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  • 2 weeks later...

Patch 19/05


Membership benefit improvements:

    - Removing the Copper, Silver and Gold tiers and everyone who is a member is treated like they have max-level-Auraxium membership going forward, with all the benefits that entails.

Intra-Facility Missions:

    - Intra-facility missions are dynamically created missions that point you towards the important objectives inside a mission facility based on distance. So, if you're near Cap Point A, your mission will say "Capture A". If you're an Engineer and you're near a destroyed generator, your mission will be "Repair Generator". This system is intended to give new players a better sense of a facility's objectives and some direction on how to find them.

MBT and Harraser Weapon Tuning:

    - Enforcer ML85/Enforcer ML65-H: The Enforcer now has a different reload mechanic, ammo will be reloaded one round at a time and the weapon can be fired at anytime during the reload process.
    - C85 Canister: The C85 Canister now has a different reload mechanic, ammo will be reloaded one round at a time and the weapon can be fired at anytime during the reload process.
    - C85 Canister-H: The C85 Canister-H now has a different reload mechanic, ammo will be reloaded one round at a time and the weapon can be fired at anytime during the reload process.Additionally, the clip size reduced to 8
    - Proton II PPA: PPA COF Recoil reduced to .3 and max COF reduced to 2.25
    - Proton II PPA-H: PPA COF Recoil reduced to .45 and max COF reduced to 2.25
    - Prowler G30 Vulcan: COF reduced to 0.9
    - Saron can aim lower than previously

New Galaxy Defensive Slot Items

    - Vehicle Ammo Dispenser: Resupply ammunition of nearby vehicles
    - Nanite Proximity Repair System: Repair nearby damaged vehicles

Battle Rank Certs Until 15

    - We felt the cert gain rate at low levels was too restrictive for new players trying to grow their characters. With this change, each battle rank achieved through BR 15 now provides 100 free certs to help new players get their characters rolling.

Depot Pricing Changes

   - We’ve made some pretty significant changes to our cert and DBC pricing across the Depot. The vast majority of DBC prices will be dropping, some only slightly, but in many cases pretty significantly. There is one noteworthy exception, and that’s NS weapons that are available to all factions on purchase – those are going up slightly to account for the extra value they bring to the table. We also updated many of our cert prices to account for the two years we've let them go unattended – and this meant that in addition to many prices going down, or staying the same, cert prices increased for a number of weapons as well. To give some context and hopefully alleviate some fears, our updated weapon cert prices range from 200-1000 certs, so there’s no drastic departure on that front.

Vehicle Optics

    - Zoom optics can now be purchased independently
    - Vehicle optics can now also be purchased with StationCash
    - Vehicle optics will be removed from loadouts and the certs spent to unlock refunded. You will need to repurchase them.

Spawning Adjustments

    - You can no longer spawn at a base that is not connected to your warp gate via lattice unless you die in that base’s region; the idea here is to add more strategic importance to territory and logistics


    - Changes have been made to how we track awareness in an effort to fix issues where you can take damage from a player you cannot see.
    - The tank mine now has a unique trigger sound
    - Pass on all of the icons and text in the HUD, Map, and Minimap to make them more readable and well, iconic. We've also    changed the settings for things like when HUD icons get pinned to the side of your screen and the distance at which the opacity changes.

