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ΗΡΘΕ :p 


The Construction System and a Revamped Indar are Here!


The Planetside 2 PC servers will be coming down at 6am (Pacific) / 13:00 (UTC) for an update. The estimated downtime is 1.5 hours and will require a client download. 

Below is a list of the additions/changes in the publish: 

The Construction System has been released! 

The battlefields of Auraxis are changing. Cortium, a powerful new mineral, allows for the near instantaneous deployment of player-built fortifications. This limited resource has prompted the deployment of Advanced Nanite Transports (ANTs), which harvest Cortium and convert it into battle-ready building material. 

New Rescource: Cortium 
Appearing across the wilder areas of Auraxis, Cortium crystals can be harvested and used to create and power player-constructed objects, defenses, and fortifications. 

New Vehicle: The ANT 
ANTs are 4 man transports that have mining lasers for harvesting Cortium nodes. They can store Cortium in an on-board tank or drop it off at constructed Cortium Silos. The ANT can be deployed at any time, which will reveal access to a building terminal, from which you can equip and then place fortifications, at cost to Cortium. 
  • With the right upgrades and a tank full of Cortium, the ANT has some other interesting abilities as well…
  • C300 Turbo Engine: The Cortium Turbo Engine grants powerful thrust by converting stored minerals into fuel.
  • Transport Cloak: While active, the Transport Cloak drains the ANT's stored Cortium in exchange for limited invisibility.
  • C-Barrier: While active, a barrier forms around the ANT, absorbing incoming damage at the cost of stored Cortium.

New Construction Objects 
  • In order to place a construction object, you’ll need to first have access to its schematic. Once you own the schematic, you’ll be able to use the terminals on the ANT or Silo to deploy those items with Cortium.
  • These schematics can be obtained from either the Depot’s new Construction section, or directly from an ANT or Silo terminal.
  • Each item has a limited number that can be active at once, so keep an eye on the counter or you’ll end up deconstructing earlier objects.
All players are granted the following schematics/items for free with the release of the new system: 

Cortium Silo 
  • The heart of any large base, this silo stores large quantities of Cortium. ANTs can offload Cortium to Silos using the same method as harvesting minerals; just approach the Silo and hold the firing button.
  • Many objects require a nearby Silo (with stored Cortium!) to remain active, as the Silo acts as a fuel source for their abilities. Modules, for example, are constructs that can improve surrounding fortifications, but go offline if the Silo runs out of Cortium. While a module is near a Silo, Cortium will be drained automatically. The more objects that require power, the faster your Cortium Silo will drain.
  • They can store up to 50,000 Cortium at a time.
  • Claims the nearby area for you and your squad, which allows you to deconstruct (see Decon Tool) the fortifications of un-squadded allies near your Silo.
  • Hardline Interference Volume Emitters or “HIVEs” are structures which can generate Victory Points over time.
  • The “chassis” is vulnerable when unpowered, but while housing a Victory Core, the chassis becomes indestructible, and a small, shielded area becomes the only point where it can receive damage.
  • Active HIVEs generate Victory Points based on their proximity to the enemy Warp Gate, and require Cortium from a nearby Silo to operate.
  • Players must be BR 15 or higher to place a HIVE
Rampart Walls 

Long, horizontal wall with high health, and firing areas for infantry. 


Small, durable fortification with firing areas for infantry, and an open area on the top. 

Xiphos (Anti-Infantry) Phalanx Turret 

Mannable turret which excels at taking down enemy infantry. 

Decon Tool 

Can be used to deconstruct misplaced structures. 

Other available schematics include: 

Sunderer Garage 

Small garage with enough cover to house a single Sunderer, ANT, or perhaps some other things you’d want to keep safe. 

Repair Module 

Cortium-powered module which quickly repairs nearby structures. This is an extremely important component of any base, especially for keeping hard targets like walls and bunkers alive 

Structure Shield Module 

Cortium-powered module that creates one-way shields for most of the openings on Bunkers, Rampart Walls, and Sunderer Garages. 

Skywall Shield Emitter 

Cortium-powered module which projects a shield above, protecting from aerial bombardment and severely injuring enemy infantry which drop through it. 

Turret AI Module 

Cortium-powered module which provides nearby deployed turrets with automated tracking abilities, allowing them to fire on enemies who stray too close. 

Spear (Anti-Vehicle) Phalanx Turret 

Mannable turret which excels at destroying enemy vehicles. 

Aspis (Anti-Air Phalanx) Turret 

Mannable turret which excels at destroying enemy aircraft. 

Construction Placement 

Added a new system to help with construction object placement. 

A series of highlights and rings that appear when you are holding a construction item should help you determine what objects are affecting/being affected by other construction objects. 
  • Red highlights/rings show no deploy areas and objects that are creating that conflict for deployment
  • Blue highlights/rings show active repair modules and their radius of effect
  • Green highlights/rings show the things in the radius of effect of the object you are currently trying to place and/or objects other than the repair mod that will affect what you’re placing
  • Orange ring shows the range of what can be powered by a placed Cortium Silo
These effects should only appear when relevant to keep the display from becoming overly cluttered. 

Victory Cores 

With the HIVE, we’re introducing the concept of Victory Cores. These cores are shared across each faction and can be viewed in the VP UI. 

When a continent unlocks, each faction has a certain amount of cores available. By default, each faction gets 2 cores, with an additional core given to whichever faction unlocked the current continent. Cores are automatically placed in HIVEs the system thinks are the most viable every 180 seconds, with the following rules: 
  • The closer the HIVE is to an enemy Warp Gate, the faster it will generate Victory Points. HIVEs that can generate more VP are prioritized over those generating less
  • If your active HIVE is in a contested area, your core can not be relocated.
  • If you overextend into enemy territory without enough support, the system will determine your HIVE to be too dangerous to provide a core too. If you’re setting up in enemy territory, bring some significant backup or you won’t get a core.
When an active HIVE is destroyed, the faction who destroyed it will steal that core for their faction, and it will then automatically activate the most ideal HIVE, provided another empty HIVE exists. 

It’s worth noting that Silos must be restocked with Cortium constantly, as HIVEs, like modules, require an active power source to function. If a Silo runs out of Cortium, an active HIVE will no longer generate Victory Points. 

VP Scoring Changes 

Additionally, the overall VP scoring has been updated as follows: 
  • All continents now require 15 Victory points to capture (including Indar)
  • Indar alerts are now worth 5 VP
  • Linking a single warpgate VP reward has been increased to 2, from 1
  • Linking both warpgate simultaneously VP reward has been increased to 4, from 3
  • Capturing all of any facility type VP reward has been increased to 3, from 2
  • Capturing all facilities VP reward has been increased to 15, from 10
  • VP reward has been increased to 2, from 1
Continent Faction Population Queue 

Any player trying to zone into a continent where their faction has 10% more population than the lowest populated faction will be placed into a queue. 
  • At least one continent must have over 150 players on it for the queue to be active
  • The target continent must have at least 50 players on for the queue to be active
  • If the player’s faction is severely overpopulated on all unlocked continents, they will be able to play on the continent where their faction has the least population advantage

New Weapon: NS-20 Gorgon 

Developed as a more mobile version of the M20 Basilisk, the NS-20 Gorgon provides MAX units with a balanced mix of anti-infantry and anti-vehicle firepower. Gold and Black variants are also available. 

