ένα κεραυνό δικό της κι άντε γεια..  <_<

Small Excerpt From 1.3.0 Patch Notes: (these may change!)

  • Added a new Intelligence Skill - Kinetic Blast: Fires a projectile from a Wand that causes a series of small explosions surrounding its point of impact, each damaging enemies caught in the area. (Available from the Lost in Love quest for the Witch and Shadow.)
  • Added a new Dexterity Skill - Blink Arrow: Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, you are teleported to it and a clone is summoned at your old location. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver. (Available from the Lost in Love quest for the Duelist, Ranger, Shadow and Scion.)
  • Added a new Dexterity Skill - Mirror Arrow: Fires an arrow at the target destination. When the arrow lands, a clone is summoned. The clone is a minion that uses your bow and quiver. (Available from the Enemy at the Gate quest in Cruel for the Duelist, Ranger and Shadow. It can also be created with the vendor recipe: Blink Arrow gem + Orb of Alteration. This recipe works in reverse also.)
  • Added a new Strength/Intelligence Skill - Static Strike: Strike your enemies, building up static energy on you. This energy damages enemies around you when it expires. (Available from the Enemy at the Gate quest for the Templar and Marauder, and from the Mercy Mission quest for the Duelist and Witch.)
  • Added a new Strength Skill - Reckoning: Perform a swift counter-attack against enemies in a cone shape when you block with your shield. (Available from the Intruders in Black quest for the Templar, Marauder, Duelist, Ranger and Scion.)
  • Added a new Strength Skill - Vengeance: Chance to perform a swift counter-attack against all enemies around you when you are hit. Weapon range increases the area of this attack. (Available from the Lost in Love quest for the Templar, Marauder and Duelist.)
  • Added a new Dexterity Skill - Riposte: Perform a deadly counter-attack when you block. Uses both weapons while you're dual wielding. (Available from the Lost in Love quest for the Duelist, Ranger, Shadow and Scion).
  • Added a new Intelligence/Strength support gem - Physical to Lightning. (Available from the Sharp and Cruel quest for the Templar, Shadow and Scion).


PvP Balance and Damage Scaling

Patch 1.3.0 puts player-versus-player combat in the spotlight. From a development perspective, that has meant a lot of time spent playing, watching, and messing with PvP and our PvP damage-scaling algorithm. We have this algorithm because many players deal magnitudes more damage than life pools can possibly reach. There are also damage disparities between builds. Without scaling, fights at high level would be over in a fraction of a second, and at very low levels would almost always end in a draw.

Prior to 1.3.0, all damage dealt between players was funnelled through a damage scaling algorithm. In general this reduced the damage of most attacks and spells. It did this regardless of the type of skill or damage.

The PvP scene, although small, is very developed. Pre 1.3.0, the best builds were well established, and outside of Freeze Pulse, elemental damage was barely seen in low-level fights and only splashed onto skills through supports in high-level fights in an effort to push a little damage through Immortal Calls. Bear Trap, Ethereal Knives, Whirling Blades, Puncture, and (later) Tornado Shot dominated the scene.

While there was still a lot of build diversity, the lack of elemental options in skilled low-level PvP was an issue.

While great for tuning damage broadly, the algorithm treated elemental and physical damage equally. And the damage-cutting of the algorithm was ultimately not harsh enough. Battles would be won and lost in a matter of seconds, which led to block and dodge -- forms of total mitigation -- becoming the sole meaningful way of surviving.

With 1.3.0, damage scaling has changed. It has been split into two algorithms -- one for physical damage and chaos damage, and one for elemental. In low-level play, damage is reduced by about 20% for physical skills, but is increased for elemental damage to compensate for assumed resistances. In high-level play, the damage reduction is much sharper.

In both tiers, the ability to one-shot your opponent is now very difficult. This, in combination with changes to the Acrobatics keystone and block values on items and the tree, means that total damage mitigation is a helpful, if unpredictable, bonus, rather than a game-winning factor. Game lengths have increased to be more satisfying and to give opportunities for moment-to-moment tactical decisions rather than crossing your fingers and hoping your opponent doesn't land a lucky crit.

The change has meant we've had to reassess most of our skills. Almost all of the skills that dominated in the old meta have had their damage reduced one way or another to bring them closer in power to the others. The result during alpha testing was a wide variety of builds -- crit dagger dual-strikers, fireball trappers, sword-and-shield heavy-strikers, spark casters, summoners, burning arrow rangers and others have all done very well in matchups.

