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είναι amd η κάρτα του ή intel;;

τα spikes είναι θέμα optimization.. εγώ με nvidia τώρα δεν έχω ΚΑΘΟΛΟΥ!

Ήταν κι ένας από τους λόγους που προτίμησα nvidia αυτή τη φορά.

AMD, και σίγουρα είναι θέμα και optimization, μετά από update των drivers κάνει λίγο περισσότερα, αλλά πιάνει περισσότερα frames. Ή το ανάποδο, δεν θυμάμαι... Ειδικά τέτοια ώρα :p

Το build είναι κάτι....φλου. Είναι ο πρώτος μου χαρακτήρας κι είναι στο standard. Δεν είχα στο μυαλό μου πώς να τον φτιάξω και βοήθησαν πολύ τα παιδιά εδώ (hondo).

Για tank πήγαινε αλλά είναι δύσκολο.. όπως βλέπεις χτυπάω με dual strike και cleave κι έχω 2 codt το ένα με τον κλασσικό συνδυασμό imm call και enduring cry και το άλλο με devouring totem, μια curse και κάτι άλλο.. δες κι εδώ μερικά. Tέλος το tree εδώ.

Γενικώς θέλω πολλά respec γιατί τρώω τρελό ξύλο.. δεν έχω και ΤΕΛΕΙΟ gear λόγω φτώχειας. Από τη μια λέω να ξεκινήσω καινούριο χαρακτήρα.. από την άλλη το βαριέμαι και λέω άσε μήπως φτιάξεις αυτόν καλύτερα.

Πιο πολύ η χαρά είναι επειδή λόγω της κάρτας, έχω πλέον καλύτερα γραφικά. Έπαιζα τόσο καιρό με την ενσωματωμένη του 3570Κ και δεν είχα σταθερά fps και πολύ κάτω των 60.

Ε αν είναι πρώτος σου χαρακτήρας μην σε χαλάει. Η αλήθεια είναι ότι γενικά αν θες και tanky και με damage, θέλει καλό εξοπλισμό.

Aπό melee attack builds δεν μου αρέσουν τόσο, άρα και δεν έχω αρκετή εμπειρία για αυτά. Το μόνο που έχω κάνει ουσιαστικά είναι ένα με dominating blow (το οποίο όμως το άφησα στο 69, ίσως το πιάσω κάποια στιγμή).

Εγώ τώρα στο rampage έχω κάνει το πρώτο build όπου το έχω πάει αρκετά late game και με σχετικά καλό gear. Τώρα είναι 91lv. Είναι flameblast build με flame surge. CI με block (όχι full όμως, γιατί δεν βγαίνει). Ντάξει δεν βγήκε κάτι τρομερό, η αλήθεια είναι ότι προσπάθησα να κάνω 2 πράγματα μαζί, και block (passive defense) και leech (από το flame surge) οπότε δεν βγήκε τόσο καλό και στα 2.

Υπάρχουν κάτι άλλα builds στα forum με cloak of defiance, αλλά δεν ξέρω δεν μου αρέσει να ακολουθώ guides προτιμώ να κάνω το δικό μου variation κι ας βγει μέτριο. Να ένα screenshot που είχα βγάλει:


Περιμένω όμως να πάει standard για να φτιάξω την εμφάνιση όπως την θέλω (έχω εκεί το thousand ribbons με alternative art).

Jackpot Frenzy λεμε :p alc σε normal strongbox και γυρναει καπου 1200% rarity και κανα 200-300quantity και δίνει αυτα :hehe: ( καπου 3 , 3++ exalts σε maps ) σε 77shrine με ele weak & minus reses .


image url upload


πραγματικά αν έβγαζες τα βιντεάκια σου στο youtube ή streamαρες twitch, θα βαριόμουνα να παίξω και θα σε χάζευα όλη μέρα... :)

Καπου ειχες ενα stormcloud alter art στο standard ? Φορα το μια να δουμε πως φαινεται σε σχεση με το κανονικο , ( και αν μου αρεσει μου το δινεις )


photos upload

Timeline for New Challenge Leagues, 1.3.0 PvP Update and PvP/Race Seasons


Today's news post covers a preliminary timeline for when we're planning the release of the 1.3.0 update, new challenge leagues and upcoming race/PvP seasons.