Bug Fixes

    - Speculative fix for the vehicle ejection seat bug
    - Updated Interceptor Windshield and Bumper for Harasser
    - Added grime overlay to Harrasser
    - Fixed Neutron armor to LOD farther out
    - Slat armor adjustment to work with composite armor on Lightning
    - Fix for NC heavy assualt shoulder pads going yellow on LODs
    - Launcher projectile trail effect appears larger and denser than before last update
    - Fixed Vindicator Badge Decal
    - Corrected several Decal Alphas
    - Hunter Cloaking 1 now has the ability description
    - Updated infantry rocket smoke trail FXs to be directly dependant on particle quality settings
    - Adjusted Vanguard Mammoth plating to not block as much of gunners view
    - Typo displays in the Adrenalin Shield description
    - Adjusted NS Blackhand: Default cross reticle scope aimpoint
    - ESF: Wing Mount: A2AM: Utility: Lock-on Range certification is now functioning
    - Spitfire turret proximity no deploy zone was removed from the spitfire and applied to the AV/AI turrets
    - Now only one vehicle terminal at the bio lab facilities spawns MBTs
    - NC Infantry and MAX weapons tint mask fixed to allow weapon to tint correctly now
    - Magrider Callisto exterior cosmetic adjusted to not look deformed at range
    - Fixed Galaxy intake right rear panel to not have a ‘hole’
    - NS Blackhand: Camo now applies in the 3d preview
    - UI: Loyalty Level: Copper [[[ text displays for membership level
    - Deployables at Saurva Overflow no longer Explode
    - Sky box no longer turns to black if if an UI screen has a GUI model on it
    - Harasser: Shatterguard windshield adjusted to display camo
    - VS: Composite armor leg piece no longer separates from the body if a female heavy assault is killed
    - Zepher and Dalton will now be more visible for first person
    - FX: scaled shotgun bullet impacts to be about 1/4 current size
    - Fixed Death Screen issue where the kill info was from previous kill and not last kill


Έγινε επεξεργασία από Grisos
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Ω καλα το κοβω broken το παιχνιδι για καμια βδομαδα μετα το patch :p

842mb patch....

Oλοι miller παιζεται ρε noobades?

Ω καλα το κοβω broken το παιχνιδι για καμια βδομαδα μετα το patch :p

842mb patch....

Oλοι miller παιζεται ρε noobades?

Μια χαρα παιζει κανα 2ωρο που επαιξα..

Miller TR

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Ναι νταξ κομπλε ειναι περα απο ενα dc που φαγαμε ολοι οσοι ειμασταν ινταρ.

Τα χρωματα ειναι καπως διαφορετικα.

Μια χαρά παίζει κανά 6ωρο που ξεχάστηκα να παίζω. Καλυτερα fps γενικα.

  • Like 2

Εβαλαν σημερα καμια 100+mb patch διορθωσαν τις χθεσινες παπατζες.

Το brightness ειχε φρικαρει,επρεπε να το βαλω στο 100% για να βλεπω βραδυ.

Το alt+f για fps δεν δουλευε.

ειχαν buggarei  τα camos σε oλα τα ns οπλα.

Αυτα και αλλα χθες,σημερα το πρωι μετα το patch καμια ωρα που επαιξα ολα κομπλε

  • 2 weeks later...

NS Anti Materiel Rifle:


The NS Anti Materiel Rifle is a bolt action rifle that will be capable of dealing significant damage to light armor vehicles and equipment, but its primary role will be anti MAX.            



- Bolt action type rifle
- Primary role anti MAX
- Planned as Engineer primary, additional classes (excluding Heavy) could still happen
- Damage to an MBT is roughly the same as an uncharged lancer shot (ie very little damage for a bolt action)
- 2 shot HS on infantry, any range (3 shot against heavy shield)

- 2-3 shot HS on MAX depending on range (again, primary role is anti MAX)      




Source: https://forums.daybreakgames.com/ps2/index.php?threads/anti-materiel-rifle.226230/




Edit: Βιντεάκι απο Test Server (αρχή του βίντεο)


Έγινε επεξεργασία από Grisos
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  • 3 weeks later...

Patch 17/06 350 MB



System Requirement Change:

  • PlanetSide 2 on the PC will now require a 64 bit operating system.