The scaling algorithms as of our most recent 1.3.0 alpha build are:


for physical and chaos damage, and


for elemental damage.

“D” is the damage of an individual hit.

“T” is the attack or cast time of the skill it comes from, or the assumed attack or cast time we have determined for that skill (see below).

For skills that don’t fit this algorithm due to a lack of attack time or due to some other innate advantage they provide we use a series of time assumptions and/or manually reduce or increase the damage further.

The full list of skills that have some other form of scaling applied are:

Discharge: T overridden to 1.4 seconds.
Lightning Warp: T overridden to 1.0 seconds.
Firestorm: T overridden to 0.45 seconds.
Tempest Shield: T overridden to 0.7 seconds.
Molten Shell: T overridden to 1.2 seconds.
Bear Trap: T overridden to 0.75 seconds.
Double Strike: 2 hits per time, so T divided by 2.
Cyclone: 2 hits per time, so T divided by 2.
Lightning Tendrils: 4 hits per time, so T divided by 4.
Fireball: 5% more damage in PvP.
Tornado Shot: 20% less damage in PVP.
Freezing Pulse: 20% less damage in PvP.
Whirling Blades: 30% less damage in PvP.
Arc: 10% less damage in PvP.
Static Strike*: 25% less damage in PvP.
Riposte*: 60% less damage in PvP, and 2 hits per time, so T divided by 2.
Reckoning*: 40% less damage in PvP.
Vengeance*: 40% less damage in PvP.
Ball Lightning: 15% more damage in PvP.
Flameblast: T is the total number of casts multiplied by the cast time.

*these skills are new in 1.3.0

Supports that override PVP scaling on hit damage:

Trap: T of supported skill overridden to 1.1 seconds, if skill does not already override it.
Remote Mine: T of supported skill overridden to 1.1 seconds, if skill and/or trap
support does not already override it.

Skills that override PVP scaling on damage over time:

Puncture: Does not apply PVP damage scaling to DoT, but in PvP, halves duration instead.
Righteous Fire, Searing Bond and Viper Strike are still being actively adjusted.

Ground Effect PVP scaling:

Ground Fire: Fire Damage Per Minute scaled with an assumed T of 24.0 seconds.
Desecrated Ground: Chaos Damage Per Minute scaled with an assumed T of 24.0 seconds.
Poison Cloud: Chaos Damage Per Minute scaled with an assumed T of 24.0 seconds.

We've also reduced the dominance of crowd control skills in PvP. Chill, freeze, shock and ignite all have their duration cut in half by default against players, and Temporal Chains -- the undisputed curse king in PvP -- has had a 40% reduction against players by default. 1.3.0 also introduces new ways to deal with these crowd control methods through itemization.

Feedback from the few dozen PvP testers we've had in Alpha has broadly been positive, but we know it's not perfect yet. We'll be carefully assessing tournaments of all types for balance tweaks that still need to be made, both to the algorithms and to particular skills that may be over or underperforming. I know I speak for everyone when I say we're excited to hear your feedback when PvP relaunches in just a few days. With your help, we hope to have an amazing competitive scene for years to come.

φεύγει αυτό (φαίνεται στο tree planner) το skill tree και λέω να έρθει... αυτό! Τι λέτε;;;

Αξίζει να μείνω στο block ή να το γυρίσω σε critical; Και βασικά τώρα παρατήρησα πως έβαλα πολύ ζωή κι άφησα το damage πολύ χαμηλό.. 

φεύγει αυτό (φαίνεται στο tree planner) το skill tree και λέω να έρθει... αυτό! Τι λέτε;;;

Αξίζει να μείνω στο block ή να το γυρίσω σε critical; Και βασικά τώρα παρατήρησα πως έβαλα πολύ ζωή κι άφησα το damage πολύ χαμηλό.. 

χαχαχα ναι...αστό να στο σενιάρω

Εμένα με το νέο patch RIP το build με το flameblast (because of block RIP).
Τώρα ξεκίνησα glacial hammer στο bloodlines. Άντε να δούμε πόσο θα αντέξω :p

Γενικα με το νεο patch πεθαναν σχεδον ολα τα υπαρχοντα builds . Οι τύποι nerfaroyn τα πάντα εις το όνομα του ''paching'' διώχνοντας τον κόσμο . 