Thursday November 20 (1pm):
Beyond/Rampage challenge leagues end
Thursday November 20 (11pm): Race Season Nine ends
Monday November 24 (3pm?): Prizes awarded for Race Season Nine
Friday November 28 (5pm?): One-week Rampage/Beyond race starts
Friday December 5 (5pm?): One-week Rampage/Beyond race ends
Friday December 12 (5pm?): 1.3.0 Released and new Challenge Leagues start
Monday December 15: PvP Season One and Race Season Ten both start
December 20-21: PvP Season One Swiss Tournament Weekend 1
December 27-28: PvP Season One Swiss Tournament Weekend 2
January 3-4: PvP Season One Swiss Tournament Weekend 3
January 10-11: PvP Season One Swiss Tournament Weekend 4. Race Season Ten ends
January 17-18: PvP Season One Finals Weekend (for victors of the weekend swiss tournaments)
Around Monday January 19: PvP Season Two and Race Season Eleven both start

Τρελό πρόγραμμα έρχεται... :D

Σε άλλα νέα το poorjoy's asylum μου την "έφερε" με ένα volatile flame (nemesis mod) insta rip από 5.4k hp σε 0... στα 88lvl στο beyond :/

Τέλος πάντων...συνεχίζουμε races και το 1week rampage/beyond στις 28.

όπως πάντα πολλά πράγματα :D

μόνο και μόνο που συμπίπτουν νέα leagues/exp μαζί με race season 10 και pvp season 1...θα πρέπει να ανοίξω καμιά τρύπα στην καρέκλα μου...χαχαχα!!

          Μπραβο στο team παντως της GGG , παρακολουθουν μονιμως τις εξελίξεις και σε καθε patch δινουν ουσιαστικές αλλαγές . Πχ βλεπανε τελευταία οτι το aztiri farmin ηταν αρκετα διαδεδομένο ( στο softcore τουλάχιστο ) με αρκετους να ψαχνουν ολημερις για corrupted areas στο main game  για να μαζεψουν τα 4 fragments (Sacrifice at  dusk dawn midnight noon) για aztiri Map set ωστε να τα πουλήσουν σε runners , Πλεον οι runners μπορουν να μαζευουν fragments και αρα sets μεσω των endgame maps . Δλδ corruptareis ενα map με αποτελεσμα το boss να εχει πιθανοτητες να ριξει sacrifice fragment η corrupted skill gem . Αυτο βεβαια εφοσον το build ειναι σε θεση να κανει σχεδον οτι mod rollareis με vaal orb γιατι με το που rollarei μενει ετσι δεν γινεται να αλλαξει με καποιον τροπο . (περα απο τα θετικα εχει και καποιο ρισκο βεβαια πχ . Aν εισαι ci  και rollarei blood magic το map ειναι η για πουλημα η αχρηστο ) 


      Ετσι λοιπον πήγα να corruptarw σημερα μια shrine 77 ηδη rollarismenη με double bosses (double bosses = 2πλη πιθανοτητα για fragments ) και γυρναει σε 78 Courtyard (το corruptin επισης σε maps με vaal orbs εχει και μια πιθανοτητα για +1 map lvl ) με mods


    elemental weakness , minus reses , phys reflect , poison on hit και double bosses  ( το ''boss'' btw στο court ειναι  3 χ guards οποτε 2πλο boss εκει σημαινει πως πρεπει να πολεμήσεις 6 διαολια ταυτοχρονα με ολα τα παραπάνω mods .


   For the loot λεμε :lol:



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Ναι φοβερή αλλαγή και δεν ξεφεύγει από το lore του game. ;)

Το έκανες corrupt ρε και βγήκε 78 ρε θηρίο; χαχαχα! απαγορευτικά mods αν δεν έχεις balls to the wall!

