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Έγινε επεξεργασία από Helly

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[MENTION=173]Wizard![/MENTION] ετοιμασου :p

Έγινε επεξεργασία από Lazy Dog
Έλεγα ότι δεν θα το αγοράσω το κ*λοπαιχνιδο αλλά τελικά ενέδωσα...

[MENTION=173]Wizard![/MENTION] ετοιμασου :p

ωραιος!!!! :banging:

30Hz/10Hz was good enough in Bad Company 1, because it ran at hardcoded 30FPS, and was released on current gen consoles only.

But on a PC (and next gen consoles PS4 & XBONE) it is not even close to good enough. Just look at all the Hit Reg issues videos we provided since Bad Company 2 (released 2010) ! What happened there? Why did DICE ignore these issues? Why were these not fixed in BF3 and BF4?

Now Next Gen consoles finally run with 60FPS, and on the PC we have monitors with 120Hz becoming more and more common - especially in the competitive scene.

So any sane gamer would think that you adapt to these new framerates/refreshrates to provide the best possible experience. Yet you guys have the nerve to keep 30Hz/10Hz in your first person SHOOTER in 2014!

Even better, you guys talk about competitive gaming for BF3 and BF4! How should I play a game competitively that is not only full of noob crutches, intentionally designed randomness but also where what I see is not what is happening because my client receives/sends data so rarely?

Do you guys think that games like CS, run with 100+ server ticks just for fun?

Battlefield is a FIRST PERSON SHOOTER and the community is complaining about lagging hitboxes since 2002 when 1942 came out!

Now in 2002 you could accept that issue to some degree because it was the first Battlefield game and DICE had no experience yet - also the internet connections were bad/unreliable for many players. ADSL was the best thing to get in Europe. The lowest ping I could get to an Server was ~70ms - and I had to expect common spikes and as result I had some issues with Hit Reg from time to time.

Today, we have fibre internet connections and cable. We play with a latency of 5ms. Yet the hitreg and client sync is WORSE than 12 years ago. You guys even manage to make the HitRegistration and the client synchronization WORSE with every new (frostbite) title that is released! Now, how did DICE manage this?

And please, spare us that excuse that "Battlefield is doing so much stuff you can't have a spot on hitreg". A first person SHOOTER where the shooting and hitting is not working well and just random and frustrating is A FAILURE. All the networked water, shiny gfx and sound can't make up for that broken core functionality!

And why DICE constantly fails to acknowledge this, is just beyond my grasp!

I mean, come on. How was Battlefield 4 development going down at DICE? When the idea of "Levolution" and "networked water simulation" came up, did no one of your coders stand up and say that you guys better fix the killed around corners issue first and increase the tickrate for competitive gaming, before you add even more load?

How does that work at DICE? I'd really like to know!

All I see you guys doing since Bad Company 2 is damage control. You have not managed to improve the situation of client synchronization and hit registration AT ALL. BF3 introduced a new level of getting killed around the corner and BF4 just fails even more frequently.

The "netcode" was not okay in BF3! Not at all! It has exactly the same issues as Battlefield 4, just that it was not breaking down as frequently as now in Battlefield 4. That's it!

And that "networksmoothing slider" - seriously?

who at DICE thought it is a good (longterm) idea to give the player such a slider?

You guys need to make your network code smart! So that it is able to ANALYZE/MONITOR THE NETWORK CONNECTION AND ADJUST THE VALUES AUTOMATICALLY AND DYNAMICALLY WHEN REQUIRED! Not provide some shady slider the majority of users has NO CLUE HOW TO USE IT! and can potentially break their gameplay experience entirely!

So the way I read all the messages/actions coming out of DICE during the last 4 years is that:

no one of you sees 30Hz/10Hz as an issue

no one of you sees to die around a corner as an real issue

no one of you sees a working hit registration to be THE single most important aspect of the game - A SHOOTER -, visuals and audio are much more important to you (because it produces better looking trailers)

you think that providing some shady slider for players to fiddle around as a proper fix

you guys keep ignoring the community year after year after year, and blatantly lie about the next titles awesome and better netcode when the hype train starts to roll

you guys have completely lost the connection with your community. you are just producing one mainstream mass product after the other at a fixed 2 year cycle. and release a half finished, broken product that is eventually patched to an RC state during the first year of it's life cycle. You don't even bother merging the bugfixes that were done to BF3 with BF4 codebase!

taking a deep breath - and pause for a moment

I am a Battlefield gamer since 2002

I am a Battlefield 2 modder

I am a Machinima director, who in the process created a lot of free advertising for your games

I own every single Battlefield game that was released on PC (and BC1 on the 360, which I bought just for that game! It's a original and hilariously fun title! Better than BC2!)

And it is really depressing to see into which direction the Battlefield franchise and DICE itself went.

Instead of having your Community Manager COMMUNICATE WITH THE COMMUNITY and tell us what is going on, we have to search reddit, battlelog and a million twitter accounts from DICE eployees to find out what is going on and SHARE FEEDBACK!

Battlefield 4 will be the last Battlefield I bought if DICE continues to behave as ignorant and arrogant when you interact with your CUSTOMERS.