New Weapon:
  • NS-AM7 Archer (Engineer) - The Archer anti-material rifle was developed by Nanite Systems to counter the heavily armored MAX, providing an effective option at range for dealing with the unique threat of the exo-suits.
  • Gold/Black variants
  • Sunderer Blockade Armor rear armor has been reduce to match the other sides
  • Awareness/Render changes
    • Awareness based off damage, players who you damage or damage you are calculated as high propriety and are more likely to be rendered to each other
  • Infantry awareness/render range now takes loadouts into account, players with a long range weapon in there loadout can be render up to 600 meters away, depending on the weapon; this includes AV MAXs and Sniper Rifles.
  • Butcher horizontal recoil has been reduced from .225 to .213
  • Tank Mines will now detonate on MAX units
  • TR MAX Lockdown deploy/undeploy times have been modified
    • Undeploy time changed from 2 seconds to 1 second
    • Deploy time changed from 1 second to 2 seconds
Spawn Rule Changes:
  • Spawn beacons will now be range based, initial distance is set at 600 meters
  • Squad spawn on vehicles is now limited to 600 meters if the vehicle is within either an enemy region or friendly region that is being contested (capped).
  • Squad spawn on vehicles within friendly uncontested regions has no range limit.
  • Spawn on squad will now take you to the closest available spawn point in the region that’s has the most amount of squad members
  • Instant Action rules have been simplified
    • Instant action can now place players at any fight where their empire population is within 20% of an enemy’s population.
    • Instant action will now spawn you at nearest available spawnpoint to the action; this includes Sunderers and base spawns.
  • Added new Armor/Vehicle flag decals for Portugal and Australia
  • Tank Mine LOD range increased by 25 meters to 70
  • Updated TR reticule sizes to be smaller across the board
  • Since the vehicle ejection bug FINALLY (Praise Vanu!) appears to be fixed, we're removing the safe-fall temp fix from exiting vehicles
Bug Fixes:
  • Enemy vehicles disappearing when the driver exits the vehicle has been addressed
  • Medic regen device will no longer regen the Sunderer Deployment Shield
  • Resist shield now resists melee damage
  • Defensive/Offensive requests will display on the map
  • Updated the game credits to properly reflect the change to Daybreak Games
  • Black Horse Company Armor/Vehicle decals have been made available to all factions
  • Hacked spitfire turrets should now properly track kills, grief, and XP
  • Magrider Auraxium Lumifiber Trim should now apply properly
  • Corrected the TR AMP pistol's muzzle flash to be the correct size
  • TR Amp muzzle flash has been reduced
Known issues:
  • Spawn Beacons are not a valid “Spawn on Squad” option; this means that players will not be able to spawn on a beacon unless they are within the 600 meters range even if the majority of their squad members are near the beacon.


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Ενα απο τα καλυτερα βιντεο που εχω δει!



Φανταζομαι πηρατε χαμπαρι οτι τελειωσε η closed beta στο ps4 και χθες βγηκε κανονικα το παιχνιδι.

Συνεχεια down οι servers με το καλημερα :p

Ελπιζω να το στρωσουν γιατι βλεπω οτι υπαρχει κοσμος που θελει πραγματικα να παιξει.

Και στο twitch βλεπω μπολικο κοσμο να streamarei.Εφτασε κοντα στα 2κ viewers χθες απο εκει που εδω και μηνες ηταν στους 100+ παντα.

Παρατηρω και πολυ μεγαλη στα ορια του συγκινητική προσπαθεια απο την pc κοινότητα να βοηθησει καινουργιο κοσμο να καταλαβει τι παιζει με το ps2.

Έγινε επεξεργασία από jesus
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  • 5 weeks later...

Patch 23/07:



What’s New:

· Blink and you might miss it! Providing a new tactical approach to troop deployment, the new Sunderer Cloak is now available for certification points in the Sunderer Loadout screen.

· Burst weapons feel a bit underwhelming to you? These have now been upgraded to provide a more rewarding experience. Take a look in the Depot!

· New Player Studio items are now available for purchase! Assault in style with a new helmet, armor decal, and more! Look for additional items to release over the next month!

Spawn Beacons

  • Squad Beacons near the majority of squads members will be squad spawn options regardless of range
  • Beacon spawn range changed from 600 meters to 1,000 meters
  • Small arms do less damage to Valkyries
  • Valkyrie bottom armor increased to 50%
  • Increased weapon thermal range from 50 to 200
Sunderer Cloak
  • Sunderer stealth cert line has been expanded, a new fifth cert has been added that when equipped not only provides all the perks of rank 4 stealth but also generates a cloaking bubble when deployed that cloaks all friendly infantry within it.
Infiltrator Cloaking Pass
  • Infiltrator cloaks now have additional states based on movement.
    • Crouching no change
    • Crouch walking is now much less visible
    • Standing is now less visible
    • Running is slightly less visible
    • Sprinting, no change
  • Small damage increase to ground vehicles
  • Increased initial projectile speed from 50 to 60
  • Increased max projectile speed from 180 to 220
  • Increased projectile acceleration from 0.75 to 1.25
  • Vehicle stealth no longer prevents rockets from seeking
Burst Carbines and Assault Rifles