Και άλλα ώραια πράγματα όπως φένεται παρακάτω για τα next challenge leagues στην 1.3.0 :)
What's Being Kept from Rampage/Beyond?
Challenge leagues (like Rampage/Beyond) are a great place to test out new game mechanics while receiving plenty of feedback and data about how players interact with them. When challenge leagues end, we have to choose what parts of these new features to roll into the core game. Some systems like Rogue Exiles (Anarchy) and Shrines (Domination) came from challenge leagues in this way.

The updates described in this document will not all happen as soon as the leagues end. Most of these changes will be rolled into the 1.3.0 patch.

Untainted Paradise
Prior to the one-week race in late November, the experience awarded by monsters in the Untainted Paradise map will be reduced substantially. It'll still be very good experience but won't be a critical component in winning the ladder race.

Rampage League
We have decided not to introduce Rampage into the core game as an always-on feature. As of 1.3.0, the Rampage-specific uniques will grant a form of Rampage.

Rampage will also still be available as a Zana Map Device option. The level of Zana and price will likely change in 1.3.0.

Beyond League
Beyond portals and demons won't be making their way into the core game in an always-on way. Beyond will be available as a random map mod and will of course still be a Zana Map Device option. This option will probably have its price and level changed in 1.3.0.

You may encounter Abaxoth and his minions in other forms in the future (or past).

Forsaken Masters
The active expansion is still Forsaken Masters and will remain so until the expansion containing Act 4 is released next year. The 1.3.0 update is technically part of Forsaken Masters and adds to its featureset. Masters will remain just as common as they are currently.

Higher level missions will grant more reputation and favour than they do currently. It will be easier to reach level 8 with masters after 1.3.0 is deployed.

Once Forsaken Masters is no longer the active expansion (i.e. in 1.4.0), Masters will still be part of the core game.

Unique Items
None of the Rampage/Beyond-specific unique items will drop as part of normal play once these challenge leagues end. Zana's Map Device may offer some ways to obtain them. We may also use them for alternate art race/PvP rewards or in other forms in the future. As mentioned earlier, the Rampage uniques will grant some form of the Rampage mod.
Επίσης είναι πολύ κοντά στο να ανακαλύψουν τι παίζει με τον Master Fisherman, Krillson (chris wilson, PoE dev) :p

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Σήμερα έμαθα: δεν πολεμάς το boss στο crematorium, με -resist,extra cast speed,extra lightning damage και enfeble (εκτός αν είσαι πολύ ντούκι). Η αλήθεια είναι βέβαια ότι έπαιξα με την τύχη μου προσπάθησα πολλές φορές.. Μέχρι που πέθανα :p Εντάξει δεν παίζω hardcore, αλλά στο 92 level o θάνατος είναι πόνος!

Με έστειλε χθες η Zana necropolis με 2 bosses που έκαναν 30% παραπάνω damage και είχαν παραπάνω attack speed. Μπαίνω, μαζεύω loadstones και λέω δε πάω να δω τι παίζει; Με το που μπαίνω στο δωμάτιο ανοίγω portal κι αρχίζω τη μάχη. Επί 5 λεπτά σκότωνα τερατάκια και πάσχιζα να μείνω ζωντανός. 2-3 φορές πλησίασα το ένα από τα 2 boss. Ε λίγο πριν το 10λεπτο τα παράτησα και βγήκα λίγο πριν με σκοτώσουν.  :(

Κι έτσι για να γελάσουμε λιγάκι, έκανα χθες /deaths και είδα πως έχω ψοφήσει 311 φορές.  :D

Σάββατο ξημερώματα ξεκινάει το race (3:00 ώρα Ελλάδας) και θα διαρκέσει για μια βδομάδα.

Τα prizes είναι stack-able π.χ αν φτάσεις 70lvl ο char σου θα είναι διαθέσιμος για όλα τα tier στην κλήρωση.

Hype! :D

Two One-week Rampage/Beyond Leagues Start this Weekend!

We're running two one-week league events (one standard and one hardcore) that start this weekend. They'll have the properties of both of the recently completed Rampage and Beyond challenge leagues. Today's news post covers the details and prizes. There's a video version (created by community member HCMonstrLP)

The starting time in the PST timezone is 5pm Friday (November 28). This is 3am on Saturday in the Central Europe timezone. The leagues will end one week later.