Welcome to New Indar 




Massive changes have been made to the continent of Indar. The terrain, lattice, and bases have all received revisions to facilitate better gameplay and a fresh experience. 


All warpgates are now updated using the newer updated Koltyr style layout. 
Moved ocean WG over to the west slightly, added bridge crossing chasm that leads to the Ocean WG’s next lattice base, Indar Waste Treatment 

Small Outposts: 

NS Salvage Yard 

  • Removed outpost from the Lattice

Indar Waste Treatment 

  • Added additional sunderer cover
  • Added larger CyA bldg on south side
  • Added hackable equipment terminal to CyA building
  • Redirected flow from warpgate, now uses a bridge going over the oceanbed chasm

Briggs Labs 

  • Added additional sunderer cover
  • Replaced Mini Spawn with Main Spawn
  • Adjusted cap point area, cover

Indar Comm Array 

  • Lowered top of mesa approximately 20-30m~
  • Added small Sunderer garage
  • Added better cover for attackers coming from Dahaka Southern Post
  • Increase pain field size on spawn
  • Moved vehicle spawn to front of base (goodbye ridiculous vehicle pads!)

West Highlands Checkpoint 

  • Removed outpost from the Lattice
  • Replaced with Large Sunderer Garage

East Canyon Checkpoint 

  • Removed outpost from the Lattice
  • Replaced with Large Sunderer Garage

Sandstone Gulch 

  • Removed outpost from the Lattice
  • Replaced with Large Sunderer Garage

Blackshard Iridium Mine 

  • Removed outpost from the Lattice

Abandoned NS Offices 

  • Removed outpost from the Lattice.
  • Moved the buildings about 200m east and added an additional road around it.

NS Secure Datalab 

  • Added Sunderer Garage
  • Increased spawn room area defensibility
  • Severed Vanu Archives link.

NS Research Labs 

  • Removed outpost from Lattice
  • Peris Field tower will now link to Vanu Archives with an Outpost Garage replacing NS Research Labs approximately 200m to the northwest.

Galaxy Solar Plant 

  • Upgraded spawn room to Barracks.
  • Replaced CyA cap point building with new BldgP.
  • Added a Sunderer Garage for attackers, as well as an extra road that properly reflects the lattice connection with Ceres Hydroponics.

The Palisade 

  • Lowered height of the Palisade’s plateau as well as its static AV turrets
  • Added Sunderer Garages.
  • Upgraded spawn room to Barracks and removed the SCU.
  • Added 1-way jump-down platform allowing defenders to better access to cap point from pedestrian bridge.
  • Lowered height of high road leading to Crimson Bluff.

Red Ridge Communications 

  • Removed outpost from Lattice.
  • Added Outpost Garage on opposite side of road.
  • Reduced grade of road from Tawrich Recycling to Scarred Mesa slightly.

The Old Stockpile 

  • Upgraded spawn room to Barracks + aligned it with lattice.
  • Added Sunderer Garages
  • Improved the attacker’s approach from Feldspar Canyon.

NS Refinery 

  • Upgraded spawn room to barracks.
  • Replaced CyA cap point building with BldgP.
  • Added Sunderer Garage and adjusted flow in core of base.
  • Removed teleporter in Med-Wing building.

Scarred Mesa Skydock 

  • Upgraded spawn room to barracks.
  • Lowered height of mesa significantly.
  • Entrances are now accessible primarily by foot.
  • Moved Veh Term up onto Scarred Mesa.
  • Added Sunderer Garages and battlefield cover.

Highlands Solar Station 

  • Upgraded spawnroom to barracks, moved to ‘rear’ of base
  • Added sundy garage
  • Adjusted capture point area cover

Ayani Labs 

  • Added sundy garage, bridge for attacker path
  • Upgraded spawn to Barracks
  • Replaced large building with a non-roof accessible variant

Vanu Archives 

  • Readjusted cap point locations
  • Added grav lifts to ease attacking the base
  • Added a sunderer garage, footpaths to attacker launch pads

Howling Pass Checkpoint 

  • Added additional sundy cover on the eastern side to support attackers

NS Material Storage 
Revamped base to be more defensible + align with a lattice better 

Large Outposts: 

Camp Connery 

  • Moved Cap Point out of Tower into nearby building
  • Added additional road on north side
  • Added additional cover + sunderer spots

Indar Excav 

  • Moved Cap Point out of Tower into nearby CyA building
  • Added additional road on north side
  • Added additional cover + sunderer spots
  • Redid B Cap point to be covered
  • Added equip term in J Building

Indar Bay Point 

  • Moved cap Point out of Tower into newly designed BldgO
  • Moved cap point into CyA building near Tower
  • Added extra roads to reduce chokepoints
  • Made it easier for attackers to progress over the vehicle bridge
  • Added under-truss maintenance bridge under vehicle bridge
  • Added additional roads to reduce chokepoints around base

Quartz Ridge Camp 

  • Removed teleporter building
  • Replaced MiniSpawn with Barracks
  • Added stairs to allow Infiltrators to hack vehicle terms, but not up to spawn plateau

Camp Waterson 

  • Aligned spawn room with Lattice and moved it to the back.
  • Moved shooting range cap point to old spawn location.
  • Reduced number of AV turrets.
  • Added Sunderer Garage and additional cover in battlefield.

Regent Rock Garrison 

  • Moved Cap Point out of Tower into nearby BldgP.
  • Added Sunderer Garages.
  • Added additional road + routes when attacking base.

Facilities & Facility Satellites: 

Hvar Tech Plant 

  • Greater Hvar Region – Lowered the height of Hvar plateau significantly
  • Disabled AV turrets from the flight deck
  • Moved superstructure farther back on plateau, opening up more space for fights between the Tech Plant and its satellite bases

Hvar Northgate 

  • Renamed to Hvar Databank.
  • Complete redesign
  • Pulled much of the fortification (walls, gate shield) out of the base to better balance its defensibility (still has a big height advantage)
  • Added sundy garages out front to allow fights to stick better

Hvar Southgate 

  • Renamed to Hvar Physics Lab
  • Complete redesign
  • Added sundy garage

Hvar West Post 

  • Complete redesign
  • Added sundy garage

Tawrich Tech Plant 

  • Removed unintuitive road between Tawrich Depot and Tawrich Tower
  • Disabled AV turrets from the flight deck

Tawrich Depot 

  • Readjusted base to better fit Lattice
  • Moved gate shield gen building in front of gate
  • Changed cap point building from CyA to BldgP
  • Widened road that leads to Tawrich tech plant
  • Adjusted spawn room platform and vehicle spawn
  • Added additional cover; should be easier to defend the base now.