· T1B Cylcer

o Recoil min magnitude increased from 0.27 to .4
o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.27 to .4
o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 2.50 to 0.75
o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 0.1 to 0.15
o Recoil Increase increased from 0.1 to 0.15
o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Trac-5 Burst
o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 2.35 to 0.75
o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.3 to .5
o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 0to 0.2
o Recoil Increase increased from 0 to 0.2
o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Gauss Rifle Burst
o Horizontal Recoil Min decreased from 0.168 to 0.16
o Horizontal Recoil Max decreased from 0.168 to 0.16
o Recoil min magnitude decreased from 0.472 to 0.4
o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.472 to 0.5
o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 1 to 0.5
o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 1 to 0.1
o Recoil Increase decreased from 1 to 0.1
o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Gauss Compact Burst
o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.4 to 0.5
o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 1.75 to 0.75
o Recoil Increase increased from 0 to 0.1
o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Equinox VE2 Burst
o Recoil min magnitude decreased from 0.22 to 0.23
o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.22 to 0.4
o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 2.75 to 0.75
o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 0.05 to 0.17
o Recoil Increase decreased from 1 to 0.17
o Recoil shots at min mag increased from 0 to 1
o Recoil Horizontal Min decreased from 0.16 to 0.15
o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

· Solstice VE3 Burst
o Recoil max magnitude increased from 0.25 to 0.35
o Burst recoil first shot modifier decreased from 2.8 to 0.75
o Recoil Increase Crouched increased from 0to 0.1
o Recoil Increase decreased from 0 to 0.1
o Hipfire cof increased by 0.5

New in the Depot

· Several new Player Studio Cosmetics were added to the store. Additional Player Studio items will become available on the Depot each week over the next month.

o Available Immediately:
§ Plague Doctor Armor and Vehicle Decals by DoktorTheAlmighty
§ Serenity Valley Armor and Vehicle Decals by NikkoJT
§ Forward Armor and Vehicle Decals by anadin150
§ Vanguard Loadout Armor by Neko Zero (NC Only)
§ Harasser Reinforced Hubcaps by MajorStorm
§ Skydiver Helmet by Faven (TR Only)
§ Windrunner Helmet by Faven (VS Only)
§ Bivalvia Helmet by CountPoly (VS Only)
§ Skyhawk Helmet by Steveo (NC Only)
§ Thunderstruck Helmet by Faven (TR Only)

Bug Fixes

  • Sticky Grenades no longer apply damage twice
  • reloading with Aegis Shield active could invalidate following shots
  • Godsaw moving ADS changed back to 0.4
  • Small deployables took more than one shot to destroy with the Archer
  • “A” point at Hurakan Secure Storage is in the wrong Hex
  • Speculative Fix - Weapon attachments don’t always go into deepcloak
  • Fix bug with tab screen that made kill tracking unreliable
  • Simply kicking a player from squad will no-longer prevent them from rejoining
  • Instant action could take players to a location nowhere near the displayed location
  • Instant action will now display a conformation box before sending a player to a different continent
  • Lasher out of ammo clicking heard at excessive ranges
  • Denmark Flag decal should no longer be emissive at night
  • Fixed the broken start fire animation for The Butcher
  • Fixed floating offhand in first person for the Phaseshift
  • Improved TR muzzle smoke visibility issues when using iron sights
  • ESF nose guns should now be easier to see even in bright sky conditions
  • Replaced a Station Cash icon the code redemption flow
  • Addressed some issues with Darklight Flashlight attachment effect synchronization
  • Adjusted NC sniper rifles to have longer barrel and adjusted default muzzle break to fix droopy barrel look
  • Adjusted VS bolt action rechamber to take up less screen space
  • Adjusted structure interior texture to be lighter with more grime and a slightly brighter emissive
  • Removed the phantom break lights from the Vanguard since it does not have break lights in the base model
  • Fixed bad camo seam on a rear housing of T5 AMC and TRS-12
  • Adjusted the Archer and Rocket Launcher enter scope animation to help with the ‘pop’
  • Adjusted the length of the Archer Stock to help with penetration with the player
  • Adjusted the material type on the vehicle barrier to be correct
  • Adjusted texture seams on Amerish rocks to be better
  • Fixed many player studio related visual bugs
  • Removed harsh orange rim light from the character/vehicle/weapon screen
  • Adjusted Valkyrie cockpit screens to be visible in direct sunlight
  • Shrike irons sight should now work properly
  • Various texture size optimization to help reduce overall memory usage.