While the leagues have the properties of both Rampage and Beyond, Unique items specific to those leagues will not drop in these events.


We'll pick winners randomly from the people who reach the following levels or higher. The prize levels continue to stack as you level up. You can win prizes from multiple tiers. Both the events draw from the same prize pool (i.e. it doesn't matter which you enter, but if you want an extra challenge, play in the hardcore one). Dead hardcore characters are eligible for prizes corresponding to the level they reached.

Prizes available in the random draw are:

  • Level 20: 200x Bundle of 10 Skin Transfers
  • Level 25: 100x Bundle of 6 Stash Tabs
  • Level 30: 50x Bundle of 6 Premium Stash Tabs
  • Level 35: 20x Elite Armour Set
  • Level 40: 20x Seraph Armour Set
  • Level 45: 20x Verdant Armour Set
  • Level 50: 20x Arcane Armour Set
  • Level 55: 20x Vampiric Armour Set
  • Level 60: 20x Seraph Wings and Tentacle Wings
  • Level 65: 10x All Alternate Skill Effects currently available (31 total)
  • Level 70: 10x All Weapon and Shield Skins currently available (13 total)

In addition, the top five players (from each event) by experience will receive an alternate-art Demigod's Eye.

Other Rules

  • Masters can spawn in these leagues.
  • The single highest level character in this league on your account will be considered.
  • Do not enter with multiple accounts - this will disqualify you.
  • GGG Staff members are not eligible for prizes.
  • If you're interested to read more about the rules of race events, check out this link.


:happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
New Challenge Leagues

December's 1.3.0 Content Update marks the start of two new Challenge Leagues - Torment and Bloodlines. These leagues have self-contained economies and provide an opportunity for you to enjoy a fresh start and demonstrate your mastery of Path of Exile.

The new leagues contain eight difficult challenges. Completing your first challenge awards you a Totem Pole decoration, which can be displayed in your Hideout and grows taller and more impressive as you complete more challenges. If you're one of the first 50 players to complete all of the challenges, we'll also send you an exclusive Torment/Bloodlines T-Shirt!


Torment Challenge League

Torment is the upcoming standard Challenge League. In the Torment league, your adventures are haunted by the spirits of tormented criminals that yield their ill-gotten gains when slain. Eager to protect their trove, these spirits flee when encountered and imbue nearby monsters with dangerous powers, which improves their item drops. It's also possible for spirits to possess rare and unique enemies, greatly increasing their threat (and value!) to treasure-seeking exiles. We'll be releasing a video showing the Torment league in action soon!


Bloodlines Challenge League

Bloodlines is the upcoming hardcore Challenge League. Each pack of magic monsters has a shared Bloodlines mod that greatly influences combat - sometimes while the pack is still alive, and sometimes after it has been killed.

Where Nemesis involved individual rare monsters gaining an additional power, Bloodlines revolves around groups of monsters with synergistic powers. Various strategies are needed for approaching the different Bloodlines, as there are a wide variety of effects, such as constructing an Animated Guardian piece-by-piece or monsters becoming immortal while near their slain brethren. Check out this video of the Bloodlines league in action!



Huge Player vs. Player Revamp

A major focus of this Content Update is to overhaul Path of Exile's PvP systems and introduce formal competitive events. As we've learned from our successful racing scene, having prizes and news coverage of competitive play is critical. In addition to introducing seasons of tournaments, we've performed a lot of PvP-specific rebalancing that doesn't affect the regular game. New UI improvements include an Events Screen that shows upcoming events (including PvP tournaments) in the game client.


Leo Redmane, Master of the Arena

Leo Redmane, disgraced duelist; famous for slicing the defeated around the neck, adorning them with a 'mane of blood'.

Leo's not one to let exile get in the way of opportunity. It is with great pride that he dubs himself 'Master of the Arena' and now organises exile-on-exile duels on the very dirt that the Eternal greats once fought over.

Like the other Masters, Leo offers you a Hideout (in the Gardens tileset) with his own decorations and PvP crafting options. His daily missions all involve playing PvP and reward you for completing different objectives. Unlike other Masters, Leo doesn't take up a slot in your Hideout. You can have him in addition to your regular set of Masters.