Tawrich Tower 

  • Can now attack Stronghold and Gravel Pass directly from Tawrich Tower
  • Added additional buildings and cover leading to Tawrich tech plant

Tawrich Recycling 

  • Switched positions of spawn room and generator building.
  • Added better Sunderer cover at entrances to outpost from both sides.

Mao Southwest 

  • Switched spawn + cap point locations
  • Increased size of base
  • Added extra gate shield facing Tech Plant Mao
  • Moved Gate Gen outside of base

Mao Watchtower 

  • Aligned base with lattice & roads
  • New cap point BldgO, Sunderer
  • Added Garages
  • Added extra roads.
  • Peris Amp Station
  • Added Sunderer Garage to eastern side of base.

Peris Eastern Grove 

  • Revamped base entirely expanding on original concept/feel.
  • Moved spawn room to back side of base
  • Added Sunderer Garages
  • Improved under-truss service bridge to Peris.

Peris Field Tower 

  • Added Sunderer cover
  • Added additional cover and buildings.

Allatum & Rashnu 

  • Added Sundy Garages next to the lift platforms

Allatum Botany Wing 

  • Adjusted vehicle pad road to not be part of the main route when attacking the base
  • Closed off the road leading to Snake Ravine, players will need to route around the rock to get there
  • Added better cover for defenders to exit spawn

Rashnu Watchtower 

  • Redid layout to be less funnely for attackers. Tower & cap point swapped, added an extra route from Rashnu to its watchtower


Quartz Ridge Hvar Databank 

  • Should now be much easier to fight from Quartz Ridge up to Hvar now due to the hill being less steep.
  • Added additional road to the east.

Hvar Hvar Satellites 

  • Much more room between all of its satellites now, should be better fights here as a result

Quartz Ridge Indar Comm Array 

  • Added road that was missing to better reflect its lattice connectivity

Mao Southwest Briggs Labs 

  • Added additional roads + cover between these bases

Howling Pass NS Material 

  • Redid roads leading to base, now has one road that splits, but does not surround the base as before

Snake Ravine Vanu Archives Allatum Botany 

  • Area received a road to better direct players/vehicles into the fight

Ti Alloys The Crown 

  • Added vehicle and infantry cover on the bridge between Ti Alloys and The Crown
  • Added additional rock cover on the rock arch between Ti Alloys and The Crown
  • Added a few extra trees to deter the west AV turret on the Crown from shelling Ti Alloys

Ti Alloys Ceres Hydroponics 

  • Added a low road under the rock arch to Ceres
  • Added additional cover to the field between Ceres & Ti

Ti Alloys Allatum Botany Wing 

  • Redirected road to Botany Wing to not pass by the veh pad



Even More Updates! 

  • The Squad browser now shows a squad’s “cohesion” level. Higher cohesion means squad members are playing more closely to one another; squad leaders are weighted more heavily than other squad members.
  • Annihilator, Decimator, and Kraken have received updated models and textures.
  • Map tactical overlays (map drawing) are now available for personal use
  • Map tactical overlays are now visible at the highest map zoom level but at a higher transparency
  • Hold CTRL when viewing map to disable indicator interactions. This will allow players to click through to place waypoints without the indicators getting in the way.
  • Vehicles/MAX at low health will see nearby engineer callouts on the minimap / HUD indicators
  • Outfit “invite all to group” functionality now will only send invite to outfit members who are not in a squad already or if they are a squad leader
  • Squad center of mass distance metric shown in the squad browser. The leader is weighted higher than other squad members.
  • Squad cohesion metric (average inter-member distance) shown in the squad browser.
  • Deployable status indication on the HUD
  • Green IFF on main weapon reticles
  • HUD loadout UI polish and update: equipment slots with timers on them ( e.g. squad beacon ) now persist on the HUD until the timer is complete.
  • Fix for vehicle turbo bars not functioning when first entering vehicles
  • Fix for overlapping deploy ability indicator with implant icon on the HUD vitals
  • Fix for deployment spawn indicators intermittently appearing on the wrong continent and becoming stuck
  • Fix for damaged squad vehicles not showing up on minimap at close distances to the vehicle
  • Speculative fix for the “spawning at wrong location than what I clicked on” bug
  • Speculative fix for bug where minimap indicators, esp. vehicles, intermittently do not appear
  • Hydroponics Lettuce Shelf Prop can no longer be seen through or shot through to fix occlusion issues related to the small opening.
  • Change wield knife hotkey to “-” from “8”
Έγινε επεξεργασία από GruntGR
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Δεν ηξερα οτι εχει μεινει και αλλος thelabιτης που ενδιαφερεται ακομα για το ps2[emoji13]

2 χρονια nonstop 2.5k hours εγω.

Για να δουμε τι θα λεει το update, γιατι τους τελευταιους μηνες επεσε πολυ το population.Μια το αθλιο server perf μια το client perf που αντι να γινεται καλυτερο γινεται χειροτερο και βασικα ο χαμος των τελευταιων βδομαδων με τους hackers(δεν ξερω αν πηρατε χαμπαρι τι παιχτηκε) εφεραν σε ασχημη κατασταση το παινχιδι ,ισως την χειροτερη του lifespan του.

Ελπιζω να μην εμφανιστουν ενα σκασμο bugs οπως συνηθως και αν εμφανιστουν να μην τους παρει ενα μηνα το bug fixing.

Επισης μετα πρεπει να βελτιωσουν το perfomance (server&client) να μονταρουν ορισμενα bugs που ειναι καιρο στο παιχνιδι και να ξεκαθαρισει η κατασταση με τους hackers για να κερδισουν παλι την χαμενη εμπιστοσυνη μεγαλης μεριδας του κοσμου.

Τελος το παιχνιδι χρειαζεται αμεσα ενα δυνατο tutorial.Ειδικα τωρα που αναμενεται να το δοκιμασει καινουργιος κοσμος.

Ο koltyr απετυχε.

Και λιγο διαφημισουλα στην φαση αυτη δεν θα ταν ασχημη,μιλαμε για το μεγαλυτερο update απο το launch του παιχνιδιου(καλιο αργα παρα ποτε).

Sent from my HUAWEI Y625-U51 using Tapatalk


^ το performance εχει στρωσει πανω απο 1 χρονο τωρα 






σε παρομοιο cpu ( 2500k στα 4.5 ghz )  οταν ειχε πρωτο βγει ολο 40αρια εβλεπα 


τωρα αμα δεν εχει καποιος i5 εστω και πρωτης γεννιας στα 4ghz + ας παει να κοψει τον λαιμο του :p 

Έγινε επεξεργασία από GruntGR

Απο performance η γρια 7970 με ολα medium δε τα παει ασχημα. Ειναι και πιο smooth στα 10αρια. Hackers τι να πω εναν flying max ειχα πετυχει πριν κατι μηνες και εναν infil που εκανε μπαμ. Κοζμος γενικα ερχεται αλλα επειδη νομιζει οτι εχει να κανει με αλλο ενα BF δε του δινει χρονο και τη κανει κλαιγοντας. Θελει πολλες ωρες το game για να το νιωσεις. @jesus Gr1s0s ειναι το nick αν ενδιαφερεσαι αλλα σε TR που ειναι η basic. Vanu ειναι Gr1s0sVS αλλα εχω να μπω καιρο. Μιλαμε για Miller παντα. :p


Έγινε επεξεργασία από Grisos
1 hour ago, GruntGR said:

^ το performance εχει στρωσει πανω απο 1 χρονο τωρα 


Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet 




σε παρομοιο cpu ( 2500k στα 4.5 ghz )  οταν ειχε πρωτο βγει ολο 40αρια εβλεπα 


τωρα αμα δεν εχει καποιος i5 εστω και πρωτης γεννιας στα 4ghz + ας παει να κοψει τον λαιμο του :p 

Κοιτα ναι ειχε στρωσει.Tους τελευταιους μηνες ομως οχι δεν ειναι καλο.