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Οταν αρχισα να παιζωxxooWB5.jpg

τωρα                            ubWaUtO.jpg


Βελτιωθηκα καπως:-P


To kdr εδω ειναι χωρις revives e

Έγινε επεξεργασία από jesus
  • 3 weeks later...

Σε επόμενα Updates


The three round clip-fed NSR3 Swarm's relatively low velocity lock-on rockets are capable of tracking targets for an extended period of time. Variable fire modes provide the user extended control over missile velocities, allowing them to tailor the strength of the weapon to their engagement.









The intent is to make out capture mechanics more intuitive for both new and veteran players while altering the current mechanic as little as possible. We’ll do this by simplifying the way we display our basic tug of war mechanic during a two way fight (vast majority of base conflicts) at the cost of less information being displayed during a three way fight.
How it Works:
  • Only shows 2 factions at any given time; the owner of the facility and whoever is currently dominating the points. This means, in the case of the above mock-ups, VS can instantaneously swap to TR, and the progress shown on the bar would jump to a different position.
  • Each empire fights the facility owner independently of each other, meaning that in the above example (assuming NC owns the based) TR cannot come in at the halfway mark and steal capture progress from the VS like they can do currently on live. If TR was to take two of the points there capture progress would start from zero. This is the only real mechanic change from live, and will require a code change.
  • The time shown represents the amount of time until the facility flips.
  • Readability is set up as left to right, when your empire in involved in a fight (defender or dominant attacker) capture status will show your empire on the Left
  • Situations where the same number of points are owned by different empires or the point at a single point base is neutral the timer will stop and the capture status arrow will become a vertical line.
  • Base owner must be clearly defined with the capture status, early mock up showed this as an empire colored bounding box and background (the above mock up does not show this)
Έγινε επεξεργασία από Grisos
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  • 3 weeks later...
Patch 04/09