Το θέμα είναι πως έχουν 3-4 twitchers που φτιάχνουν τα σούπερ build και δεν έχουν ανάγκη από game currency κι εμάς τους noobάδες που δεν έχουμε φτιάξει ένα καλό κι αυτό με 1000 ζόρια, μας αφήνουν να παλεύουμε ψάχνοντας.. 

Τακτική που χρησιμοποιείται στις επιχειρήσεις: pivoting :p


Αλλάζεις τελείως πλεύση και γραμμή. Δεν νομίζω να είναι τόσο τραγικά τα πράγματα... Απλά πάμε γι' άλλα. Ελπίζω μέσα στις γιορτές να το κοιτάξω και πρακτικά.


Γενικα με το νεο patch πεθαναν σχεδον ολα τα υπαρχοντα builds . Οι τύποι nerfaroyn τα πάντα εις το όνομα του ''paching'' διώχνοντας τον κόσμο . 



Εμένα με το νέο patch RIP το build με το flameblast (because of block RIP).


Τώρα ξεκίνησα glacial hammer στο bloodlines. Άντε να δούμε πόσο θα αντέξω :p

τίποτα δεν πέθανε ωρέ... ίσα ίσα τώρα στο patch είναι άκομα καλύτερα ! δηλαδή όσοι έιχαν max block 75% και τώρα έχουν 40-50% είναι τραγικό; Ήταν εξαρχής broken να έχεις acrobatics(dodge-spell dodge) και blocks capped...

τρελό balancing γενικότερα και φοβερό το νέο tree...απίστευτα starting points στους mara και templar.

ίσως λίγο αδικήθηκε ο duelist στα αρχικά points αλλά κατα τ' άλλα είναι GG.

Ναι το βασικό θέμα ήταν του block αλλά επείδη δεν γίνεται να έχουν 150 διαφορετικά passive tree για όλα τα leagues, έπρεπε να έρθει στα ίσια του (λέγε με nerf)

Το μεγαλύτερο πρόβλημα/qq έιναι όσους έπαιζαν στο std league.

Αλλά ξαναλέω τώρα τα πράγματα είναι ακόμα καλύτερα και δεν είναι τόσο τραγικά...



Το θέμα είναι πως έχουν 3-4 twitchers που φτιάχνουν τα σούπερ build και δεν έχουν ανάγκη από game currency κι εμάς τους noobάδες που δεν έχουμε φτιάξει ένα καλό κι αυτό με 1000 ζόρια, μας αφήνουν να παλεύουμε ψάχνοντας.. 

Γι'αυτό είναι καλύτερα να παίζεις στα season :)

για να κάνεις το 1 και μοναδικό build που ήθελες πάντα θα πρέπει να περάσουν χρόνια!

επίσης αύριο ξεκινάνε τα pvp tournaments :D




Έγινε επεξεργασία από hondo1

είπα να ξανααρχίσω μετά απο καιρό. είπα να κάνω νέο χαρακτήρα. SCION!! λέει κάτι; αν και απόσο ξέρω δεν έχει σημασία το class παραμόνο στα πρώτα level

Έγινε επεξεργασία από filthy_dwarf

Όπως το'πες! Κυρίαρχο ρόλο παίζει το τι περίπου build θες να κάνεις melee/ranged/spell caster etc και μετά το σε ποιο χαρακτήρα κοντά είναι τα πιο πολλά nodes από το tree σου. Αν δεν έχεις έτοιμο build κάποιου να δοκιμάσεις, τότε κοίτα το tree και ίσως βρεις τι σε ενδιαφέρει. Σε γενικές γραμμές βολεύει η scion για πολλά builds γιατί είναι ψηλά. Από την άλλη, παίρνει τέτοια παραμετροποίηση το όλο θέμα και πάιζε τόσο ρόλο ακόμα και πιο skill θα χρησιμοποιείς, που όλα είναι και λίγο.. "ρευστά". Τι περίπου θες να φτιάξεις;

Επίσης, έχουν αρχίσει τρομερά pvp με ως 28lvl (όριο) χαρακτήρες. Απίστευτες μάχες! Δοκίμασε κι εκεί αν φτιάξεις κάτι γρήγορο.

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