Και δεν παιρνω εμενα σαν κριτήριο προφανως με το χρεπι (εγω ειμαι ενα -20% performance ευκολα το τελευταιο εξαμηνο) αλλα κοσμο με "σοβαρα" pc ,settings full potato (μιλαμε για γραφικα 10ετιας+) να πεφτουν σε 60-70 frames σε clusterfucks.Αν αυτο θεωρειτε καλο performance...

Επισης κατι πολυ πολυ σημαντικο το παιχνιδι εδω και καιρο σε sub 60 frames σου δινει την αισθηση οτι τρεχεις με 20 frames(κατι σαν intput lag).Οχι παντα αλλα πολλες φορες.


1 hour ago, Grisos said:

Απο performance η γρια 7970 με ολα medium δε τα παει ασχημα. Ειναι και πιο smooth στα 10αρια. Hackers τι να πω εναν flying max ειχα πετυχει πριν κατι μηνες και εναν infil που εκανε μπαμ. Κοζμος γενικα ερχεται αλλα επειδη νομιζει οτι εχει να κανει με αλλο ενα BF δε του δινει χρονο και τη κανει κλαιγοντας. Θελει πολλες ωρες το game για να το νιωσεις. @jesus Gr1s0s ειναι το nick αν ενδιαφερεσαι αλλα σε TR που ειναι η basic. Vanu ειναι Gr1s0sVS αλλα εχω να μπω καιρο. Μιλαμε για Miller παντα. :p


Οσο αφορα τους hackers κοιτα τι εγινε τις προαλλες αν δεν το πηρες χαμπαρι.



Μιλαμε για πραγμα που ηταν εφικτο απο το launch-.-To ειχε αναφερει πολυς κοσμος αλλα στα @@ τους.



Οσο αφορα εμενα παιζω στον Cobalt http://ps2.fisu.pw/player/?name=gabriellafox

Ελατε και εσεις εκει.:-P

Εχουμε γεμισει μιλεραδες εξαλλου τις τελευταιες βδομαδες απο τοτε που εκλεισε ο ρωσικος σερβερ και οι περισσοτεροι πηγαν στον μιλερ.

Δεν χαλιεμαι εχουν ερθει μερικες καλες outfits απο σας με skilled players και εχουν βγει μερικες ενδιαφερουσες μαχες.





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Καλό Μήνα:



Construction Improvements


- Player Constructed Base XP bonus
- Players fighting within a 150m radius of an active HIVE will receive a 20% XP bonus on kills, destroying vehicles, structures, etc.

-Two new victory objectives:
-- Have seven active Hives up at any given time (Permanent +3VP)
-- [Bonus] Empire has the majority of active hives (Bonus +2VP, Bonus VP is only awarded while the objective criteria is met.As an example: If VS have four active hives and  NC have three active hives then VS will have the +2 bonus. If TR destroys a VS Hive then VS will lose the +2VP bonus since NC and VS now both have three active hives; If VS lose another Hive then NC will receive the bonus +2VP since they now have the majority of active Hives with three.)

- Inactive cores (owned cores without a valid chassis) now have a placement timer on them, if the timer reaches zero and there is still no valid chassis to place it in the core will become neutral and be awarded to the faction with the oldest existing valid chassis or the first faction to place a valid chassis if non already exist.
- We’ve added a flash bang type of effect to the HIVE explosion.

- Construction structures and turrets are now much more vulnerable to all types of damage while in the process of building.

- Silo/Turret permissions do not reset when the owner logs out.
- Friendly Silo's are now visible on the map/minimap/Hud when driving an ANT.
- We’ve made a complete damage resist pass on modules:

-- Changed resist type 2 to 69 from 85

-- Changed resist type 3 to 10 from 20

-- Changed resist type 4 to 50 from 20
-- Changed resist type 5 to -25 from 20
-- Changed resist type 6 to 10 from 50
-- Changed resist type 7 to 50 from 80
-- Changed resist type 8 to 60 from 80
-- Changed resist type 9 to -100 from -80
-- Changed resist type 12 to 10 from 0
-- Changed resist type 18 to 40 from 20
-- Changed resist type 20 to 57 from 50
-- Changed resist type 22 to 65 from 80
-- Changed resist type 23 to 10 from 20
-- Changed resist type 24 to -25 from 0
-- Changed resist type 26 to 30 from 80
-- Changed resist type 27 to 35 from 20
-- Changed resist type 28 to 60 from 80
-- Changed resist type 34 to -25 from 20
-- Changed resist type 35 to 58 from 50
-- Changed resist type 36 to 25 from 0
-- Changed resist type 38 to -10 from 40
-- Changed resist type 40 to 10 from 50
-- Changed resist type 44 to 50 from 75


Weapon Tuning


- Slug Ammunition

-- Gravity from 11.5 to 8
-- Fixed a bug where VS slugs were not using the correct 300m/s projectile velocity.

- High Velocity Ammunition

-- Increases minimum damage range by 20m for all weapon types

-- Increases projectile velocity by 5%
-- No longer increases vertical recoil
-- Decreases maximum damage range by 2m (this is the new trade-off.)

- Default velocity adjustments have be made to various weapons so they play nicely with the new HVA, and fall more closely to their intended niche.

-- Reaper DMR projectile velocity from 555 to 615
-- Gauss Rifle projectile velocity from 650 to 620
-- Gauss Rifle S projectile velocity from 600 to 620
-- Gauss Rifle Burst projectile velocity from 650 to 620
-- T32 Bull projectile velocity from 670 to 640
-- NS-15M projectile velocity from 640 to 600
-- EM1 projectile velocity from 650 to 630
-- Solstice Burst projectile velocity from 515 to 540
-- TRAC-5 Burst projectile velocity from 490 to 515
-- Gauss Compact Burst projectile velocity from 500 to 525
-- NS-11C projectile velocity from 450 to 530
-- AC-X11 projectile velocity from 480 to 520


UI Improvements


- By popular demand, we’ve replaced all of the loading screen art with new and much improved images.
- Added/Updated icons for the deployed Sunderer and ANT. Now includes icons for repair/resupply versions of the deployed vehicles.
- Now showing friendly motion spotters on the map/minimap.
- Fixed a bug that was causing various objects, e.g. spawn beacon and motion spotters, not to appear on the map/minimap.
- Updating calculation of +XP% element on the HUD to be more accurate and include global multiplier when it is greater than 1x.
- Better notifications when the cert points, nanites and/or XP% changes.
- The XP bonus tooltip when hovering over the +XP% element on the HUD now shows a more accurate breakdown of the XP bonuses and global XP multipliers.
- Added option to enable/disable reticle IFF tinting.
- Fixed a bug that would cause Galaxy spawns not to appear on the re-spawn list when a Spawn Beacon was active.