NEW Empire Specific Anti Vehicle Weapons (MBT/Harasser)
- NC - M96 Mjolnir: Affectionately referred to as "The Boombox" by many NC soldiers, the Mjolnir's burst fire explosive rounds excel against armored targets in close quarters engagements.
- TR - MR11 Gatekeeper: Based on a modified Fracture design, the Gatekeeper retains the feel of its forerunner but incorporates a faster fire rate and projectile speed while increasing overall accuracy.
- VS - Aphelion VEX-4: This experimental laser weapon can tear through enemies with sustained fire, but an interesting side effect causes a build-up of residual energy while firing that can be harnessed into a devastating blast.
NEW NS Lock-on Rocket Launcher
- NS R3 Swarm: The three round clip-fed NSR3 Swarm's relatively low velocity lock-on rockets are capable of tracking targets for an extended period of time. Variable fire modes provide the user extended control over missile velocities, allowing them to tailor the strength of the weapon to their engagement.
- Lock-on missiles in air actively tracking you now have unique audio and hud element; additionally the number of missiles actively tracking you is now displayed on the HUD.
- Large outposts will now display capture progress differently, there is no more half way point, the capture progress will be displayed and a constant tug of war bar. This also represents a small mechanic change with three-way fights, the third faction can now steal total capture progress from the original attacking force. Once we are confident this is a positive change all small outposts and facilities will be switched over to it as well.
- Missions that direct you to a base now have god beams.
·Cut off regions no longer contribute towards territorial control percentage required to capture the continent; this also applies to alert victories
Balance Changes
- Tank primary weapon projectile velocities have been increased to match the armor piercing velocity
-- Vanguard: Titan-150 HE projectile velocity increased from 175 to 275
-- Vanguard: Titan-150 HEAT projectile velocity increased from 250 to 275
-- Prowler: P2-120 HE projectile velocity increased from 175 to 250
-- Prowler: P2-120 HEAT projectile velocity increased from 225 to 250
-- Magrider: Supernova VPC projectile velocity increased from 175 to 225
-- Magrider: Supernova PC projectile velocity increased from 200 to 225
-- Lightning: L100 Python HE projectile velocity increased from 175 to 225
-- Lightning: L100 Python HEAT projectile velocity increased from 200 to 225
- Striker changes
-- ADS COF recoil decreased from 0.2 to 0.1
-- ADS Standing COF decreased from 0.5 to 0.25
-- ADS crouch walking COF decreased from 1.0 to 0.5
- Created a new directive under basic to join an outfit, add 10 friends, and unlock the outfit decal item.
Bug Fixes
- Player shield bug speculative fix.
- Resupplying at a terminal and immediately cloaking causes cloaking to be unable to be manually turned off.
- AM7 Archer sounds muffled when holding breath.
- Sensor shield 4 does not work when within 20 meters of a motion sensor.
- Fixed issue with Eclipse VE3A (and a number of other guns) not remaining in loadout when switching continent and log-in.
- Player Studio decal polish.
- Composite Armor decal fixes.
- Fixed issue where base Turret Kills/Vehicle Kills didn't count towards Launcher Directive/Medals.
- Fixed issue where character would continuously firing their weapon in 3P if fired his weapon before entering and exiting a cloaked    Sunderer.
- Fixed issue where when two or missiles were locked onto your vehicle and you use flares to drop them, the lock on audio would persist forever.
- Misc art fixes to various decals, helmets, foliage, etc.
- Fixed issue where the default voice pack could not be re-equipped once the user equips another VO pack.
- Fixed issue where the Eclipse VE3A didn't stay in the vanu light assault loadout, it reverts to default.




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Θα παιξω στο πρωτο μου serversmash!

Στις 19 του μηνα!

Cobalt Vs Miller.




crashing συνεχεια μετα απο λιγα δευτερολεπτα.

Typical DBG patch day...

Έγινε επεξεργασία από jesus
  • 3 weeks later...

Hotfix 09/23


  • Koltyr has been enabled and will allow new players to begin in this zone. This zone will only be available when the server population is sufficient to support it.
  • Nanites of the Dead is back! Go out and murder space pumpkins while you can!
  • Επισης, επιτελους, φτιαξανε το χρονο οταν εισαι queue για warp σε αλλο continent.



Έγινε επεξεργασία από Grisos
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  • 1 month later...

Game Update 37 Victory Conditions!

Victory Points 

Continents will no longer be captured by alerts and territory control alone! Victory Points are a new method of scoring within the game. If your faction earns the required number of Victory Points, then the continent is yours! The continental VP scoreboard is shown at the top of the Map screen. Mousing over each faction will bring up the “Points to Victory” window, which breaks down progress and overall score. 

There are a numbers of ways to earn VP: 

Permanent Victory Points 

Link your warpgate to enemy warpgate = +1 VP 

Link your warpgate to both enemy warpgates simultaneously = Continental Victory/Lock 

Capture all Techplants = +1 VP 

Capture all Amp Stations= +1 VP 

Capture all Biolabs = +1 VP 

Capture all major facilities (Amp, Bio, Tech) simultaneously = Continental Victory/Lock 

Win Alerts = +2 VP 

Flux Victory Points 

Capturing more than 45% of a continent’s territory can earn you “Flux” Victory Points. Flux Victory Points count toward continental victory, but can be won/lost with the territory you control/lose. 