PvP Tournaments

We're introducing several different types of PvP tournaments that are scheduled at specific times.

Free-for-all tournaments take place in the Sarn Arena. They're a massive brawl where you get a point per player kill. If you die, you're sent to a new arena to continue the massacre.

Blitz tournaments are a series of rapid-fire duels where you're quickly matched against a new opponent as soon as your last round finishes. Your goal is to get as many victories as possible within the time limit.

Swiss tournaments are highly competitive tournaments that match players with similar records against each other. They're run in a regimented series of matches, each one a best-of-seven and provide the most competitive structure of the three tournaments on offer.



PvP Season One

Competing in tournaments earns you points towards tiers of Alternate Art Unique Item prizes.

PvP Tournaments are grouped into Seasons that consist of a month of themed events. Weekdays contain free-for-all and blitz events, while the weekends have larger tournaments with Swiss pairings and awesome prizes from our sponsors.

Top players will be invited to a special event at the end of the season so that they can battle for more prestige and prizes.


PvP-Only Characters

Dueling with level 28 characters is very popular within our community - so much so that we're running it as the primary event type in the first PvP season. Because the fun of PvP is in creating builds, perfecting your items and destroying your opponents, we're adding an option to create blank level 28 characters that are only able to play in PvP matches.

These PvP-only characters won't impact regular gameplay, but will allow you to shortcut the process of trying out level 28 PvP builds and creating characters for tournaments. You'll still need to acquire their equipment in the core PvE game.



Hundreds of Other Improvements

This update isn't entirely about the new Challenge Leagues and PvP. We've massively changed the Passive Skill Tree, added more gems and unique items, and made a myriad of small improvements to Path of Exile across the board. For example, new Stash Tab filtering functionality allows you to highlight specific items you're looking for as you browse your tabs.


8 New Gems and 25 Unique Items

This update introduces seven powerful new player skills and one new support gem. Three counter-attack skills allow you to build reactive melee characters. A pair of new bow skills allows you to either travel rapidly in combat while leaving a decoy behind, or create a remote decoy from afar, with the enemy being unaware of which option you chose. A new lightning melee skill expands the Templar's set of low-level elemental skills, and the introduction of an area-of-effect wand skill creates new options for powerful wand builds.

Content Update 1.3.0 also introduces a wealth of new Unique Items, with 25 more to find, including eleven designed by our community. Six of the items are specific to the new challenge leagues, while others provide new options for both PvP and PvE play.


Updated Passive Skill Tree

The changes we made to the Witch, Shadow and Ranger sections of the Passive Skill Tree in Forsaken Masters were very well received. We've continued to improve the tree by applying similar changes to the Templar, Duelist and Marauder sections along with their surrounding areas.

In addition to improving progression for melee players and opening up previously unexplored builds, the passive tree changes provide a new and diverse metagame for PvP and PvE players alike.

All players will receive a one-off passive tree reset so that they can adjust their characters to these changes.



Coming on December 12!

Content Update 1.3.0 will be released at 5pm on December 12 (US Pacific Time). This is 3am in the CEST timezone and 2pm on December 13 in New Zealand. The Torment and Bloodlines Challenge Leagues will also start at this time.

This article does not contain the full patch notes for the 1.3.0 update. We'll be releasing more details on specific features over the next couple of weeks, culminating in the final patch notes a day or two before the update is released.

We're really looking forward to releasing this update. The Torment league has some awesome risk vs. reward decisions and Bloodlines really ramps up the combat challenge with the varied mods that you'll encounter. Player vs Player combat has never been more fun in Path of Exile - the tournaments add an extra level of meta-strategy and reward on top of a more balanced experience. Of course, the real reason why we're so excited might be that we get to try out our new PvP builds against some fresh meat ;)

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μπήκα να κάνω 2-3 χάρτες 73άρηδες.. τους εύκολους (cells, canyon).

Με το ζόρι η Zana, όοοοχι θα πας torture chamber. Ε λέω ας πάω στο boss να δοκιμάσω.. πάρε 2 deaths να πάει τσάμπα ότι είχες κάνει ως τώρα. Τι ωραία τι καλά! <3

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