Marketplace Additions


- New black and gold versions of the Burster are available in the Depot.

- Added approximately 15 new Player Studio items (vehicle cosmetics, decals, etc.)


Misc Additions/Improvements


- The Faction Queue now displays the remaining slots per faction to better communicate where players are in the queue.
- Unarmed Flash ATVs may now free look 360 degrees.
- Fix for an infrequent server crash that occurred a few times over the past several weeks.

- TMG-50 has received a new icon.

- Adjusted animations on the TMG-50 TR LMG so it can accommodate a large drum clip.
- Adjusted the pain field near the spawn area at Quartz Ridge Camp, since it was extending too far North.
- Flak will no longer blind pilots hit by it in first person.
- Misc Indar texture/geometry fixes.
- Decreased Drop pod damage resist for resist type 22 (Walker and Deployed AA turrets) to -500 from 0.

- Auto AA turrets now attack drop pods that drop from above them

- Rivers and streams throughout Amerish no longer flow too fast and have had an art pass done.
- Gorgon audio has been revised.
- Fix for bad texture on Swarz Corp TR helmet.
- Fix for Prowler Cavalier armor covering the hood ornament.
- Removed leftover pain field at Xenotech Labs.
- Fix for “Ask for Help” not working in the UI.



  • Like 1

Sorry για το double post.

Επιγραμματικά τι αναφερθηκε σε περιπτωση που βαριεστε να δειτε το βιντεο :

  • New player-made bases are receiving new buildings, including spawn tubes, blast walls, artillery, etc.

  • Implant system revamps.

  • Rocklet rifle being added to Light Assult.

  • New body types! Armor being broken up into separate sections too, like shoulders armor vs. leg armor. Cosmetic backpacks, etc would be possible.

  • Vehicle hacking!

  • Global servers! Being able to play your characters from one server on another server, like joining a game in Diablo.


  • Orbital strikes were mentioned too!

  • Physically stealable HIVE cores a la LLU from PS1.


Επισης εκαναν προταση να κανουνε μηναια streams και προφανως το chat ειπε ναι με χαρα:P

Τελος ενα σημαντικο εκανα προσληψεις ,εναν designer  που ηταν παλια στο crew καποιους καινουργιους artists,programmers.

Ωραια πραγματα γενικα.


Πως σας φαινεται να οτι παιζει να μπορουμε να πηδαμε απο server σε server?

Σας περιμενω να περασετε απο κομπαλτ να τα πουμε!

Έγινε επεξεργασία από jesus
  • Like 1
  • 1 month later...

Update 7/7


Air to Air Balance Pass

Composite Armor
§Now increases resistance to ESF noseguns by 3/6/9/12%
§Projectile velocity for airborne variants from 1000m/s to 850m/s
§Cone of Fire from 1.5 to 1
§Refire rate from 344ms to 300ms
§Seek distance from 15m to 20m (same as Coyotes)
§No longer affected by Stealth
§Ammo capacity from 500 to 600
ESF Common
Mouse Freelook
§Viewing angles have been increased slightly for all ESF
Engagement Radar
§Now default for all ESF at max rank, certs refunded
Afterburner Fuel Tanks
oUnlockable Quick-Recharge and High-Capacity Afterburner Fuel Tank variants have been added
Composite Armor
oNow increases resistance to ESF noseguns by 4/6/8/10%
oProjectile acceleration from 10 to 35
oProjectile max velocity from 150 to 120
oReload speed from 4sec. to 4.5sec.
oIncrease from Reload Speed cert line from 1 sec. per rank to 0.5 sec. per rank
oNo longer affected by stealth
Tomcat A2AM Pods/Photon Missile Pods
oNo longer requires the pilot to maintain the lock
oDirect damage from 850 to 750
oPlaced on new resistance type
oAmmo capacity from 6 to 11
oAmmo provided from Ammo Capacity cert line from 1 ammo per rank to 2 ammo per rank
oScythe, Mosquito, Reaver = 10% resistance
oValkyrie = 15% resistance
oLiberator = -5% resistance
oGalaxy = 0% resistance
oShots to kill Scythe, Mosquito, Reaver from 3 (1083.75dmg) to 5 (675dmg)
oShots to kill Valkyrie from 5 (714dmg) to 6 (552.5dmg)
oShots to kill Liberator from 9 (573.75dmg) to 7 (787.5dmg)
oShots to kill Galaxy from 19 (382.5dmg) to 10 (750dmg)
Vortek Rotary
§Default magazine size from 25 to 27
§Ammo capacity from 250 to 324
§Ammo provided from Ammo Capacity cert line from 25 per rank to 27 per rank
M20 Kestrel
§Projectile velocity from 750 to 770
§Now deals 250 damage at any range
§Reload speed from 2.4sec. to 2.6sec.
M30 Mustang AH
§Is now an automatic weapon
§Reload speed from 3sec. to 2.6sec.
§Magazine size from 5 to 10
§Ammo capacity from 60 to 120
§Ammo provided from Ammo Capacity cert line from 6 per rank to 10 per rank
§Direct damage from 175@50m-125@100m to 65 at all ranges
§Minimum indirect damage radius from 1m to 2m
§Maximum indirect damage from 200 to 100
§Minimum indirect damage from 1 to 50
Saron Laser Cannon
oProjectile velocity from 800 to 750
Hailstorm Turbo Laser
oRenamed “Maelstrom Turbo Laser”
oProjectile velocity from 700 to 650
oMaximum damage from 230 to 255
oMagazine size from 35 to 38
oAmmo capacity from 350 to 456
oAmmo provided from Ammo Capacity cert line from 35 per rank to 38 per rank
Antares LC
oNow deals 220 damage at any range
oProjectile velocity from 800 to 770
oReload speed from 2sec. to 2.35sec.
Light PPA
oNow uses the ESF nosegun resistance
oExtended Magazines now provides 6, 12, 18, 24 extra rounds, down from 13, 25, 38, 50 rounds
oMaximum indirect damage radius from 1m to 0.75m
oMinimum indirect damage radius from 4m to 3.33m
oMinimum indirect damage from 1.5 to 1
oProjectile velocity from 300 to 350
M18 Rotary
oMaximum damage from 200 to 210
oMagazine size from 45 to 48
oAmmo capacity from 450 to 576
oAmmo provided from Ammo Capacity cert line from 45 per rank to 48 per rank
M18 Locust
oProjectile velocity from 750 to 770
oNow deals 200 damage at any range
oNow uses the ESF nosegun resistance
oMagazine size from 32 to 35
oAmmo capacity from 256 to 280
oAmmo provided from Ammo Capacity cert line from 32 per rank to 35 per rank
oMaximum indirect damage radius from 0.3m to 0.5m
oMinimum indirect damage radius from 1 to 2m
oMinimum indirect damage from 10 to 20
oMaximum cone of fire from 1 to 0.75

New Construction Items

§Reinforcements Module: Allows deployed Sunderers within range of it to be a potential continent wide reinforcements needed spawnpoint; your faction population in the area must still meet the reinforcement needed requirements.
§Infantry Tower: A large tower structure that can be constructed and then occupied by infantry units.
§Spear Anti-Vehicle Phalanx Turret: This turret is shorter than the constructable phalanx towers, allowing it to be placed in areas where it is less exposed.
§Faction Banner: Cosmetic banner that displays your faction logo
§Vehicle Ramp: A constructable multipurpose vehicle ramp
§Blast Wall: Large wall that once fully constructed can withstand a moderate amount of damage.