Percentage of Territory controlled: 

45% = +1 VP 

50% = +1 VP 

55% = +1 VP 

60% = +1 VP 

65% = +1 VP 

70% = +1 VP 

75% = +1 VP 

80% = +1 VP 

85% = +1 VP 

90% = +1 VP (Continental Victory) 

Continent Benefit Changes 

Hossin Benefit – 50% off MAXs has been removed, controlling Hossin will now provide vehicle and aircraft repairs at friendly ammo resupply towers/pads. 

Facility Benefit Changes 

AMP Station Benefit 

Allows facility turrets to fire for much longer before overheating; also allows facility turrets to auto repair over time. 

BioLab Benefit 

Auto heal rate has been increased significantly. 

New Bounty Directive 

Awards a “Bounty Hunter” title and the NS-15 Gallows LMG as the final tier reward. 

LMG Changes 


ADS moving CoF remains 0.4 (same as Live) 

ADS movement modifier to 0.5, from 0.75 

ADS CoF recoil to 0.04, from 0.05 

Horizontal recoil to 0.22/0.22, from 0.2/0.225 

Horizontal tolerance to 0.8, from 0.9 

Standing hipfire to 2.5, from 2.75 

Moving hipfire to 3.25, from 3.5 

Projectile velocity to 540, from 570 

Short and long reloads to 3.0/3.44, from 3.28/3.655 


ADS moving CoF remains 0.4 (same as Live) 

ADS movement modifier to 0.5, from 0.75 

ADS CoF recoil to 0.04, from 0.05 

Horizontal recoil to 0.22/0.22, from 0.2/0.225 

Horizontal tolerance to 0.8, from 0.9 

Standing hipfire to 2.5, from 2.75 

Moving hipfire to 3.25, from 3.5 

Projectile velocity to 540, from 570 

Decreased heat bleedoff speed by 20% 

SVA-88 & SVA-88 GG 

ADS movement modifier to 0.5, from 0.75 

Horizontal recoil to 0.2/0.2, from 0.2/0.225 

Horizontal tolerance to 0.8, from 0.9 

Vertical recoil to 0.4, from 0.44 

Pulsar LSW 

Can now equip Extended Magazines 

First Shot Multiplier to 1.6, from 2.45 

ADS CoF recoil to 0.04, from 0.05 

VX29 Polaris 

Maximum damage range to 20m, from 10m 

Recoil angle to 17/17, from 17/20 


Moving ADS CoF to 0.35, from 0.4 


Horizontal tolerance to 0.6, from 0.75 

Vertical recoil to 0.4, from 0.44 


First Shot Recoil Multiplier to 2.2, from 2 

Horizontal recoil to 0.18, from 0.175 

Standing hipfire to 2.75, from 3 

Moving hipfire to 3.5, from 3.75 

Projectile velocity to 570, from 600 


Maximum damage range to 20m, from 10m 

Horizontal recoil to 0.18/0.18, from 0.2/0.2 

NC6 Gauss Saw 

Moving Aim Down Sights CoF to 0.4, from 0.5 


Standing hipfire to 2.75, from 3 

Moving hipfire to 3.5, from 3.75 

T16 Rhino 

Maximum damage range to 20m, from 10m 

First Shot Recoil Multiplier to 1.5, from 2 


Moving ADS CoF to 0.35, from 0.4 

T32 Bull 

Reserve ammunition to 240, from 180 

Horizontal recoil to 0.18, from 0.2 


Horizontal tolerance to 0.7, from 0.8 

T9A Butcher 

Added Spinup - Rate of Fire from 750 to 780 over 0.3 seconds. 

Crouching hipfire to 3, from 3.5 

Crouching moving hipfire to 3.5, from 4 

Standing hipfire to 3.5, from 4 

Moving hipfire to 4, from 4.5 


You can now set multiple bounties on a target at once. 

Skill line trees are back! (*there is a known issue where some weapons are listed multiple times and/or bring up a different weapon to unlock then what is listed*) 

All facilities and outposts should now be using the new capture UI that went live on large outposts a few weeks ago. 

Fixed an issue that would cause the bounty counter on the HUD to display "x0". 

Fight for Flight decals are now only viewable in the inventory of the appropriate faction. 

Deployed Sunderers should once again properly display their no deploy zones to other friendly Sunderers and show on their minimaps.

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