You guys simply don't know anymore what it means to create a great shooter. What the core pillars of an shooter are. I feel sorry for everyone who is looking forward to Battlefront.

FEARProductions comments on While The 10hz Tick Rate Remains "Net Code" will NEVER Improve. Let's Pressure DICE to Fix This!

maximum rage :hehe:

558 comments μεχρι τωρα αλλα αξιζει μια μικρη μελετη αφου εχει γραψει καμποσα ο sliced_lime απο την DICE !

Δε διαφωνώ μαζί του, αλλά μάλλον ο τύπος είναι εκτός πραγματικότητας...

ADSL was the best thing to get in Europe. The lowest ping I could get to an Server was ~70ms - and I had to expect common spikes and as result I had some issues with Hit Reg from time to time.

Today, we have fibre internet connections and cable. We play with a latency of 5ms.


Δε διαφωνώ μαζί του, αλλά μάλλον ο τύπος είναι εκτός Ελληνικής πραγματικότητας...



H μόνη λογική εξήγηση είναι ότι με 100ticks/s σε 64άρια server θα γονατίσει και το μηχάνημα και η γραμμή του.

Στο κάτω κάτω όμως ας το εφαρμόσουν σε 32άρια ή μικρότερα servers...


H μόνη λογική εξήγηση είναι ότι με 100ticks/s σε 64άρια server θα γονατίσει και το μηχάνημα και η γραμμή του.

Στο κάτω κάτω όμως ας το εφαρμόσουν σε 32άρια ή μικρότερα servers...

Δεκτή η παρέμβαση, αλλά εν μέρει.

Πόσο συχνά βλέπεις σε servers που παίζεις 5ms;

Ο μέσος όρος είναι 40-50ms. Βλέπεις και κάτι άσχετους που μπαίνουν από Κίνα με 300ms, αλλά και ελάχιστες εξαιρέσεις με λιγότερο των 20ms. Σίγουρα πάντως δεν είναι κανόνας τα 5ms που λέει ο τύπος.

Kανονας ευρωπη ειναι 25-40 απ οσο βλεπω.Βεβαια αλλο το κεντροευρωπαικο 40αρι με ανυπαρκτο jitter αλλο το ελληνικο 40αρι vdsl fastpath

45% εξτρα καθυστερηση θελει να πει... :p

Τα 38fps στην 290Χ πως βγηκαν για να καταλαβω δηλαδη... Αν δεν μπορει αυτη να το τρεξει αξιοπρεπως ποια θα μπορει? Με την 780 βγαζω περισσοτερα, που ειναι κατωτερη της 290Χ.

Αρα κατι δεν μας λενε καλα....

45% εξτρα καθυστερηση θελει να πει... :p

Τα 38fps στην 290Χ πως βγηκαν για να καταλαβω δηλαδη... Αν δεν μπορει αυτη να το τρεξει αξιοπρεπως ποια θα μπορει? Με την 780 βγαζω περισσοτερα, που ειναι κατωτερη της 290Χ.

Αρα κατι δεν μας λενε καλα....

με την 290 πιάνω 58 average

45% εξτρα καθυστερηση θελει να πει... :p

Τα 38fps στην 290Χ πως βγηκαν για να καταλαβω δηλαδη... Αν δεν μπορει αυτη να το τρεξει αξιοπρεπως ποια θα μπορει? Με την 780 βγαζω περισσοτερα, που ειναι κατωτερη της 290Χ.

Αρα κατι δεν μας λενε καλα....



Δε βλέπω τον λόγο να μη χαίρομαι. Στο κάτω κάτω, από τον ανταγωνισμό μεταξύ των 2 κολοσσών στο χώρο των γραφικών, μόνο ο καταναλωτής επωφελείται!

εισαι ρομαντικος,μαρεσεις αλλα οταν μια εταιρεια πιασει τη γκαλη δεν κοιταει να βρει τροπους να σε κερδισει αλλα να σε ξεγελασει.

Καλησπέρα στους φίλους!

Από πέρυσι το Πάσχα που μετακόμισα επαρχία αντιμετώπιζα το πάρα πολύ ενοχλητικό φαινόμενο στο battlefield. To να προχωράς και ξαφνικά να σε φέρνει εκεί που ήσουν 2 δευτερόλεπτα πριν, κάτι σαν rewind η ας το πω lag ανά σποραδικά διαστήματα.

Η σύνδεση μου ήταν 2αρα αλλά ακόμα και όταν έγινε 4αρα εξακολουθούσε να υπάρχει.

Έτσι μετά από καιρό αποφάσισα να πετάξω το παλιορούτερ μου (από αυτά που δίνει ο OTE) και να αγοράσω το TP-LINK (TD-W8951ND) των 32 eur.

Και ως δια μαγείας επιτέλους εξαφανίστηκε παντελώς το συγκεκριμένο θεμα συν του ότι έπεσε το ping από τα 60+ στα 55+

Αν αντιμετωπίζει κανείς το ίδιο ας έχει τα παραπάνω υπόψιν του.

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