Other New Stuff

oTriumph Flare guns should now be available for purchase for a limited time
oTo help address some exploit concerns, there were two roof entrances added to the Sunderer Garage. Both have shields applied by the Structure Shield Mod.
oFlare Gun and Deep Freeze holiday pistols magazine size from 1 to 2 and their Ammo capacity from 21 to 22.
oIncreasing visibility of some vehicle tracer rounds in high light situations
oMain Battle Tank secondary weapons, MR11 Gatekeeper, Aphelion VEX-4, and M96 Mjolnir, have been added to their respective directive line.
oAI Mana, AV Mana, Spitfire turrets now should be able to be placed closer to other deployables
oUpdated the names for "Deployed" construction turrets to reduce their length but maintain distinction from normal turrets. Example: "Deployed Spear Phalanx Turret" would now read, "Spear-D Phalanx Turret".
oRenamed Rusty Bent Glaive to Johari Cove
oUnderbarrel Smoke Launchers now use a shorter duration smoke effect.
oNS-61 Emissary Black and gold version tooltips now use weapon's correct name. Additional changes include:
oMaximum damage from 112 to 125
oMinimum damage from 77 to 91
oHeadshot multiplier from 2.0x to 1.8x
oVertical recoil from 0.18 to 0.2
oFirst shot recoil multiplier from 1.2 to 1.25
oThe infiltrator's Decoy Grenade has made a return. It will simulate gunfire sounds, project false radar signatures, and distract automated anti-infantry turrets (which includes the Spitfire and Deployable Xiphos turret.)
oAdjustments were made to loading screen tooltips.
oIn order to help clarify and direct fire to the appropriate targets when attacking a player made base, hardened structures like walls and bunkers will now take no damage while under the influence of an active repair mod.
    • This will remove the health bars and hit indicators from these objects when fired upon, and hopefully help call out that other targets should be focused on before trying to bring the walls down.
    • So in order to kill that wall, you need to kill its repair mod, and to kill that repair mod, you'll likely need to kill the turrets and defenders protecting it.
oOptics attachments have been added to all empire specific pistols.
oA bunch of new player studio items hit the store, with more releasing over the next few weeks
oHarasser decals now displays on the sides and back and we've improved camo coverage on rear cab
oFlash is now able to equip Gate Shield Diffuser
oAdjusted night time to be slightly brighter
oPlayers can no longer place VP Chassis while they have an active HIVE in world.
oAdded Vehicle gunner sensitivity setting
oAdded [H] indicator when ESF is in hover mode
oAdded New Faven loading screens
oDeployment screen misc aesthetic tweaks and updates
oDeployment selection defaults to Heavy Assault instead of Light Assault
oRevival timer on deployment screen, showing progress bar and time value now
oEquipment terminal optimizations: should open and process 100-150% faster
oCharacter/Vehicle loadout misc aesthetic tweaks and updates, new unlocked items will now be auto-equipped in the editing loadout

Bug Fixes
oForward Grip descriptions have been updated to include more specific attachment information.
oFixed an error where some Forward Grips would incorrectly increase the number of horizontal "kicks" in one direction.
oUpdated some badly placed preview cameras for TR and NC ANT equipables.
oVehicle cloak no longer breaks stealth cert line
oFixed an issue where the ANT would not let you deploy because the 'Spawn Points' were blocked.
oFlagged Crimson October Armor Decal for use as an Outfit decal.
oFixed a bug causing ANT favorite loadouts to not display or behave correctly.
oANT terminal should now properly display the cortium icon for item costs
oSome construction item types have been grouped up to share a common max placement pool. For the moment, these include:
oAV turrets
oRampart walls
oSome items have moved into different categories on the ANT terminal to try and maintain some better organization
oFixed an issue where players inside of constructed turrets would not hear the correct impact audio when their turret is hit.
oFixed NC Spear Anti-Vehicle Phalanx Tower having incorrect red crosshair.
oFixed NC Aspis Anti-Air Phalanx Tower having incorrect icon in the kill screen.
oFixed AI mines doing damage through walls
oFixed an issue where the ANT scout radar would function if the ANT was not occupied.
oFixed a bug causing the harasser headlight housing to light up instead of the actual lights
oOutpost minimap icons should appear around the spawn room at NS Material Storage again.
oSunderer Bulwark Bumper and Sunderer Ambulance Module cosmetic items can now co-exist
oFix for long standing Tank Mine rendering issues (hopefully)
oFixed number of collision exploits in and around Biolabs
oAdded spot VO callout for spotting enemy ANTs
oFix for the issue where other players could appear dead, but still be running around and shooting.
oFixed a bug that caused the VS black and gold versions of the Bursters to be held differently than the base version.
oFixed an issue where underbarrel smoke and shotguns had incorrect audio and tracers.
oAnt weapons now have the appropriate medals awarded
oFix for cursor blinking bug when mousing over buttons, esp. in ANT terminal
oFixed issue that caused directive waypoint to not display if user completes the tutorial
oFix for the bug where the tracer is not visible and no audio plays when the constructed AI controlled turret is firing
oFixed an issue that could cause players to lose certs and upgrades when selecting a refund at the BR 15 screen
oFixed an issue where hitting "E" to place a construction object would cause the placement model to jump slightly
oAdjusted volume for the Basilisk firing audio
oNearby medics will no longer be called out if revival timer is expired
oANT terminal purchase widget shows DBC in consistent location and calls it out with an orange bg color to avoid confusion
oFix for ANT terminal purchase options showing a hanging “OR” label when only 1 currency purchase was offered
oInstant action will now correctly redeploy with the loadouts selected in the deployment screen


  • 2 years later...

DX11 Gents


Χρόνια Πολλά και Χριστός Ανέστη. Πιο πολύ ποστάρω για όσους γούσταραν το συσγκεκριμένο παιχίδι και το είχαν αφήσει στην μοίρα του. Να υπενθυμήσω ότι ήταν βασισμένο σε DX9. Προφανώς και γίνεται ένα bugfest λόγω της αλλαγής αλλά έχει υπάρξει σημαντική βελτίωση στο ολο feeling.



Performance, performance, performance

Over the game's lifetime, there has been no pain point discussed more often than that of performance.

You've seen us attacking this problem from different angles throughout the past year (and the years before that!,) and while we've made significant strides with optimizing much of our underlying infrastructure, there wasn't much left for us to improve upon without some major overhauls first.

Our continued quest for improvement has brought us here, after months of work and a coordinated effort from multiple departments throughout the company, we're pleased to announce that DX11 has arrived in PlanetSide 2.

To top it all off, the updates give us better tools to diagnose and address performance concerns in the future. Players on all types of compatible hardware should be receiving notable performance increases due in no small part to this update, but others as well. Numerous third party software used by the game and our own internal Forgelight engine have been updated, and we've also restructured the way that assets are packed and encrypted. This results in not only a more performant game, but also smaller file sizes, and more security from cheaters.

So celebrate, Auraxians, you've earned it.

Nanite Systems Operatives have entered the battlefield

Built to function in the harshest weather conditions and most demanding combat roles, our new Nanite Systems Operatives are here to serve. Players now have the ability to create a robotic character on a new, fourth faction, the Nanite Systems Operatives (or NSO.) In light of this addition, we've also granted another free character slot to all players.

  • NSO characters are available to players with active All Access memberships only.

  • Each time an Operative moves to a new continent, they will be assigned to fight for whichever faction currently has the lowest population.

  • This faction will not be re-assigned until the player travels to a new continent.

  • Operative characters use Nanite Systems weaponry only, and have their own special Directive lines available for completion.

  • NSO characters do not have equivalents for faction-specific items, so use caution when purchasing bundles that offer items for multiple factions.

  • A MAX unit, main battle tank, and empire specific fighters are currently missing from the NSO arsenal, and we will be exploring their implementation at a later date.

  • NSO characters can reside in outfits (even while contracted for opposing teams,) and can join and lead squads for whichever faction they're currently fighting for.

  • If an NSO character leaves a continent and is contracted to fight for a new team, they will be removed from their active squad.

  • For the time being, NSO characters will be unable to access Tutorial and Koltyr.

  • Beyond that, NSO characters operate similarly to a character from any other empire.

  • They have the same health pools, movement speeds, hitboxes and animations, and they die and respawn just like any other soldier.

The design of this system had a few targets.

  • Firstly, we wanted a way to address population balance without having to rely on a faction queue, which (while effective) isn't a fun way for players to spend their evening if they want to play with their friends on a particular faction.

  • Secondly, we wanted a way to celebrate and reward our players who have active memberships, and there is no more prominent way to flaunt your support of the game than piloting a combat-ready robotic soldier.

  • Lastly, we wanted to invigorate some of the PlanetSide 2 lore. The release of NS Operatives is the true beginning of a larger story arc surrounding Nanite Systems, and some hero characters you may (or may not have) heard of just yet. We hope you enjoy these new soldiers, and the havoc they will certainly wreak upon the battlefields of Auraxis.

Ready to Re-enlist?

Welcome back soldiers! Double experience FOR ALL will be starting on April 28th and running through Sunday, May 5th. We'll also be hosting a MEMBERS ONLY quadruple experience day on April 28th! In celebration of this massive update, we've also constructed some new bundles, sales, and a special release calendar for the next four weeks.

Week 1 - Apr. 29 through May 5 - 40% off Camouflage

Re-enlistment Bundle Alpha - 499 DBC cost - 3693 DBC value

  • MGR-S1 Gladius (NC SMG)

  • MG-S1 Jackal (TR SMG)

  • VE-S Canis (VS SMG)

  • Angular Camo (NC/TR/VS Camo)

  • Squad Experience Boost 7-Day

Week 2 - May 6 through May 12 - 40% off Vehicle Cosmetics

Re-enlistment Bundle Bravo - 999 DBC cost - 5389 DBC value

  • Pillager (TR Flash Weapon)

  • Starfall (VS Flash Weapon)

  • Buzzard (NC Flash Weapon)

  • NS-50 Gorgon (Left and Right hand MAX machine guns, for VS/NC/TR)

  • M202 Wyrm (Wing-mounted Heavy Machine Gun for Reaver, Mosquito, and Scythe)

  • Interference Profile Banner (VS/NC/TR/NSO)

  • Squad Experience Boost 7-Day

Week 3 - May 13 through May 19 - 40% off Infantry Cosmetics

Re-enlistment Bundle Charlie - 1999 DBC cost - 9985 DBC value

MGR-L1 Promise (NC LMG)

  • MG-L1 Watchman (TR LMG)

  • VE-H Maw (VS LMG)

  • Saron HRB (VS Magrider/Harasser)

  • Enforcer (NC Vanguard/Harasser)

  • Vulcan (TR Prowler/Harasser)

  • Darkstar MAX armor (VS)

  • Havoc MAX armor (TR)

  • Sigma MAX armor (NC)

  • Scanline Ambush Camo

  • Gridsmoke Profile Banner

  • Squad Experience Boost 7-Day

Week 4 - May 20 through May 26 - 40% off Vehicle Weapons

Re-enlistment Bundle Delta - 3999 DBC cost - 36264 DBC value

  • Centuri Armor Set (VS infantry armor, all classes)

  • Crimson Armor Set (TR infantry armor, all classes)

  • Lambda Armor Set (NC infantry armor, all classes)

  • Halberd-G (MBT/Harasser)

  • Hornet-G (Scythe/Mosquito/Reaver)

  • Astral Camo

  • Anomaly Background

  • 9x Deluxe Implant Packs

  • 1x One-Month Heroic Boost

Continent States

  • Players should no longer receive blank alert reward notification boxes.

  • Warpgates once again block projectiles being fired from outside them.

  • When a faction locks a continent, their victory anthem will play.

Refine and Refuel - Continent Event

  • The Refine and Refuel event has been added to the pool for all continents.

  • At the start of the event, two Refineries will spawn toward the center of the map, and there will always be two available on the map at all times.

  • Players are tasked with harvesting Cortium and depositing it into one of the refineries.

  • When a Refinery is full, it will blast off into orbit, and a new one will spawn at another location.

  • The faction who has refined the most Cortium will earn a 20% nanite discount on Sunderer and ANT spawns at the end of the event.

  • In a later update, we'll be unlocking a special, variant vehicle upon victory, but there is still some polish we'd like to do before releasing that into the wild.

Unstable Warpgates

  • Unstable Warpgates no longer use the alert system to stabilize itself, it instead happens immediately once the triggers are met.

  • When a new continent opens, it will remain in an unstable state, checking the population every 2 minutes.

  • Stability states now have three tiers: unstable single-lane (as it was prior to this update,) unstable double lane (new to this update,) and fully stabilized.

  • These changes should ensure continents with adequate populations are quickly stabilized to help move players around the map, along with the Spawn System Revamp below, and Join Combat changes coming at a later date.

Spawn System Revamp

We have made large revisions to the spawn system that will help filter players into more enjoyable fights, discourage overpopulation as it moves from base to base, as well as allow for more freedom to move around the map.

Prior to this update, the spawn system was too restrictive, and didn't point players in any particular direction. Veteran players would often resort to hopping from spawn point to spawn point in order to reach fights they wanted to participate in. At the same time, players were discouraged from leaving their current lane, which contributed heavily to the formation of "zergs" that then move down an abandoned lattice lane unopposed. This experience was detrimental to new players and veterans alike.

The revised spawn rules now work on a priority system, with ideal spawn locations appearing first, and additional spawn locations appearing after a longer wait period, effectively throttling how quickly players can redeploy around the map, while still giving them the option to do so.

Priority 1 Spawn Locations - Default spawn timer

  • Warpgate

  • Last spawnpoint you used.

  • Spawn Beacons.

  • Squad-spawnable vehicles.

  • Other spawn points within your current region if that region is not overpopulated.

  • Allied regions adjacent to an enemy region with less than 12 players at it.

Priority 2 Spawn Locations - 15 second wait time.

  • Spawn locations in your current region if your region is overpopulated.

  • Allied regions with adjacent enemy territory with less than 96 players, and aren't cut off from the lattice.

  • Outfit-owned regions that are not overpopulated, and aren't cut off from the lattice.

Priority 3 Spawn Locations - 30 second wait time.

  • Allied regions without enemy adjacency and aren't cut off from the lattice.

These changes give players the ability to jump to low populated regions to start moving down lanes with less occupancy; prohibits players from redeploying directly into overpopulated regions from outside them; and slows down the respawn time in overpopulated regions when your last-used spawn point is destroyed.

We have a lot of flexibility with this system to either loosen up or clamp down harder on the ruleset, and will undoubtedly make adjustments as it continues to shake out.

UI Changes

  • The login and character create screens have been updated with a fresh new look.

  • You can now choose your vehicle's loadout when spawning a vehicle from the map screen.

  • Characters and equipment viewed in UI windows have received a lighting pass for a better, more true-to-gameplay look.

  • Players can now adjust the color and transparency of no-deploy zones and orbital strike map effects in the interface tab of the general settings.

  • When a character logs in for the first time, they will be automatically placed into an open squad. Players battle rank 15 and lower will prioritize placement into open Mentor Squads. This functionality can be opted out of in the General settings.

  • Leadership and Objectives directive lines are now nested under the Strategic directive tree.


NSX Amaterasu (NS Melee)

  • Quick melee and wielded melee damage from 350 to 450

  • Wielded ranged damage from 200@1m - 143@50m to 450@2m - 143@50m

  • Wielded ranged damage resistance type from small arms to melee

  • Wielded scope sway has been removed, and minor per-shot recoil has been added

  • Amaterasu will now always fire its blade while wielded

Dev Note: We've made this weapon more competitive with other knife options, and reduced some of the annoyances related to its use.

NSX Naginata (NS LMG)

  • Vertical recoil min from 0.6 to 0.4

  • Vertical recoil max from 0.8 to 0.6

Dev Note: The adjustment to vertical recoil here increases accuracy of both first shot and sustained fire, and makes the recoil easier to compensate for.

NSX Tengu (NS SMG)

  • Hybrid Laser attachment's hipfire pellet spread and cone of fire buff from 20% to 33%.

  • Magazine size from 20 to 22

  • Ammunition capacity from 140 to 176

Dev Note: These changes aim to make the Tengu more useable out of the box, and bring the Hybrid Laser attachment into more a more competitive position versus Extended Magazines.

VE-C Horizon (VS Carbine)

  • Max damage per pellet from 50 to 56

  • Max damage with capsulate ammunition from 75 to 84

  • No longer earns the wrong kill ribbons.

Dev Note: Horizon has enough drawbacks that we don't feel we need to keep it on a lower, more reserved damage tier.

MG-C1 Kindred (TR Carbine)

  • No longer earns the wrong kill ribbons.

Hardlight Barrier (Engineer deployable)

  • This item has received a new look.

Player Studio

New items, created by your fellow community members, are now available for purchase in the Depot.

  • Black Ops infantry armor sets and helmets by Doku are now available in the Depot. These armor sets come bundled together with each faction sold separately. The helmets are common pool available to all empires, and come in two styles.

  • Valkyrie Panopticon, Crop Duster, and Venomous plating and cockpit cosmetics by TrckyDcky are now available in the Depot.

  • Reaver Chimera plating and cockpit by EbonNebula is now available in the Depot.

  • Flash Nitro Tanks by Svertov, is now available in the Depot.

  • Sunderer Sentinel and Buffalo hoods by Lobstrex are now available in the Depot.

  • Flash Spartan Rat exterior by Fuzzbuket is now available in the Depot.

  • Mk.23 Light Assault Armor by Fuzzbuket is now available in the Depot.

  • Sunderer Raider hood and bumper by Giz are now available in the Depot.

Misc. Fixes, Changes, and Additions

  • Added Pixenal's "Reflection" loading screen submission to the rotation. (https://www.planetside2.com/news/ps2-6th-anniversary-loading-screen-contest-winners-2018)

  • Added FelixTheLion's "TR Scout Mission" loading screen submission to the rotation. (https://www.planetside2.com/news/ps2-6th-anniversary-loading-screen-contest-winners-2018)

  • Added Isonami's "Waiting For Orders" loading screen submission to the rotation. (https://www.planetside2.com/news/ps2-6th-anniversary-loading-screen-contest-winners-2018)

  • Arbiter Armor should no longer have broken skinning during certain animations.

  • Elysium Spawn Tube now shows the owner's name in the redeploy screen window.

  • EverQuest 20th anniversary shinies no longer spawn, also, the tree is gone. RIP tree.

  • Nightshade's firemodes now correctly state Quick Melee/Melee in the loadout screen UI.

  • Amerish Fieldplate now applies the default camo to female VS character models.

  • Auxiliary Shield no longer shows a 3d model overlaid by an icon in the loadout screen.

  • Auxiliary Shield 3d representation changed in the loadout screen.

  • Speculative fix for an exploit related to reload speeds under certain circumstances.

  • NC semi-auto and automatic shotguns no longer inherit the player's armor camo on the loadout screen UI.

  • Ectoblaster now counts toward generic sidearm directives.

  • Carapace users should now hear hit audio when taking damage.

  • TX1-FB Repeater should no longer have access to single-fire mode.

  • Players in a loading screen should no longer appear until their loading screen is dropped.

  • Fixed an issue where damage to a vehicle you previously owned, after pulling a new vehicle, would add grief points to your character.

  • The first time a character loads into a zone after logging in, they should be resupplied. This fixes a handful of first-load issues indirectly.

  • T7-P Mini-Chaingun should no longer unequip itself.

  • VE-H Maw's reload coolant particle effects should no longer appear randomly for remote clients.

  • 1.75x scope on the LB00 can now be purchased with certs.

  • Special cosmetic laser sights should now show the correct percentage reduction in cone of fire in their tooltip.

  • WinterGaming's decal can now be purchased for 1 cert in the Depot.

  • Bibi decal can meow be used for outfits.

  • Fixed a skinning issue on Light Stripe tires.


  • Haha 1

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